# do we build the OpenGL/OpenGLQ stuff
# (rather than have these 2 modules do it themselves)
# try and find out whether we should build the OpenGL/Mesa stuff
# - first check is to dump win32 systems
$gl_build = 0; $gl_msg = ""; $gl_dir = "";
if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
$gl_msg = unsupported('PDL::Graphics::TriD::OpenGL(Q)','win32');
} else {
# default locations:
@check_dirs = ('/lib/','/usr/lib/','/usr/local/lib/');
@openGL_dirs = grep s/^-L//g, split(' ',$PDL_CONFIG{OPENGL_LIBS});
# append locations from perldl.conf, if specified:
@check_dirs = ( @check_dirs, @openGL_dirs )
if( defined $PDL_CONFIG{OPENGL_LIBS} );
my $lib = ""; # Gets the first lib found...
my @patterns = ("GL.a","GL.so","MesaGL.a","MesaGL.so");
foreach $dir (@check_dirs) {
last if $gl_build;
$h = "${dir}/lib";
map { $lib = "${h}$_" if -e "${h}$_"; } @patterns;
if( $lib ) {
$gl_dir = $dir;
$gl_build = 1;
## Check for Mesa GLAPI hassles --CED 21-Nov-2003
unless( defined $PDL_CONFIG{OPENGL_DEFINE} ) {
if `strings $lib | grep mesa | head -1`;
$gl_msg = "skipping build of TriD::OpenGL(Q) modules - unable to find libs"
unless $gl_build;
} # if: OS == win32
@subdirs = qw( Rout VRML );
if ( $gl_build ) { @subdirs = ( @subdirs, qw( OpenGL OpenGLQ ) ); }
else { print " $gl_msg\n\n" unless $gl_build; }
$PDL_CONFIG{GL_BUILD} = $gl_build; # record for Config.pm
NAME => "PDL::Graphics::TriD",
'VERSION_FROM' => '../../Basic/Core/Version.pm',
DIR => [@subdirs],