Changes for version 1.5
- Added Address option, thanks to Meng Wong.
- Added on_disconnect() state, thanks to Meng Wong.
- Imported into personal CVS.
- RCS file: /storage/cvsroot/perl/cwest/POE-Component-SMTP/Changes,v Working file: Changes head: 1.2 branch: locks: strict access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 2; selected revisions: 2 description:
- revision 1.2 date: 2003/02/02 23:11:06; author: cwest; state: Exp; lines: +130 -4 Updated Changes
- revision 1.1 date: 2003/02/01 22:01:56; author: cwest; state: Exp;
SMTP Protocol Implementation
SMTP Protocol Filter