MySQL::Handler - Builds upon DBD::mysql for advanced CGI web apps


MySQL::Handler builds upon the foundation set by DBI and DBD::mysql to create a superset of methods for tying together some of the basic interface concepts of DB management when used in a web server environment. MySQL::Handler is meant to build upon the strengths of DBD::mysql and DBI and add common usability features for a variety of Internet applications.

MySQL::Handler encapsulates error message handling, information message handling, simple caching of requests through a complete iteration of a server CGI request. You will also find some key elements that hook the CGI class to the DBI class to simplify data IO to & from web forms and dynamic pages.


# Instantiate Object
use MySQL::Handler;
my $DB = MySQL::Handler->new(dbname=>'products',dbuser=>'MySQL',dbpass=>'msqlpassword');

# Retrieve Data & List Records
$DB->PrepLEX('SELECT * FROM products');
while ($item=$DB->GetRecord()) {
    print "$item->{PROD_ID}\t$item->{PROD_TITLE}\t$item->{PROD_QTY}\n";

# Add / Update Record based on CGI Form
# assuming objCGI is an instatiated CGI object
# if the CGI param 'prod_id' is set we update
# if it is not set we add
my %cgimap;
foreach ('prod_id','prod_title','prod_qty') { $cgimap{$_} = $_; }
$DB->AddUpdate( CGI=>$objCGI     , CGIKEY=>'prod_id', 
                TABLE=>'products', DBKEY=>'prod_id',




None by default.



Create a new MySQL::Handler object.
dbname => name of the database to connect to

dbuser => MySQL user

dbpass => password for that user


Get/set the data hash - this is where data fields are stored
for the active record.   


Returns the database handle for the DB connection.


Get/set MySQL user's password.


Get/set database name.
Simple string name of the database.


Get/set MySQL username.


Returns the statement handle for the active record selection.



Adds a new record or updates an existing record in the database
depending on whether or not a specific CGI parameter has been set.

Useful for processing a posted form that contains form fields
that match data fields.   Pre-populate the form field that contains
the database key field and an update occurs.  Set it to blank and
a new record is added.

Your database key field should have a default value that is unique
and should be set as type 'PRIMARY KEY'.  We always use serial primary 
key to auto-increment our keys when adding new records.
 -- Table: xyz
    xyz_pkid    serial       primary key,
	 xyz_update  timestamp    default now(),
	 xyz_ipadd   char(32)
If a key is provided but is doesn't match anything in the existing
data then the update fails, UNLESS... CHECKKEY=> 1 in which case it
will attempt to add the record.

Your CGI->DB key hash reference should look something like this:
%mymap = ( tablefld_name => 'form_name', tablefld_ssn => 'htmlform_ssn' );
And is passed with a simple \%mymap as the hrCGIMAP parameter to this function.
Even better, name your CGI form fields the same thing as your MySQL DB field
names.  Then you can skip the map altogether and just provide the CGISTART
variable.  All fields that start with the the CGISTART string will be mapped.
Want to map every field?  Set CGISTART = '.'.
Parameters (Required)
 CGI       => a CGI object from the CGI:: module

 DBKEY     => the name of the key field within the table
              defaults to MySQL::Handler Object Property <table>!PGHkeyfld
              must be provided 
				  - or -
			     the <table>!PGHkeyfld option must have
              been setup when creating a new MySQL::Handler object

 TABLE     => the name of the table to play with

 CGISTART or hrCGIMAP must be set (see below)
Parameters (Optional)
 CGISTART  => map all CGI object fields starting with this string
              into equivalently named database fields
				  only used when hrCGIMAP is not set

 CGIKEY    => the CGI parameter name that stores the data key
              defaults to DBKEY

 CHECKKEY  => set to 1 to perform ADD if the DBKEY is not found in the

 DBSTAMP   => the name of the timestamp field within the table
              defaults to MySQL::Handler Object Property <table>!PGHtimestamp

 DONTSTAMP => set to 1 to stop timestamping
              timestamp field must be set

 hrCGIMAP  => a reference to a hash that contains CGI params as keys and
              DB field names as values

 MD5   	  => the name of the md5 encrypted field within the table
              defaults to MySQL::Handler Object Property <table>!PGHmd5

 REQUIRED  => array reference pointing to array that holds list of CGI
              params that must contain data

 VERBOSE   => set to 1 to set lastinfo() = full command string
              otherwise returns 'INSERT' or 'UPDATE' on succesful execution

 BOOLEANS  => array reference pointing to the array that holds the list
              of database field booleans that we want to force to false
				  if not set by the equivalently named CGI field
Either adds or updates a record in the specified table.

Record is added if CGI data key [1] is blank or if CHECKKEY is set
and the value of the key is not already in the database.

Record is updated if CGI data key [2] contains a value.
1 for success, get message with lastinfo()
0 for failure, get message with lasterror()


 Do DBH Command and log any errors to the log file.
	[0] = SQL command
	[1] = Die on error
	[2] = return error on 0 records affected
	[3] = quiet mode (don't log via carp)

 Set the object 'errortype' data element to 'simple' for short error messages.
 $self->data('errortype') = 'simple';
1 for success
0 for failure, get message with lasterror


Retreive a field from the specified table.
Parameters (required)
DATA     => Which data item to return, must be of form "table!field"

KEY      => The table key to lookup in the database
              Used to determine if our current record is still valid.
              Also used as default for WHERE, key value is searched for 
              in the PGHkeyfld that has been set for the MySQL::Handler object.
Parameters (optional)
WHERE	 => Use this where clause to select the record instead of the key

FORCE	 => Force Reload
The value of the field.

Returns 0 and lasterror() is set to a value if an error occurs
              lasterror() is blank if there was no error
my $objPGDATA = new MySQL::Handler::HTML ('mytable!PGHkeyfld' => 'id');
my $lookupID = '01123';
my $data = $objPGDATA->Field(DATA=>'mytable!prod_title', KEY=>$lookupID);

my $lookupSKU = 'SKU-MYITEM-LG';
my $data = $objPGDATA->Field(DATA=>'mytable!prod_title', WHERE=>"sku=$lookupSKU");


Retrieves the record in a hash reference with uppercase field names.

rtype not set or set to 'HASHREF',
Calls fetchrow_hashref('NAME_uc') from the specified SQL statement.

rtype not set or set to 'ARRAY',
Calls fetchrow_array() from the specified SQL statement.

rtype not set or set to 'ITEM',
Calls fetchrow() from the specified SQL statement.
[0] or -name     select from the named statement handle,
                 if not set defaults to the last active statement handle

[1] or -rtype    'HASHREF' (default) or 'ARRAY' or 'ITEM' - type of structure to return data in

[2] or -finish   set to '1' to close the named statement handle after returning the data
the hashref or array or scaler on success
0 for failure, get message with lasterror


Retrieve the latest error produced by a MySQL::Handler object.
The error message


Retrieve the latest info message produced by a MySQL::Handler object.
The info message


Retrieve a named statement handle
The handle, as requested.


Prepare an SQL statement and returns the statement handle, log errors if any.
Parameters (positional or named)
[0] or -cmd 	- required -statement
[1] or -exec	- execute flag (PREPLE) or die flag (PREPLEX)
[2] or -die		- die flag     (PREPLE) or null     (PREPLEX)
[3] or -param	- single parameter passed to execute 
[4] or -name	- store the statement handle under this name
1 for success


Same as PrepLE but also executes the SQL statement
Parameters (positional or named)
[0] or -cmd 	- required -statement
[1] or -die		- die flag     (PREPLE) or null     (PREPLEX)
[2] or -param	- single parameter passed to execute 
[3] or -name	- store the statement handle under this name
1 for success


Quote a parameter for SQL processing via
the DBI::quote() function

Sets the data handle if necessary.


Using these methods without understanding the implications of playing with their
values can wreak havoc on the code.  Use with caution...


Internal function to set data handles
Returns Data Handle

If you don't want the MySQL username and password
littering your perl code, create a subclass that
overrides SetDH with DB specific connection info.


Allows for either ordered or positional parameters in
a method call AND allows the method to be called as EITHER
an instantiated object OR as an direct class call.
[0] - self, the instantiated object
[1] - the class we are looking to instantiate if necessary
[2] - reference to hash that will get our named parameters
[3] - an array of the names of named parameters 
      IN THE ORDER that the positional parameters are expected to appear
[4] - extra parameters, positional or otherwise
Populates the hash refered to in the first param with keys & values
An object of type class, newly instantiated if necessary.
 sub MyMethod() {
 	my $self = shift;
	my %options;
		$self = SetMethodParms($self,'MYCLASS::SUBCLASS', \%options, [PARM1,PARM2,PARM3], @_ );
	print $options{PARM1} if ($options{PARM2} ne '');
	print $options{PARM3};


Prepare a hash reference for mapping CGI parms to DB fields
typically used with AddUpdate() from MySQL::Handler.
hrCGIMAP 	- reference to hash that contains the map
CGI 			- the CGI object
CGISTART 	- map all fields starting with this text
CGIKEY 		- the cgi key field
BOOLEANS 	- address to list of boolean fields
@boolist = qw(form_field1 form_field2);
$item->CGIMap(CGI => $objCGI, hrCGIMAP=>\%cgimap, CGISTART=>'cont_', CGIKEY=>'cont_id', BOOLEANS=>\@boolist);


Some methods allow for parameters to be passed in via both positional and named formats.
If you decide to use named parameters with these "bi-modal" methods you must prefix the
parameter with a hyphen.

# Positional Example
use MySQL::Handler;
my $DB = MySQL::Handler->new(dbname=>'products',dbuser=>'MySQL',dbpass=>'pgpassword');
$DB->PrepLEX('SELECT * FROM products');

# Named Example
use MySQL::Handler;
my $DB = MySQL::Handler->new(dbname=>'products',dbuser=>'MySQL',dbpass=>'pgpassword');
$DB->PrepLEX(	-cmd	=>	'SELECT * FROM products'	);


# Instantiate Object
use MySQL::Handler;
my $DB = MySQL::Handler->new(dbname=>'products',dbuser=>'MySQL',dbpass=>'pgpassword');

# Retrieve Data & List Records
$DB->PrepLEX('SELECT * FROM products');
while ($item=$DB->GetRecord()) {
	print $item->{PROD_ID}\t$item->{PROD_TITLE}\t$item->{PROD_QTY}\n";

# Add / Update Record based on CGI Form
# assuming objCGI is an instatiated CGI object
# if the CGI param 'prod_id' is set we update
# if it is not set we add
my %cgimap;
foreach ('prod_id','prod_title','prod_qty') { $cgimap{$_} = $_; }
$DB->AddUpdate( CGI=>$objCGI     , CGIKEY=>'prod_id', 
                TABLE=>'products', DBKEY=>'prod_id',


Lance Cleveland, Advanced Internet Technology Consultant
Contact for more info.


Charleston Software Associates (CSA) is and advanced internet technology
consulting firm based in Charleston South Carolina.   We provide custom
software, database, and consulting services for small to mid-sized

For more information, or to schedule a consult, visit our website at


Like the script and want to contribute?  
You can send payments via credit card or bank transfer using
PayPal and sending money to our PayPal address.


(c) 2006, Charleston Software Associates
This script is covered by the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
View the license at
or at


 v2.1 - Apr 2006
      Fixed problem with SetDH - database handle management

 v2.0 - Feb 2006
      Moved CGI::Carp outside of the package to prevent perl -w warnings

 v1.9 - Feb 2006 (yup, already)
      Update Field() to prevent SIGV error when WHERE clause causes error on statement
		Field() now returns 0 + lasterror() set to value if failed execute
		            returns fldval + lasterror() is blank if execution OK

 v1.8 - Feb 2006
      MySQL::Handler created from Postgres::Handler module