Changes for version 1.41 - 2002-08-13
- Individual:
- Makefile.PL:
- Changed 'Email::Valid' prereq to 'Mail::RFC822::Address', since the latter is available on Win32.
- Add call to OpenInteract::Auth->custom_handler() after the other authentication methods have been run.
- OpenInteract/
- Move the custom method as declared in the server configuration to stand on its own rather than after the user logs in successfully. We also renamed a few configuration keys in the 'login' group.
- OpenInteract/
- Fixed bug in wizard_search() that was not getting the search results back properly due to a malformed argument capture. (Thanks to Bill Heckel ( for spotting it.)
- Fixed bug in _search_build_where_clause() so that we properly handle searches with multiple values for a single criterion. (Thanks to Ewald Hinrichs ( for the bug report.)
- OpenInteract/
- Added documentation for connection parameter 'db_name'. Thanks to Drew Taylor ( for the prod.
- OpenInteract/
- In 'package.conf' file, allow 'Module::Foo||Module::Bar||...' syntax to specify alternative modules that can be used for the same purpose. For instance, Win32 does not have an install of Email::Valid, so we use 'Email::Valid||Mail::RFC822::Address' and allow the code that uses this module to use either of them.
- OpenInteract/
- Refactor some of the initialization code. Specifically, remove some functionality regarding the classes tracked to be required en masse and put it in separate methods. Also move this tracking until AFTER the global overrides have been processed.
- OpenInteract/Template/
- New parameter for date_format(): a true value for 'fill_nbsp' will fill all whitespace in the formatted string with ' '
- OpenInteract/Template/
- Allow for package templates to be stored in sitewide template area. These templates should be used for customization since the package may get upgraded and the templates overwritten. This means instead of modifying the template:
- $WEBSITE_DIR/pkg/mypkg/template/foo.tmpl
- You probably want to modify:
- $WEBSITE_DIR/template/mypkg/foo.tmpl
- Since the former will be overwritten with an upgrade to 'mypkg'.
- Allow templates with the name spec '::foo_template' to be pulled properly from the sitewide template directory
- Allow for package templates to be stored in sitewide template area. These templates should be used for customization since the package may get upgraded and the templates overwritten. This means instead of modifying the template:
- conf/sample-server.ini, conf/sample-server.perl:
- Rename configuration keys:
- 'login.custom_login_handler' => 'login.custom_handler' 'login_custom_login_method' => 'login.custom_method'
- Add configuration key:
- 'login.custom_fail_method'
- Rename configuration keys:
- Makefile.PL:
- Packages updated:
- OpenInteract 1.40 -> 1.41
- base: 1.67 -= 1.67 base_box: 0.45 -= 0.45 base_component: 1.30 -= 1.30 base_error: 1.42 -= 1.42 base_group: 1.36 -= 1.36 base_page: 0.98 -= 0.98 base_security: 1.57 -= 1.57 base_template: 1.31 -= 1.31 base_theme: 1.33 -= 1.34 base_user: 1.55 -= 1.57 lookup: 0.20 -= 0.20 object_activity: 0.18 -= 0.19 results_manage: 0.08 -= 0.08 system_doc: 1.29 -= 1.29 classified: 1.35 -= 1.35 full_text: 1.31 -= 1.31 news: 1.39 -= 1.39
A robust web application framework built to run under Apache and mod_perl
Manage OpenInteract websites and packages
mod_perl handler to process all OpenInteract requests
Central module to call for initializing an OpenInteract website
Authenticate the user object and create its groups
caches objects so we do not need to do a database fetch each time
Implement caching in the filesystem
Implement caching of metadata via IPC for quick access
Base class that with a few configuration items takes care of many common operations
centralized configuration information
Process global override settings for a set of configuration directives
Read/write INI-style (++) configuration files
Read/write information from/to a perl file
handler to parse/output cookies from/to the client using Apache::Cookie
handler to parse/output cookies from/to the client using CGI::Cookie
Centralized connection location to DBI databases
Provide central holding location for Interact errors
Catches all errors and dispatches to proper handler
Catalog of system error handlers
Define task-dispatching, security-checking and other routines for Handlers to use
Centralized connection location to LDAP directories
Perform actions on individual packages
Operations to represent, install, remove and otherwise manipulate package repositories.
container for request info and output
Define common behaviors for all SPOPS objects in the OpenInteract Framework
Common SPOPS::DBI-specific methods for objects
Common SPOPS::LDAP-specific methods for objects
Dispatcher for installing various SQL data from packages to database
Implement session handling in the framework
Create sessions within a DBI data source
Create sessions within a filesystem
Create sessions within a SQLite data source
Bootstrapper that reads in modules and initializes the environment
Provide a custom context for templates in OpenInteract
Custom OpenInteract functionality in templates
Process OpenInteract templates
Retrieve templates for the Template Toolkit
The primary user interface assembly 'conductor'
Package of routines that do not really fit anywhere else
Handler for this package
SQL installer for this package
Default stash class and an example of what one looks like
in OpenInteract/Config/
in OpenInteract/Session/
- conf/sample-MANIFEST.SKIP
- conf/sample-action.perl
- conf/sample-apache.dat
- conf/sample-base.conf
- conf/sample-doc-titles
- conf/sample-dummy-template.meta
- conf/sample-dummy-template.tmpl
- conf/sample-httpd_modperl.conf
- conf/sample-httpd_modperl_solo.conf
- conf/sample-httpd_static.conf
- conf/sample-override_spops.ini
- conf/sample-package.conf
- conf/sample-package.pod
- conf/sample-server.ini
- conf/sample-server.perl
- conf/sample-spops.perl
- conf/
- doc/sample-action-perl.html
- doc/sample-httpd-modperl.html
- doc/sample-httpd-static.html
- doc/sample-server-perl.html
- doc/sample-spops-perl.html
- eg/fruit-0.09.tar.gz
- eg/