Changes for version 0.2401 - 2016-02-25
- Other Changes
- Removed no longer used dependency.
- Documentation
- Improved some documentation wording.
- Stats & Dependency Changes
- 29 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
- (run req) - MooseX::SetOnce
Public transport graphing
The command line interface
Display routes for all pairs of stations
Display installed maps
Make a visualization using GraphViz2
Display lines in the map
Convert a Map::Metro map into a Map::Tube map
Search in a map
Show all stations in a map
Internal Moose
Event emitter for hooks
Exceptions for Map::Metro
An entire graph
Connects two stations on a line
Meta information about a line
A station on a specific line
A sequence of line stations
A collection of routes between two stations
All lines between two neighboring stations
Information about a station
The movement from one station to the next in a route
Moving between two stations without a connection between them
Hook into Map::Metro
Prints a routing
Prints stations as they are parsed
How to make your own map
Easily load a map file
Type library for Map::Metro