Boilerplater - Bolt OO functionality onto C.
Boilerplater is an implementation detail. This documentation is partial -- enough for the curious hacker, but not a full API.
Boilerplater is a small language for describing an object oriented interface, and a compiler which generates some "boilerplate" header code allowing that interface to be used from C.
Object Model
Single inheritance.
Method dispatch using virtual tables.
Method invocation syntax.
Methods are differentiated from functions via capitalization: Dog_say_hello is a function, Dog_Say_Hello is a method.
/* Implementing function, in Dog/Chihuahua.c */
Chihuahua_say_hello(Chihuahua *self)
printf("Yap! Yap! Yap!\n");
/* Implementing function, in Dog/SaintBernard.c. */
StBernard_say_hello(SaintBernard *self)
printf("Rooorf! Rooorf!\n");
/* Invoke Say_Hello method for several Dog objects. */
DogPack_greet(DogPack *self)
u32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < self->pack_size; i++) {
Class declaration syntax
[final] [inert] class CLASSNAME [cnick CNICK] [extends PARENT] {
class Dog::SaintBernard cnick StBernard extends Dog {
void Say_Hello(SaintBernard *self);
CLASS_NAME - The name of this class. The last string of characters will be used as the objects C struct name.
CNICK - A recognizable abbreviation of the class name, used as a prefix for every function and method.
PARENT - The full name of the parent class.
Memory management
At present, memory is managed via a reference counting scheme, but this is not inherently part of Boilerplater.
Namespaces, parcels, prefixes, and "short names"
There are two levels of namespacing in Boilerplater: parcels and classes.
Boilerplater classes intended to be published as a single unit may be grouped together using a "parcel" (akin to a "package" in Java). Parcel directives need to go at the top of each class file.
parcel Crustaceans cnick Crust;
All symbols generated by Boilerplater for classes within a parcel will be prefixed by varying capitalizations of the parcel's C-nickname or "cnick" in order to avoid namespace collisions with other projects.
Within a parcel, the last part of each class name must be unique.
class Crustacean::Lobster::Claw { ... }
class Crustacean::Crab::Claw { ... } /* Illegal, "Claw" already used */
"Short names" -- names minus the parcel prefix -- will be auto-generated for all class symbols. When there is no danger of namespace collision, typically because no third-party non-system libraries are being pound-included, the short names can be used after a USE_SHORT_NAMES directive:
The USE_SHORT_NAMES directives do not affect class prefixes, only package prefixes.
/* No short names. */
crust_Lobster *lobster = crust_Lobster_new();
/* With short names. */
Lobster *lobster = Lobster_new();
The boilerplate code is written to a file with whose name is the same as the .bp file, but with an extension of ".h". C code should pound-include "Boiler/Util/Foo.h" for a class defined in "Boiler/Util/Foo.bp".
Copyright 2006-2009 Marvin Humphrey
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.