PDL::Graphics::OpenGL -- a PDL interface to the OpenGL graphics library. PDL::Graphics::OpenGLOO - an Object Oriented interface to the interface.
This package implements an interface to various OpenGL or OpenGL emulator libraries. Most of the interface is generated at PDL compile time by the script opengl.pd which runs the c preprocessor on various OpenGL include files to determine the correct C prototypes for each configuration. The object oriented interface defines an Object which contains the Display, Window and Context properties of the defined OpenGL device. Any OpenGL function called from the OO interface will recieve these fields from the object, they should not be passed explicitly.
This package is primarily intended for internal use by the PDL::Graphics::TriD package, but should also be usable in its own right.
Returns a new OpenGL object with attributes specified in the options field. These attributes are:
x,y - the position of the upper left corner of the window (0,0)
width,height - the width and height of the window in pixels (500,500)
parent - the parent under which the new window should be opened (root)
mask - the user interface mask (StructureNotifyMask)
attributes - attributes to pass to glXChooseVisual
default options for object oriented methods
OO interface to XPending
OO interface to XResizeWindow
OO interface to glpXNextEvent
OO interface to the glpRasterFont function
If the function is not prototyped in OO we assume there is no explicit mention of the three identifying parameters (Display, Window, Context) and try to load the OpenGL function.