Boilerplater - Bolt OO functionality onto C.


Boilerplater is an implementation detail. This documentation is partial -- enough for the curious hacker, but not a full API.



Boilerplater is a small language for describing an object oriented interface, and a compiler which generates some "boilerplate" header code allowing that interface to be used from C.

Object Model

  • Single inheritance.

  • Method dispatch using virtual tables.

Method invocation syntax.

Methods are differentiated from functions via capitalization: Dog_say_hello is a function, Dog_Say_Hello is a method.

/* Implementing function, in Dog/Chihuahua.c */
Chihuahua_say_hello(Chihuahua *self) 
    printf("Yap! Yap! Yap!\n");

/* Implementing function, in Dog/SaintBernard.c. */
StBernard_say_hello(SaintBernard *self)
    printf("Rooorf! Rooorf!\n");

/* Invoke Say_Hello method for several Dog objects. */
DogPack_greet(DogPack *self)
    u32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < self->pack_size; i++) {

Class declaration syntax

[final] [inert] class CLASSNAME [cnick CNICK] [extends PARENT] {


class Dog::SaintBernard cnick StBernard extends Dog {
    void Say_Hello(SaintBernard *self);
  • CLASS_NAME - The name of this class. The last string of characters will be used as the objects C struct name.

  • CNICK - A recognizable abbreviation of the class name, used as a prefix for every function and method.

  • PARENT - The full name of the parent class.

Memory management

At present, memory is managed via a reference counting scheme, but this is not inherently part of Boilerplater.

Namespaces, parcels, prefixes, and "short names"

There are two levels of namespacing in Boilerplater: parcels and classes.

Boilerplater classes intended to be published as a single unit may be grouped together using a "parcel" (akin to a "package" in Java). Parcel directives need to go at the top of each class file.

parcel Crustaceans cnick Crust;

All symbols generated by Boilerplater for classes within a parcel will be prefixed by varying capitalizations of the parcel's C-nickname or "cnick" in order to avoid namespace collisions with other projects.

Within a parcel, the last part of each class name must be unique.

class Crustacean::Lobster::Claw { ... }
class Crustacean::Crab::Claw    { ... } /* Illegal, "Claw" already used */

"Short names" -- names minus the parcel prefix -- will be auto-generated for all class symbols. When there is no danger of namespace collision, typically because no third-party non-system libraries are being pound-included, the short names can be used after a USE_SHORT_NAMES directive:


The USE_SHORT_NAMES directives do not affect class prefixes, only package prefixes.

/* No short names. */
crust_Lobster *lobster = crust_Lobster_new();

/* With short names. */
Lobster *lobster = Lobster_new();


The boilerplate code is written to a file with whose name is the same as the .bp file, but with an extension of ".h". C code should pound-include "Boiler/Util/Foo.h" for a class defined in "Boiler/Util/Foo.bp".


Copyright 2006-2009 Marvin Humphrey

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.