Search::Kinosearch::Tutorial - Kinosearch Tutorial


Search::Kinosearch has been superseded by KinoSearch. Please use the new version.


Documentation only.


The following sample code for kindexer.plx and search.cgi can be used to create a simple search engine. It requires the html presentation of the US Constitution included in the distribution for Search::Kinosearch.



### kindexer.plx -- index a collection of html files.

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Spec;
use Search::Kinosearch::Kindexer;

### In order for kindexer.plx to work, you must modify $sourcedir 
### and $mainpath.
### $sourcedir must lead to the directory containing the US 
### Constitution html files.
### $mainpath is the future location of the kindex.  
my $sourcedir = 'sample_files/us_constitution';
my $mainpath = '';

### STEP 1: Create a Kindexer object.
my $kindexer = Search::Kinosearch::Kindexer->new(
    -mainpath => $mainpath,
    -mode     => 'overwrite',

### STEP 2: Define all the fields that you'll ever need this kindex 
### to have -- because as soon as you process your first document, 
### you lose the ability to add, remove, or change the characteristics 
### of any fields.  
    -name      => 'title',
    -lowercase => 1,
    -tokenize  => 1,
    -stem      => 1,   
    -name      => 'bodytext',
    -lowercase => 1,
    -tokenize  => 1,
    -stem      => 1,   
    -name => 'url',
    -score => 0,

opendir CONSTITUTION_DIR, $sourcedir
    or die "Couldn't open directory '$sourcedir': $!";
my @files = readdir CONSTITUTION_DIR;
foreach my $file (@files) {
    next unless  $file =~ /\.html/;
    next if $file eq 'index.html';
    my $path = File::Spec->catfile($sourcedir, $file);
    open FILE, $path or die "Couldn't open file '$path': $!";

    my $content;    
        local $/; # slurp mode
        $content = <FILE>;
        close FILE;
    my $title = $content;
    warn "Couldn't isolate title in '$path'" 
        unless $title =~ s#.+<title>(.+?)</title>.+#$1#s;
    warn "Couldn't isolate bodytext in '$path'"
        unless $content =~ s#.+<div id="bodytext">(.+?)</div>.+#$1#s;
    ### Quick and dirty tag stripping.
    ### This is usually unsafe, but since we know _exactly_ what is in 
    ### these html files, we can guarantee that it works.
    $content =~ s/<.*?>//gs; 
    my $url = "/us_constitution/$file";
    ### STEP 3: Start a new document, identified by something unique
    ### (such as a URL).
    my $doc = $kindexer->new_doc($url);
    ### STEP 4: Set the value for each field.
    $doc->set_field( url       => $url   );
    $doc->set_field( title     => $title );
    $doc->set_field( bodytext  => $content   );
    ### STEP 5 Add the document to the kindex.

    ### STEP 6 Repeat steps 3-5 for each document in the collection.

### STEP 7 Finalize the kindex.


#!/usr/bin/perl -T

### search.cgi -- simple search application

use strict;
use warnings;

use CGI;
use Search::Kinosearch::KSearch;
use Search::Kinosearch::Query;

my $cgi = CGI->new;
my $q = $cgi->param('q') || '';

### In order for search.cgi to work, $mainpath must be modified so 
### that it points to the 'kindex' created by kindexer.plx 
my $mainpath = '';

### STEP 1: Create a KSearch object.
my $ksearch = Search::Kinosearch::KSearch->new(
    -mainpath      => $mainpath,
    -excerpt_field => 'bodytext',
    -num_results   => 50,

### STEP 2: Add a query to the KSearch object.
my $query = Search::Kinosearch::Query->new(
    -string    => $q,
    -lowercase => 1,
    -tokenize  => 1,
    -stem      => 1,
$ksearch->add_query( $query );

### STEP 3: Process the search.

### STEP 4: Format the results however you like.
my $report = '';
while (my $hit = $ksearch->fetch_hit_hashref) {
    $report .= qq(
        <p class="gen">
            <a href="$hit->{url}">
        <br />

$q =~ s/"/&quot;/g;

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print <<EOSTUFF;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



<title>Kinosearch: $q</title>


<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<form action="">
<h3 class="gen">Search the U.S. Constitution:</h3>
<input type="text" name="q" id="q" value="$q">
<input type="submit" value="search">


<p class="gen">
    <em>Powered by 
        <a href="">





Add advanced_kindexer.plx and advanced_search.cgi


Marvin Humphrey <marvin at rectangular dot com>


Copyright (c) 2005 Marvin Humphrey. All rights reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.