Changes for version 1.2 - 2001-08-28
- Overall:
- This release has a number of substantial changes. If you're upgrading, please read 'UPGRADE' in the distribution directory.
- Multiple datastore handles:
- You can now setup and use multiple datastore (including DBI) handles for objects, so your data can be in as many databases as you require. This entails changes to your server configuration file even if you're not using this feature, please see the entry for 'conf/sample-server.perl' below.
- Tighter Template Toolkit support:
- OpenInteract now includes a Template Toolkit provider to deliver templates from the filesystem or database, as well as a TT Plugin to provide more consistent (and extensible) template behavior functions. If you're upgrading you need to run a script to translate old templates to new.
- LDAP support:
- LDAP can now be used as a datastore. Thanks to MSN Marketing Service Nordwest GmbH for funding development! See doc/LDAP.html for more information about setting up and using LDAP.
- DBI session support consolidated:
- All DBI session management uses one class now; if you're upgrading, see the entry for 'conf/sample-server.perl' below for a configuration modification
- Multiple datastore handles:
- Individual:
- conf/sample-httpd_static.conf:
- Allow the front-end proxy server to deal with '/robots.txt' requests. (Also with '/default.ida' Code Red requests...)
- conf/sample-httpd_modperl.conf:
- Add pointer to the standalone mod_perl configuration file
- conf/sample-httpd_modperl_solo.conf:
- Create new configuration file for running OpenInteract in a standalone mod_perl environment (no proxy frontend). Thanks to Stephen Adkins <> for pointing out the usefulness of this.
- conf/sample-server.perl:
- Overall: Lots of changes were made to the sample configuration. If you're upgrading it might be a good idea to open the sample configuration and your existing configuration side-by-side, copying values from your existing configuration to the sample as appropriate.
- See UPGRADE for specific changes.
- eg/
- Added standalone script to translate old templates to new templates. This only works on files in the filesystem, and you shouldn't need to run it for system packages.
- allow users to put OI under different location root -- note that we DO NOT rewrite outbound URLs yet; this just ensures that if OI is under <Location /oi> that a request for '/oi/User/' gets mapped to the '/User/' action
- paranoid inclusion of stash/other module 'require' calls
- removed method _connect_to_database(). Datastore (DBI and LDAP) connections are now made on demand (in OpenInteract::Request) rather than all at the beginning of a request. The first time a handle is needed the connection is made, thereafter it's kept in the stash class.
- removed method _setup_context() since it was a relic of a group_context scheme attempted a while ago. We might bring it back but there's no reason to have it around now.
- OpenInteract/
- Set the result of $user->id rather than $user->{user_id} into the session after a successful login. (Thanks to Andreas Nolte.)
- OpenInteract/Error/
- Put 'package' with all templates being called.
- OpenInteract/
- Created central class to connect/bind to LDAP directories
- OpenInteract/
- Updated 'check()' -- called from 'oi_manage check_package' -- to determine if data import files are valid Perl data structures (also added 'read_data_file()' for this purpose)
- Modified 'check()' to pass the right directory to read the package configuration
- Updated 'check()' -- called from 'oi_manage check_package' -- to determine if the templates in a package are syntactically valid. This doesn't mean they'll do what you want, only that they'll parse.
- OpenInteract/
- Updated to enable both DBI and LDAP handles to be requested (and stored in the stash) by a connection key.
- Moved connection logic from to here so we can return DBI and LDAP connections on demand rather than creating them all at once.
- OpenInteract/Session/
- Added functionality to detect when we're using MySQL as a session store and put the extra parameter ('LockHandle') in.
- OpenInteract/Session/
- Removed. Use 'OpenInteract::Session::DBI' for all DBI session management now.
- OpenInteract/
- Removed 'global_db_handle()' and moved to OI/SPOPS/ Note that ALL objects previously using 'OpenInteract::SPOPS' should now use 'OpenInteract::SPOPS::DBI'.
- OpenInteract/SPOPS/
- Created subclass of OI::SPOPS specifically for objects using SPOPS::DBI
- OpenInteract/SPOPS/
- Created subclass of OI::SPOPS specifically for objects using SPOPS::LDAP
- OpenInteract/
- Created new data transformation 'transform_default_to_id' that allows you to tag fields in your data import and specify values for these fields that are keys in the 'default_objects' hash in your server configuration. See pkg/base_group-x.xx/data/install_security.dat for an example.
- OpenInteract/
- Added deprecation warnings (will remove the class soon).
- OpenInteract/Template/
- Added deprecation warnings (will remove the class soon).
- OpenInteract/Template/
- Added new class: Added custom context so we can avoid the TT template naming syntax of 'prefix::thingy'
- OpenInteract/Template/
- Added new class: Take all the behaviors out of OI::T::Toolkit, add some new ones, revisit the old ones, add lots of documentation.
- OpenInteract/Template/
- Added new class: Port the 'handler()' and 'initialize()' methods from OI::T::Toolkit
- OpenInteract/Template/
- Added new class: Move all the file-or-object finding stuff from OI::Template here, plus take advantage of TT caching, compiling, etc.
- OpenInteract/UI/
- Updated to use base template name in 'package::name' format. This way your base template doesn't need to be in the 'base_theme' package.
- script/oi_manage
- Added (and documented!) new action 'update_object', which simply fetches all instances of a particular object class and saves them. This is useful if you've implemented a schema change that needs a 'save()' to activate a trigger which fills data. For instance, a 'last_update' field gets triggered by a save -- by running this action you automatically set all objects to a known value. Another example would be if your objects use the indexing feature of the full_text package -- just run this action and the index will be automatically updated.
- Modified 'test_db' action to check multiple datasources
- Added (and documented!) new action 'test_ldap' which tests all LDAP connections configured for a particular website.
- Ensure that 'check_package' can check multiple packages at once (using the '--package_dir' parameter to specify the root of a series of packages)
- You can now run separate actions with 'install_sql' using the new '--sql_action' parameter. This allows people who need to do so to run the 'structure', 'data' and 'security' steps individually. (Docs added for this too!)
- Added (and documented!) new action 'list_objects' which lists all the objects that can be created in a website.
- script/
- Created script to translate old templates (using OpenInteract::Template and OpenInteract::Template::Toolkit) to new templates (OpenInteract::Template::Plugin). You must run this to make your templates work properly.
- Many packages have changed between versions 1.1 and 1.2. Please see the 'Changes' file in each to find out what was modified.
- OpenInteract 1.1 -> 1.2
- base: 1.52 -> 1.60 base_box: 0.23 -> 0.30 base_component: 1.23 -> 1.25 base_error: 1.22 -> 1.30 base_group: 1.16 -> 1.25 base_security: 1.33 -> 1.45 base_template: 1.18 -> 1.27 base_theme: 1.18 -> 1.26 base_user: 1.23 -> 1.34 results_manage: 0.02 -> 0.02 static_page: 1.40 -> 1.49 system_doc: 1.19 -> 1.24 classified: 1.19 -> 1.28 full_text: 1.25 -> 1.26 news: 1.27 -> 1.33
- conf/sample-httpd_static.conf:
A robust web application framework built to run under Apache and mod_perl
Manage OpenInteract websites and packages
mod_perl handler to process all OpenInteract requests
Central module to call for initializing an OpenInteract website
Authenticate the user object and create its groups
caches objects so we do not need to do a database fetch each time
Implement caching in the filesystem
Implement caching of metadata via IPC for quick access
centralized configuration information
Subclass OpenInteract::Config to read/write information from/to a perl file
handler to parse/output cookies from/to the client using Apache::Cookie
handler to parse/output cookies from/to the client using CGI::Cookie
Centralized connection location to DBI databases
Provide central holding location for Interact errors
Catches all errors and dispatches to proper handler
Catalog of system error handlers
Define task-dispatching, security-checking and other routines for Handlers to use
Centralized connection location to LDAP directories
Perform actions on individual packages
Operations to represent, install, remove and otherwise manipulate package repositories.
container for request info and output
Define common behaviors for all SPOPS objects in the OpenInteract Framework
Common SPOPS::DBI-specific methods for objects
Common SPOPS::LDAP-specific methods for objects
Dispatcher for installing various SQL data from packages to database
Implement session handling in the framework
Create sessions within a DBI data source
Bootstrapper that reads in modules, manipulates @INC, etc.
Provide a custom context for templates in OpenInteract
Retrieve templates for the Template Toolkit
Process OpenInteract templates
Retrieve templates for the Template Toolkit
The primary user interface assembly 'conductor'
Package of routines that do not really fit anywhere else
Handler for this package
SQL installer for this package
Default stash class and an example of what one looks like
- conf/sample-MANIFEST.SKIP
- conf/sample-action.perl
- conf/sample-apache.dat
- conf/sample-base.conf
- conf/sample-doc-titles
- conf/sample-dummy-template.meta
- conf/sample-dummy-template.tmpl
- conf/sample-httpd_modperl.conf
- conf/sample-httpd_modperl_solo.conf
- conf/sample-httpd_static.conf
- conf/sample-package.conf
- conf/sample-package.pod
- conf/sample-server.perl
- conf/sample-spops.perl
- conf/
- doc/sample-action-perl.html
- doc/sample-httpd-modperl.html
- doc/sample-httpd-static.html
- doc/sample-server-perl.html
- doc/sample-spops-perl.html
- eg/fruit-0.07.tar.gz
- eg/