Revision history for Perl extension OpenInteract.
1.52 Mon Sep 16 16:19:33 EDT 2002
Add note about admin users and caching.
When cleaning up the content and TT caches, set the permissions
on the directories to 0777 so the webserver doesn't complain about
not being able to write to the cache.
Fix VERSION so it's newer than 1.50. (How this got downgraded is
anyone's guess... probably a pasted VERSION converter w/o a
commit.) Thanks to merlyn, as usual.
If the user is an admin, we neither read from nor write to the
If the action parameter 'skip_cache' is set, we neither read from
nor write to the cache.
Package updates: none
1.51 Sun Sep 8 23:07:24 EDT 2002
conf/sample-server.ini, conf/sample-server.perl:
See UPGRADE for details on these:
o Add configuration keys '' and
o Rename keys '' and ''
o Delete keys 'cache_info.ipc.*' and ''
Create introduction to caching in OI.
Modify how we setup the cache -- what parameters are used,
etc. (Part of caching implementation.)
Rewrite big chunks of class. Caching now uses an OI object rather
than just class methods that can grab an cache implementation
object from the ether.
Rewrite to reflect new caching changes, plus use Cache::FileCache
rather than the ancient File::Cache. Get rid of old AUTOLOAD stuff.
Create caching and cache checking methods for subclasses. You can
use these if your module subclasses this class OR if it subclasses
OpenInteract::CommonHandler. See intro to caching
(doc/caching.html) and POD for this class.
Only return a non-empty session. (Probably unnecessary, but just
to be sure...)
Fix 'box_add' so that it passes the 'remove' parameter properly
Return a better error message if we can't find a template in
Add deprecation message for commands dealing with templates.
Packages updated:
OpenInteract 1.50 -> 1.51
base: 1.70 -> 1.70
base_box: 1.00 -> 1.01
base_error: 1.43 -> 1.43
base_group: 1.37 -> 1.37
base_page: 1.00 -> 1.00
base_security: 1.58 -> 1.58
base_template: 2.21 -> 2.21
base_theme: 1.35 -> 1.35
base_user: 1.58 -> 1.58
lookup: 1.00 -> 1.00
object_activity: 1.00 -> 1.00
results_manage: 1.00 -> 1.00
system_doc: 1.32 -> 1.32
classified: 1.36 -> 1.36
full_text: 1.32 -> 1.32
news: 1.40 -> 1.48
1.50 Mon Aug 26 01:37:23 EDT 2002
Templates are now only stored in the filesystem, and browser-based
template editing is back online. If you currently store templates
in the filesystem you'll need to run a migration script. See docs
in the 'base_template' package for more information.
Component handler has moved from the 'base_component' package to
the main distribution. The 'base_component' package is no longer
Documentation updates: much of the docs from the 'base' package are
now in HTML in the main docs.
conf/sample-server.ini, conf/sample-server.perl:
Add new mandatory keys 'system_alias.site_template' and
'system_alias.sitetemplate' (See UPGRADE for more info)
Remove key 'template_info.source' as it's no longer needed
Change key 'system_alias.component' to
'OpenInteract::Component'. (This is MANDATORY; see UPGRADE for more
doc/actions.html; doc/templates.html; doc/packages.html;
doc/configuration.html; doc/r_contents.html;
Move documentation from 'base' package to sitewide doc
Move documentation from 'base_component' package to sitewide doc
Merge changes made by Ben Avery <> to bring the
document up-to-date.
Only change the 'class' property of action configuration files if
it's 'OpenInteract::Handler::Foo' rather than just
In check(), include all files from 'template' that are not
backups or meta files.
OpenInteract/, OpenInteract/Template/
Removed files; these have been deprecated for a long time. Adios!
Ripped out all template fetching routines since this logic is now
in OpenInteract::SiteTemplate (in the base_template package).
Packages updated:
OpenInteract 1.41 -> 1.50
base: 1.67 -> 1.70
base_box: 0.45 -> 1.00
base_error: 1.42 -> 1.43
base_group: 1.36 -> 1.37
base_page: 0.98 -> 1.00
base_security: 1.57 -> 1.58
base_template: 1.31 -> 2.21
base_theme: 1.34 -> 1.35
base_user: 1.57 -> 1.58
lookup: 0.20 -> 1.00
object_activity: 0.19 -> 1.00
results_manage: 0.08 -> 1.00
system_doc: 1.29 -> 1.32
classified: 1.35 -> 1.36
full_text: 1.31 -> 1.32
news: 1.39 -> 1.40
1.41 Tue Aug 13 07:28:10 EDT 2002
Changed 'Email::Valid' prereq to 'Mail::RFC822::Address', since
the latter is available on Win32.
Add call to OpenInteract::Auth->custom_handler() after the other
authentication methods have been run.
Move the custom method as declared in the server configuration to
stand on its own rather than after the user logs in
successfully. We also renamed a few configuration keys in the
'login' group.
Fixed bug in wizard_search() that was not getting the search
results back properly due to a malformed argument capture. (Thanks
to Bill Heckel ( for spotting it.)
Fixed bug in _search_build_where_clause() so that we properly
handle searches with multiple values for a single
criterion. (Thanks to Ewald Hinrichs (
for the bug report.)
Added documentation for connection parameter 'db_name'. Thanks to
Drew Taylor ( for the prod.
In 'package.conf' file, allow 'Module::Foo||Module::Bar||...'
syntax to specify alternative modules that can be used for the same
purpose. For instance, Win32 does not have an install of
Email::Valid, so we use 'Email::Valid||Mail::RFC822::Address' and
allow the code that uses this module to use either of them.
Refactor some of the initialization code. Specifically, remove
some functionality regarding the classes tracked to be required en
masse and put it in separate methods. Also move this tracking until
AFTER the global overrides have been processed.
New parameter for date_format(): a true value for 'fill_nbsp'
will fill all whitespace in the formatted string with ' '
Allow for package templates to be stored in sitewide template
area. These templates should be used for customization since the
package may get upgraded and the templates overwritten. This means
instead of modifying the template:
You probably want to modify:
Since the former will be overwritten with an upgrade to 'mypkg'.
Allow templates with the name spec '::foo_template' to be pulled
properly from the sitewide template directory
conf/sample-server.ini, conf/sample-server.perl:
Rename configuration keys:
'login.custom_login_handler' => 'login.custom_handler'
'login_custom_login_method' => 'login.custom_method'
Add configuration key:
Packages updated:
OpenInteract 1.40 -> 1.41
base: 1.67 -> 1.67
base_box: 0.45 -> 0.45
base_component: 1.30 -> 1.30
base_error: 1.42 -> 1.42
base_group: 1.36 -> 1.36
base_page: 0.98 -> 0.98
base_security: 1.57 -> 1.57
base_template: 1.31 -> 1.31
base_theme: 1.33 -> 1.34
base_user: 1.55 -> 1.57
lookup: 0.20 -> 0.20
object_activity: 0.18 -> 0.19
results_manage: 0.08 -> 0.08
system_doc: 1.29 -> 1.29
classified: 1.35 -> 1.35
full_text: 1.31 -> 1.31
news: 1.39 -> 1.39
1.40 Tue May 7 08:54:49 EDT 2002
OpenInteract runs on Oracle! Many thanks to Ben Avery
<> for patient debugging and installs.
There is one caveat, at least for the time being: you need to use
something else to store your sessions. The new
OpenInteract::Session::File and OpenInteract::Session::SQLite
implementations may help -- you also have the option of implementing
with another DBI database.
Package configuration customization is much easier now -- you can
centralize your modifications in a single file that doesn't get
overwritten with package upgrades. See
OpenInteract::Config::GlobalOverride notes below and module for
Different session storage is now available through
OpenInteract::Session::File and OpenInteract::Session::SQLite. See
more below.
Add note about the override_spops.ini file while discussing
changing the SPOPS driver.
Create file with sample override rules you can use. This file
gets copied into the $WEBSITE_DIR/conf file whenever you run a
'create_website', but upgraders can copy it manually.
Ensure we pass along parameters to the relevant method whenever
we fail a task. This ensures that the initial security (etc.) gets
passed along as well. This is still a little messy, but it should
work. Thanks to Sloan Seaman for bringing up the issue.
Fix documentation of _edit_customize() so it's testing for the
right thing. (Thanks to Sloan again.)
Add class to process overriding rules for configuration
directives. This enables you to make changes to lots of
configuration items from one place, overriding the values in a
package's 'conf/spops.perl', for example, so you don't have to run
'oi_manage change_spops_driver' every time you upgrade the package.
Note that if you use this along with the 'insert_alter' directives,
you must upgrade to SPOPS 0.60, since this feature is new as of
that version.
When running check(), stick the package dir at the head of @INC
so there's no ambiguity about where the tested modules are coming
from. (For instance, if you have the website templib directory in
@INC for whatever reason.)
Allow a datasource to be specified in the server
configuration. So you could use a "heavy" database (like Oracle)
for most of your application while using a "light" database (like
MySQL) for your sessions.
Improve documentation for existing features and add docs for new
Add implementation for using the filesystem as a session store.
Add implementation for using a SQLite database as a session
store. (Note that this uses the fairly new Apache::Session::SQLite
CPAN module, YMMV.)
Modify how we store and retrieve object tracking information
since it's now a normal SPOPS object. Previous interfaces should
still hold, except for 'fetch_creator()' which returns a single
object (or undef) instead of an arrayref.
Add translations for Oracle, SQLite and InterBase.
Change %%INCREMENT%% for Postgres from 'SERIAL' to 'INT NOT
NULL'. Rather than relying on the Postgres auto-sequence naming
code, we're going to create our own sequences to be consistent with
Oracle. (See UPGRADE for upgrade notes.)
If relevant files are present, apply
OpenInteract::Config::GlobalOverride to SPOPS and action table once
they're generated but before they're processed.
Fixed message returned by initialize_request() on error (Thanks
to Sloan Seaman for the spot)
Copy over 'conf/sample-override_spops.ini' to website when
'create_website' run.
Packages updated:
OpenInteract 1.39 -> 1.40
base: 1.63 -> 1.67
base_box: 0.44 -> 0.45
base_component: 1.30 -> 1.30
base_error: 1.39 -> 1.42
base_group: 1.32 -> 1.36
base_page: 0.90 -> 0.98
base_security: 1.54 -> 1.57
base_template: 1.27 -> 1.31
base_theme: 1.29 -> 1.33
base_user: 1.49 -> 1.55
lookup: 0.20 -> 0.20
object_activity: 0.11 -> 0.18
results_manage: 0.07 -> 0.08
system_doc: 1.29 -> 1.29
classified: 1.32 -> 1.35
full_text: 1.30 -> 1.31
news: 1.33 -> 1.39
1.39 Mon Mar 4 07:45:35 EST 2002
Fix typo in setup_theme() when checking to see whether we should
cache the session object. Thanks to Andreas Nolte for pointing out.
For objects using security: add get_security_scopes() to override
the method in SPOPS::Secure so we can return the user and groups
without hitting the database. Big thanks to Andreas Nolte for
pointing this out -- this can potentially be a huge savings on
database hits.
Packages updated:
OpenInteract 1.38 -> 1.39
base: 1.63 -> 1.63
base_box: 0.43 -> 0.44
base_component: 1.30 -> 1.30
base_error: 1.39 -> 1.39
base_group: 1.32 -> 1.32
base_page: 0.89 -> 0.90
base_security: 1.54 -> 1.54
base_template: 1.27 -> 1.27
base_theme: 1.29 -> 1.29
base_user: 1.49 -> 1.49
lookup: 0.20 -> 0.20
object_activity: 0.11 -> 0.11
results_manage: 0.07 -> 0.07
system_doc: 1.29 -> 1.29
classified: 1.32 -> 1.32
full_text: 1.30 -> 1.30
news: 1.33 -> 1.33
1.38 Mon Feb 25 22:27:22 EST 2002
You can now tell OI to cache the user, group and theme objects in
the user session. The objects will get refreshed based on the
settings in the server config. Thanks to Andreas Nolte
<> for the idea and a sample
Small changes to the CommonHandler to add more flexibility
The deprecated 'static_page' package is no longer distributed with
Added configuration keys session_info->cache_user,
session_info->cache_group, session_info->cache_theme. The value for
each key is the length of time (in minutes) the object can be
cached in the user session.
If session_info->cache_theme set to a positive value, cache the
theme in the user's session
If session_info->cache_user set to a positive value, cache the
user object in the user session (only if logged in, etc.)
If session_info->cache_group set to a positive value, cache the
group object in the user session (only if logged in, etc.)
Added _edit_post_action_customize() and
_remove_post_action_customize() to perform actions after a
successful edit or remove.
information to the SPOPS fetch_iterator() call. Thanks to Ewald
Hinrichs <> for the suggestion.
Changed how the $template object gets initialized: if the
'cache_tt' directory is undefined, we ensure that the COMPILE_DIR
and COMPILE_EXT settings in $template are also undefined so TT does
no compiling to disk. Thanks to John Sequeira <>
for pointing out that compiling couldn't be turned off.
In test_db_connection(), swap the $@ check and $db check around
after the initial connect, and instead of the simple test for
existence of $db, check to see that it's a valid DBI handle -- that
is, isa('DBI::db') (Thanks to John Sequeira <> for
Packages Changed:
The 'Changes' file in each package has details.
OpenInteract 1.37 -> 1.38
base: 1.63 -> 1.63
base_box: 0.42 -> 0.42
base_component: 1.30 -> 1.30
base_error: 1.39 -> 1.39
base_group: 1.32 -> 1.32
base_page: 0.77 -> 0.89
base_security: 1.54 -> 1.54
base_template: 1.27 -> 1.27
base_theme: 1.29 -> 1.29
base_user: 1.47 -> 1.49
lookup: 0.20 -> 0.20
object_activity: 0.10 -> 0.11
results_manage: 0.07 -> 0.07
system_doc: 1.29 -> 1.29
classified: 1.32 -> 1.32
full_text: 1.30 -> 1.30
news: 1.33 -> 1.33
static_page: 1.53 -> removed
1.37 Fri Jan 18 17:34:59 EST 2002
The base_page package now includes support for directory handlers,
which allows you to step in at a directory request and generate
specific content for that request. (Previously, index support was
only for setting a filename to be used, much like DirectoryIndex in
Time-expired sessions are now supported -- just add the key
'session_info'->'expires_in' to your server configuration and set it
to the number of minutes an inactive session should last. (Setting it
to 0/undef == forever)
General bugfixes
Structure changes:
You'll need to drop the table 'content_type' and add it again if
you upgrade a website to the newest 'base_page' package. You can add
the table again using:
$ oi_manage install_sql --package=base_page
Will do it (along with issuing a number of errors, but that's ok).
Added notes about directory permissions
Add Class::Accessor and dependencies
Added definition for 'combined' log, thanks to suggestion from
Bill Moseley <>
Added configuration key 'session_info'->'expires_in' so you can
control session inactivity expiration
Added the key 'template_info'->'cache_size' to control how many
templates TT will keep cached in memory
Updated default actions to refer to 'page' instead of 'basicpage'
(Thanks to Andreas Nolte <> for
pointing this out.)
Added configuration key 'session_info'->'expires_in' so you can
control session inactivity expiration
Added the key 'template_info'->'cache_size' to control how many
templates TT will keep cached in memory
Comment out the 'increment_field' key (if you append a config to
the bottom you'll get errors) Thanks to Sloan Seaman for the spot.
Clear out the stack of exceptions in SPOPS::Exception if 0.56 is
being used.
Add 'check_database()' step that is called before any interaction
with the database. This way we should be able to ensure the
connection is up and provide a decent error message rather than the
'Themes not functioning' one.
Win32 wasn't starting up properly due to when we were putting the
config info in the OpenInteract package. Fixed -- thanks to John
Sequeira <> for reporting the bug
MY_REMOVE_DISPLAY_TASK so that the modules can have better control
over what happens on success or failure.
create() now passes a true value for 'is_new_object' in addition
to a true value for 'edit' so that show() can do the right thing.
so a module can define the max number of results that can be
returned from a search, and if too many are returned can run a
custom task. (See docs for more info.)
Added MY_SEARCH_FAIL_TASK so that modules can have better control
over what happens when a search fails.
In check() added new check to conf/spops.perl file to ensure that
every key in the configuration points to a hashref. (Thanks to
Sloan Seaman for the spot.)
Added checks to export() to check for existing
file/directory. (Thanks to Sloan Seaman for suggesting.)
Add method 'is_session_valid()' that is called every time we
create a new session. Currently it checks the
'session_info'->'expires_in' key of the server configuration to see
if the session has expired after n minutes of inactivity.
Enable an option to be passed to create_temp_lib -- we check to
see if it's set to 'lazy' and if so, we don't try to recreate the
temporary lib dir if it already exists.
Update _clean_attachment_filename() to first remove the website
base directory from the filename, then go through the
relative/absolute checks. Otherwise you wind up with something
Fix 'list_actions' and 'list_objects' so that we create an entire
static environment as opposed to just the configuration (sets up
the temporary lib directory properly); also, use the newly-created
'lazy' option so that we don't try to recreate the lib dir if it
already exists (this might change)
Updated 'test_db_connection()' to ensure a database handle is
returned and to wrap $db->disconnect() in eval {} to trap any
errors (and report them in the status)
Widget for displaying a file upload in a row
Added support for setting the border in the inner table (Thanks
to Bill Heckel <> for the patch.)
Packages changed. The 'Changes' file in each package has details.
OpenInteract 1.36 -> 1.37
base: 1.63 -> 1.63
base_box: 0.41 -> 0.42
base_component: 1.30 -> 1.30
base_error: 1.37 -> 1.39
base_group: 1.30 -> 1.32
base_page: 0.40 -> 0.77
base_security: 1.53 -> 1.54
base_template: 1.27 -> 1.27
base_theme: 1.29 -> 1.29
base_user: 1.45 -> 1.47
lookup: 0.18 -> 0.20
object_activity: 0.10 -> 0.10
results_manage: 0.06 -> 0.07
system_doc: 1.28 -> 1.29
classified: 1.32 -> 1.32
full_text: 1.30 -> 1.30
news: 1.33 -> 1.33
static_page: 1.52 -> 1.53
1.36 Sat Dec 1 12:55:16 EST 2001
Two bugfixes in core modules -- no package changes.
Fixed call in remove() which made the id_field() call against the
wrong class, and added a stub for _remove_customize() (Thanks to
Andreas Nolte <> for pointing these
Added MASK argument to mkdir() (optional in 5.6.1, not in 5.5.x;
thanks to Randal for pointing this out)
1.35 Thu Nov 29 00:46:51 EST 2001
Lots of configuration file changes. (PLEASE read the 'UPGRADE' file
to ensure you get all the changes.) You can now use a .ini-style
configuration file instead of the perl data structure file. (Hint:
one is a lot easier to read.) The perl-structure config file was also
modified quite a bit, and many files throughout OI modified to
accommodate the changes. The changes included backward compatibility
where possible, so it should be transparent to use an old-style
(perl) configuration file with the newer releases.
Added 'object_activity' package to browse object activity
logs. Hopefully this won't encourage any latent bigbrotherish
tendencies you might have...
The new package 'base_page' replaces 'static_page'. The new package
allows you to edit files in the filesystem and keep the metadata
(title, authors, boxes, etc.) in the database while keeping the
content elsewhere. Not only can you can also use it to
manage non-HTML files (PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, tarballs, etc.), but
you can also use its aliasing and URL-mapping features to link to or
bring in content from other locations on your site or anywhere on the
web. (The URL-mapping is still crude, but it works.) A migration
script is provided.
Modified the Apache startup procedures so we have a single, non
anonymous child initialization subroutine. This requires small
modifications to your Apache configuration -- see 'UPGRADE' for
Get rid of the monster @INC, re-creating a temporary library
directory on every server restart.
Moved 'template_ext' ==>
Moved 'default_connection_db' ==>
Moved 'default_connection_ldap' ==>
Moved 'error_object_class' ==>
Moved 'default_error_handler' ==>
Moved 'smtp_host' ==>
Moved 'admin_email' ==>
Moved 'content_email' ==>
Reverse and flatten the 'system_alias' hashref. For instance:
OpenInteract::Auth => [ qw/ auth auth_user auth_group / ]
auth => 'OpenInteract::Auth',
auth_user => 'OpenInteract::Auth',
auth_group => 'OpenInteract::Auth',
Moved 'action'->'_default_action_info' ==>
Moved 'action'->'_notfound' ==>
Moved 'action'->"''" ==>
Moved 'stash_class' ==>
Moved 'request_class' ==>
Moved 'website_name' ==>
Added 'login'->'always_remember' to give sites the option of
always remembering logins
Fixed html bug noticed by Drew Taylor <>
Updated the simple example package to version 0.09. This version
works with OI 1.30+ and includes the new template widgets. Thanks to
Steven Devijver <> for prompting its revision.
Renamed 'setup_apache' to 'setup_server_interface' but kept old
method for backward compatibility
Set the content-length in send_static_file()
Rewrote much of this so that we do all SPOPS initialization in
the ChildInit handler rather than the server handler, since we were
in some cases asking for a database handle in the server and never
letting it go. (This can be bad.) See 'UPGRADE' for simple but
necessary changes to your Apache config.
Also modified the startup procedure to read and the child init
handler to write information to a package variable in lieu of using
PerlSetVar in the configuration file. (Encountered some nastiness
on Solaris under 5.005_03/1.3.22/1.26 and the PerlSetVar items not
being there. Whatever.)
Tell OI::Startup to copy all the relevant package files on
server* startup, since it modifies @INC
Added 'is_admin()' which checks to see if the user is an
administrator. By default this is defined as being the superuser or
being a member of the 'site admin' group. You can subclass this
class, override the method and specify the class in the server
configuration to provide your own criteria for who is an
Broke the 'user()' method down into pieces so it can be
overridden more easily. (See docs for details.) Thanks to Stefano
di Sandro <> for suggesting it.
Honor the new 'login'->'always_remember' setting in the server
Reorganized documentation and added lots of it, documenting every
configuration key and customization method.
Added the 'notify()' task to send objects in human-readable
format over email
Added the 'create()' task which is just a wrapper around the
'show()' task with certain parameters checked beforehand and set.
Don't assume that the template will be a fully-qualified name, or
that a non-qualified name will be in the base_theme package. Also
add/clarify some docs.
Files copied from a base_installation package to the website
check the contents of a file in the directory (.no_overwrite)
before doing so. This way your /index.html file won't get
overwritten with each new base_page upgrade.
Add copy_modules() method, which copies all the modules from both
a website pkg directory and its base pkg directory to a temporary
library location.
Removed the html_encode and html_decode methods; they're in the
template plugin, and if you really need them elsewhere you can call
the HTML::Entities methods by hand.
rename 'ruleset_add' -> 'ruleset_factory'
Added 'discover_fields' SPOPS::ClassFactory behavior, which
allows you to leave the 'field' key in your object configuration
blank and have it filled at run-time. To use it you must set the
'field_discover' key to 'yes' in your object configuration.
Add create_temp_lib() method to create a temporary library
directory, asking each of the packages to copy their relevant
module files there.
Remove code that relied on putting all the package directories in
@INC, and add an extra call to setup_static_environment() to copy
the modules for all packages in a website to a temporary library,
which is also put in @INC. (For Apache the call to copy is in
Fixed dumb POD error that prevented 'perldoc' from working
(identified itself as OI::Template::Provider in the head - doh!)
Add 'is_admin' property to the template plugin that returns
whether the current user is an administrator. (See
OpenInteract/ for what this means.)
Add 'server_config' property which returns the results of
$R->CONFIG to a template.
Properly catch when we weren't passed content.
Enable a file in the $WEBSITE_DIR/template directory to specify
which templates oi_manage should never overwrite during a
'refresh_widget' command. (This file is created when you create a
website to include the base_main and base_simple templates.)
Don't test for 'VERSION' anymore when doing an upgrade, since the
version is now pulled from
When creating a new website, mark in .no_overwrite the
html/index.html file so it won't be overwritten by package
upgrades. Also mark the template/base_main and template/base_simple
When installing SQL, call OI::Startup->create_temp_lib() directly;
other actions that use the full OI environment don't have to do this
because it's called in setup_static_environment(), which we can't do
when installing SQL due to bootstrapping issues.
Moved the base template and the base 'simple' template (for
popups and such) from the 'base_theme' package to the server
root. That way they will not get overwritten every time you update
the package.
Moved these error messages from the base_error package to the
global template directory so they're easier to customize for your
Other widget template files had changes too minor to note here.
Packages changed:
OpenInteract 1.30 -> 1.35
base: 1.62 -> 1.63
base_box: 0.33 -> 0.41
base_component: 1.30 -> 1.30
base_error: 1.32 -> 1.37
base_group: 1.26 -> 1.30
base_page: n/a -> 0.40
base_security: 1.51 -> 1.53
base_template: 1.27 -> 1.27
base_theme: 1.27 -> 1.29
base_user: 1.37 -> 1.45
lookup: 0.15 -> 0.18
object_activity: n/a -> 0.10
results_manage: 0.05 -> 0.06
system_doc: 1.25 -> 1.28
classified: 1.28 -> 1.32
full_text: 1.27 -> 1.30
news: 1.33 -> 1.33
static_page: 1.51 -> 1.52
1.30 Mon Oct 15 01:35:03 EDT 2001
New Class: OpenInteract::CommonHandler
Common web apps (search form, search, display, edit, remove) can
now be reduced to a series of configuration steps and templates
while still allowing for custom behavior. This makes for very
maintainable code and rapid development. See the 'classified'
package for an example that uses it.
Custom template behaviors:
It's now simple to define custom template behaviors across all
templates in a website. A package can define plugins or blocks via
its configuration. And a website can also step in make variables
available to every template.
Template performace:
Templates are now cached properly, and by default they're
compiled as well. This can provide a dramatic performance
boost. Also, OpenInteract works flawlessly with the new
Template::Stash::XS module, which itself makes templates run up to
twice as fast. (Be sure to use version 2.05b or higher of TT.)
Template widgets:
You can now use common simple widgets to represent display
elements. They are entirely optional and use the existing Template
Toolkit framework (e.g., 'PROCESS form_text( ... )') for
implementation, including being compiled and cached. See
'doc/template_widgets.html' for initial documentation on this.
New Package: lookup
New package 'lookup' allows you to specify parameters for a
particular object in your action table and have that object be
editable in a table format. This is intended for easily editing
lookup tables, since you normally want to be able to edit many
values at one time.
Added 'no_promotion' -- if you set it to true we don't send a
'X-Powered-By' header.
Added 'content_email' - address for a content administrator
Added 'template_info'->'custom_variable_class' and
'template_info'->'custom_variable_method'. Allows each website to
define a handler that can step in just before every template is
processed and modify the variables sent to the template. (See
Added 'template_info'->'custom_init_class' and
'template_info'->'custom_init_method'. Allows each website to
define a handler that can step in just before the template object
is initialized and modify its configuration.(See
Added 'dir'->'cache_tt' key (Template Toolkit caching directory)
Added 'template_info'->'compile_cleanup' -- set to true if you want
the compile directory cleaned up on server restart
Added 'template_info'->'compile_ext' -- set the extension for
compiled TT files -- only real propeller-heads might want to do
this :-)
Added a three fields ('login'->'custom_login_method',
'box'->'system_box_method', 'box'->'custom_box_method') so you can
control the method used with
a custom class; this is completely backward compatible, since the
default is always 'handler'
updated sample to use 'OpenInteract::SPOPS::DBI' instead of
updated sample handler with slightly modified comments; modified
how the template is called
Added self-promoting 'X-Powered-By' header. Set 'no_promotion' in
server configuration file to true value to override.
Changed content handler to an object handler (with '($$)'
declaration), changed all methods to class methods (with
non-private names) and added documentation about the method names
used in case anyone wants to subclass the handler with their own
Jochen Lillich <> noticed that we weren't
making the first connection (in ApacheStartup) properly; it didn't
really hurt anything, but it left a nasty warning message. Fixed.
Cleanup the Template Toolkit compile directory on server restart
if new configration key 'template_info'->'compile_cleanup' is true
Fixed subtle bug when using CGI::Cookie -- setting a cookie
expiration to the empty string ('') results in CGI::Cookie issuing
an expired cookie; setting it to undef results in a transient
(browser-session-based) cookie.
Added a 'not-logged-in' user -- it's created automatically when
there's no user saved via the session and no login information
found. It's a transient rather than saved user and has no access
Custom login handler can now have a custom method, so you don't
have to use 'handler' (see config addition for this as well).
Created base handler for most tasks (search form, search,
display, edit, remove) so that many actual handlers will just need
to specify configuration options. This is extremely cool -- see
docs for implementation.
Option 'trace_level' now avaialble to initialize the database
handle using the 'trace()' method.
Updated docs to include all options that are processed.
You can now specify 'template_plugin', 'module' and (to be used
soon) 'filter' in the package.conf file; 'module' will be checked
when the package is installed to the base installation directory --
if you do not have a module the package won't get installed;
'template_plugin' and 'filter' are (or will be) used later in OI
process (see OI/Template/
In 'check()', TT complains (rightly) if we do a syntax check and
a particular plugin isn't loaded; capture these errors and don't
complain if they pop up.
In 'check()', TT complains (rightly) if we do a syntax check and
a particular file isn't accessible when you have an INCLUDE or
PROCESS; since these are frequently used with the new widgets,
capture these errors and don't complain if they pop up.
In 'check()', perform syntax check on all files in 'widget/'
When creating an archive with 'export()', die if the archive
already exists.
In 'install_to_website()', install all the 'widget/*' files to
the $WEBSITE_DIR/template directory
In '_copy_spops_config_file()' (called when you apply or upgrade a
package), check the website configuration when copying over the
'creation_security' hashref for each SPOPS object so we can modify
the public and site admin group IDs used. (Thanks to Andreas Nolte
<> for pointing this out and putting it
higher on the TODO list...)
Files copied during package-to-website should not be read-only
Added new transformation activated by 'transform_to_now' in your
data file. (Thanks to Jochen Lillich <> for
Create $R during main_initialize() and put the stash class in
there so we have normal access to the datasource during SPOPS
configuration, which is needed if you're using the 'DiscoverField'
behavior. (Hopefully it won't screw anything up with parent/child
sharing issues, particular wrt DBI handles.)
Modify create_config() and read_base_config() so that we can just
pass in a website_dir and get back a configuration.
Added strftime reference for date_format() template behavior
Added 'use_main_template()' so that templates can modify the main
template used
initialize() (called from OpenInteract::Request on the first
request for the template object) now asks each package in the
website if it has any template plugins (specified in
'template_plugin' of each 'package.conf' file) and installs them.
initialize() also asks each package if it has any BLOCKs to be
defined (specified in 'template_block' of each 'package.conf' file)
and installs them.
You can define a handler in your server configuration which sets
options passed to 'Template->new()'. This allows you to define a
global set of BLOCKs and have them always be available.
In addition you can define custom behavior that can be called
just before a template is processed. This includes adding
behaviors, plugins, or whatnot to the variables available to a
Fixed OpenInteract::Template::Provider initialization so it's
actually getting the right values. (Duh!) This means caching
works now.
Use $CONFIG->get_dir( 'cache_tt' ) for the default Template
Toolkit compiling directory.
Process file globs properly; clean up the code a bit to make more
Clean up the compiled filename a little to not have odd ('::')
Enable 'send_mail()' to take and process attachments that are
located underneath the website directory; add documentation for
this option as well as more examples of usage.
Add 'template', 'mail' and 'uploads' to list of directories
created when you run 'create_website'; removed 'email'
Add 'cache' and 'cache/tt' to list of directories created when
you run 'create_website'
Modify how/when install_sql creates database handles. (This still
needs some work, but it should be ok for now.)
Create a $CONFIG object when doing apply_package or
upgrade_package and pass it to the install_to_website() method of
Packages changed:
OpenInteract 1.21 -> 1.30
base: 1.60 -> 1.62
base_box: 0.30 -> 0.33
base_component: 1.25 -> 1.30
base_error: 1.30 -> 1.32
base_group: 1.25 -> 1.26
base_security: 1.46 -> 1.51
base_template: 1.27 -> 1.27
base_theme: 1.26 -> 1.27
base_user: 1.34 -> 1.37
lookup: n/a -> 0.15
results_manage: 0.02 -> 0.05
static_page: 1.49 -> 1.51
system_doc: 1.24 -> 1.25
classified: 1.28 -> 1.28
full_text: 1.26 -> 1.27
news: 1.33 -> 1.33
1.21 Wed Aug 29 15:10:27 EDT 2001
Quick bugfix release: browser-based security editing doesn't work with
the package base_security-1.45, which was shipped with OI 1.2. Bug
fixed and this version ships with base_security-1.46.
Added {login}->{custom_login_handler} key
Added ability to define custom login behavior by specifying a
custom login handler in the configuration. Thanks to Stefano
<> for the idea.
Packages changed:
OpenInteract 1.2 -> 1.21
base_security: 1.45 -> 1.46
1.2 Tue Aug 28 17:20:44 EDT 2001
This release has a number of substantial changes. If you're upgrading,
please read 'UPGRADE' in the distribution directory.
Multiple datastore handles:
You can now setup and use multiple datastore (including DBI)
handles for objects, so your data can be in as many databases as
you require. This entails changes to your server configuration file
even if you're not using this feature, please see the entry for
'conf/sample-server.perl' below.
Tighter Template Toolkit support:
OpenInteract now includes a Template Toolkit provider to deliver
templates from the filesystem or database, as well as a TT Plugin
to provide more consistent (and extensible) template behavior
functions. If you're upgrading you need to run a script to
translate old templates to new.
LDAP support:
LDAP can now be used as a datastore. Thanks to MSN Marketing
Service Nordwest GmbH for funding development! See doc/LDAP.html
for more information about setting up and using LDAP.
DBI session support consolidated:
All DBI session management uses one class now; if you're
upgrading, see the entry for 'conf/sample-server.perl' below for a
configuration modification
Allow the front-end proxy server to deal with '/robots.txt'
requests. (Also with '/default.ida' Code Red requests...)
Add pointer to the standalone mod_perl configuration file
Create new configuration file for running OpenInteract in a
standalone mod_perl environment (no proxy frontend). Thanks to
Stephen Adkins <> for pointing out
the usefulness of this.
Overall: Lots of changes were made to the sample
configuration. If you're upgrading it might be a good idea to open
the sample configuration and your existing configuration
side-by-side, copying values from your existing configuration to
the sample as appropriate.
See UPGRADE for specific changes.
Added standalone script to translate old templates to new
templates. This only works on files in the filesystem, and you
shouldn't need to run it for system packages.
allow users to put OI under different location root -- note that
we DO NOT rewrite outbound URLs yet; this just ensures that if OI
is under <Location /oi> that a request for '/oi/User/' gets mapped
to the '/User/' action
paranoid inclusion of stash/other module 'require' calls
removed method _connect_to_database(). Datastore (DBI and LDAP)
connections are now made on demand (in OpenInteract::Request)
rather than all at the beginning of a request. The first time a
handle is needed the connection is made, thereafter it's kept in
the stash class.
removed method _setup_context() since it was a relic of a
group_context scheme attempted a while ago. We might bring it back
but there's no reason to have it around now.
Set the result of $user->id rather than $user->{user_id} into the
session after a successful login. (Thanks to Andreas Nolte <>)
Put 'package' with all templates being called.
Created central class to connect/bind to LDAP directories
Updated 'check()' -- called from 'oi_manage check_package' -- to
determine if data import files are valid Perl data structures (also
added 'read_data_file()' for this purpose)
Modified 'check()' to pass the right directory to read the
package configuration
Updated 'check()' -- called from 'oi_manage check_package' -- to
determine if the templates in a package are syntactically
valid. This doesn't mean they'll do what you want, only that
they'll parse.
Updated to enable both DBI and LDAP handles to be requested (and
stored in the stash) by a connection key.
Moved connection logic from to here so we can
return DBI and LDAP connections on demand rather than creating them
all at once.
Added functionality to detect when we're using MySQL as a session
store and put the extra parameter ('LockHandle') in.
Removed. Use 'OpenInteract::Session::DBI' for all DBI session
management now.
Removed 'global_db_handle()' and moved to OI/SPOPS/ Note
that ALL objects previously using 'OpenInteract::SPOPS' should now
use 'OpenInteract::SPOPS::DBI'.
Created subclass of OI::SPOPS specifically for objects using
Created subclass of OI::SPOPS specifically for objects using
Created new data transformation 'transform_default_to_id' that
allows you to tag fields in your data import and specify values for
these fields that are keys in the 'default_objects' hash in your
server configuration. See
pkg/base_group-x.xx/data/install_security.dat for an example.
Added deprecation warnings (will remove the class soon).
Added deprecation warnings (will remove the class soon).
Added new class: Added custom context so we can avoid the TT
template naming syntax of 'prefix::thingy'
Added new class: Take all the behaviors out of OI::T::Toolkit,
add some new ones, revisit the old ones, add lots of documentation.
Added new class: Port the 'handler()' and 'initialize()' methods
from OI::T::Toolkit
Added new class: Move all the file-or-object finding stuff from
OI::Template here, plus take advantage of TT caching, compiling,
Updated to use base template name in 'package::name' format. This
way your base template doesn't need to be in the 'base_theme'
Added (and documented!) new action 'update_object', which simply
fetches all instances of a particular object class and saves
them. This is useful if you've implemented a schema change that
needs a 'save()' to activate a trigger which fills data. For
instance, a 'last_update' field gets triggered by a save -- by
running this action you automatically set all objects to a known
value. Another example would be if your objects use the indexing
feature of the full_text package -- just run this action and the
index will be automatically updated.
Modified 'test_db' action to check multiple datasources
Added (and documented!) new action 'test_ldap' which tests all
LDAP connections configured for a particular website.
Ensure that 'check_package' can check multiple packages at once
(using the '--package_dir' parameter to specify the root of a
series of packages)
You can now run separate actions with 'install_sql' using the new
'--sql_action' parameter. This allows people who need to do so to
run the 'structure', 'data' and 'security' steps
individually. (Docs added for this too!)
Added (and documented!) new action 'list_objects' which lists all
the objects that can be created in a website.
Created script to translate old templates (using
OpenInteract::Template and OpenInteract::Template::Toolkit) to new
templates (OpenInteract::Template::Plugin). You must run this to
make your templates work properly.
Many packages have changed between versions 1.1 and 1.2. Please see
the 'Changes' file in each to find out what was modified.
OpenInteract 1.1 -> 1.2
base: 1.52 -> 1.60
base_box: 0.23 -> 0.30
base_component: 1.23 -> 1.25
base_error: 1.22 -> 1.30
base_group: 1.16 -> 1.25
base_security: 1.33 -> 1.45
base_template: 1.18 -> 1.27
base_theme: 1.18 -> 1.26
base_user: 1.23 -> 1.34
results_manage: 0.02 -> 0.02
static_page: 1.40 -> 1.49
system_doc: 1.19 -> 1.24
classified: 1.19 -> 1.28
full_text: 1.25 -> 1.26
news: 1.27 -> 1.33
1.1 Fri Jul 20 07:00:48 EDT 2001
Shuffled lots of modules out of the 'base' package and into the
core distribution:
As a result, also moved OpenInteract.pod to OpenInteract/Intro.pod
since 'perldoc OpenInteract' will bring up the Apache content
handler class now.
New package: 'results_manage'
A new package 'results_manage' has been added to the
distribution. This package makes it simple to persist different
types of search results from request to request to produce paged
output, exportable output, etc. The package is still quite young,
so if you have feedback please email
Updated all docs -- mostly small changes, but added patch from
Christian Lemburg ( to doc/developer.html
specifying the recommended method of package development.
Added a debugging line so we can know when a PerlChildInitHandler
is getting run (and for what child).
Thanks to a spot by Reinier Post <>, you can now
have multilevel handlers (e.g.,
'OpenInteract::Handler::Entity1::Handler1') in a package --
modified the _copy_handler_files() subroutine to use the new
_create_full_path() subroutine.
Create a _clean_package_name() subroutine that ensures a package
name can be used as a Perl namespace.
Added two methods and ruleset to accommodate new way of referring
to objects. The new method uses a table 'object_keys' (found in the
'base' package) and associates a 32-character key with an object
and class.
Currently this is only used in the modified 'full_text' package,
but we expect to change other modules that use a class and object
ID (object tracking, object security, etc.) to use this scheme
simply because it saves space and should speed up searches.
die in setup_static_environment() if we cannot read the base
configuration information properly. (Generally indicates that the
directory given wasn't a valid website directory.)
add functionality to setup_static_environment() to create the
superuser if given the password to check against.
add method 'setup_static_environment_options()' to check for log
option '--website_dir' and environment variable OIWEBSITE to pass
to 'setup_static_environment()', thus saving lots of copy-n-paste
operations around the globe.
Fixed Sourceforge bug 406291, enabling templates to be read from
the filesystem. (Paper bag fix -- just made the wrong call to fetch
the package information from the repository, and it was never
tested. Doh!)
Check the return value from $PACKAGE->create_skeleton() to see
whether the name of the package created differs from the name we
wanted to create, and let the user know if they're different.
Add the directory 'overflow' to that created by the
'create_website' process.
Add the package 'results_manage' to the list of core packages
Many packages have changed. One of the common additions has been
the use of the SPOPS::Iterator (or subclass) object to display
results, as opposed to retrieving a (potentially long) list of
objects to pass to the template. See the 'Changes' file of each
package for change details.
Here are the different versions:
OpenInteract 1.07 -> 1.1
base: 1.42 -> 1.52
base_box: 0.20 -> 0.23
base_component: 1.18 -> 1.23
base_error: 1.21 -> 1.22
base_group: 1.16 -> 1.16
base_security: 1.30 -> 1.33
base_template: 1.17 -> 1.18
base_theme: 1.17 -> 1.18
base_user: 1.21 -> 1.23
results_manage: n/a -> 0.02
static_page: 1.36 -> 1.40
system_doc: 1.19 -> 1.19
classified: 1.18 -> 1.19
full_text: 1.16 -> 1.25
news: 1.26 -> 1.27
1.07 Sun Jun 10 14:31:36 EDT 2001
This version runs on mod_perl/Win32 with a supported database.
This version now runs on PostgreSQL (version dependencies
unknown) along with Sybase ASE, Sybase ASA, and MS SQL
Server. (This is in addition to MySQL from previously.)
This version requires SPOPS 0.40, since it's the first version
which supports PostgreSQL, along with a few other items.
Hopefully debugging is more efficient -- at least when you want
to turn debugging off. All files have been changed to use the
following construction:
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 1, "..." );
so that (the relatively expensive) scrib() method doesn't even get
called if debugging isn't turned on for your app.
fixed typo in method call in remove_template() (thanks to Olaf
Stauffer <> for spotting)
tiny change so that you can call use the action name
'install-template' and 'install_template' synonymously (anyplace
you see a '_' you can also use a '-'. Note that this ONLY APPLIES
TO COMMANDS, not to parameters.
added the command 'change_spops_driver' so you can modify the
drivers (e.g., 'SPOPS::DBI::MySQL' -> 'SPOPS::DBI::Sybase') for
many objects at once.
when you run the 'upgrade_package' command, a file named
'UPGRADE' will be displayed in the status. You should put any
package-specific upgrading notes here.
ensure that the 'website_name' parameter fits our naming
conventions (thanks to Nimrod Levy <> for the catch)
the 'test_db' command now tries to create a table, which tests
whether the given user has such permissions.
ensure the user running 'install_package' has permission to write
to the base installation directory and to the base package
Added more headers to the skeleton documentation generated for a
Changed the default cookie processing class to
(change from {system_alias}->{'OpenInteract::Cookies'} to
{system_alias}->{'OpenInteract::Cookies::Apache'}), since right now
everyone is required to have Apache::Request for parameters
anyway. Unless you're running Win32, then use
{system_alias}->{'OpenInteract::Cookies::CGI'} since
Apache::Request had a few hiccups running there.
Added 'long_read_len' and 'long_trunc_ok' in the db_info key.
Added 'remember_field' to the 'login' key
Added {LongReadLen} and {LongTruncOk} as database handle
properties. **NOTE** If you're upgrading, please add something like
the following to your conf/server.perl file:
db_info => {
long_read_len => 65536,
long_trunc_ok => 0,
There are defaults defined for these but it's better to make them
explicit in your configuration.
Make various modifications to work under Win32. Primarily to
check directory specifications and to accommodate the version of
Archive::Tar that is distributed with ActivePerl.
Fix _copy_handler_files() to not replace ALL 'OpenInteract'
instances in the file/path, just the relevant one (thanks to Olaf
Stauffer <> for the spot)
Small fixes to error reporting (primarily in
Small fix so we don't copy over coderefs from the
conf/action.perl and conf/spops.perl files when installing a
package from the base installation to a website
Fixed docs for the 'find_file' method to match the
Pass the package name from 'find_file' to 'fetch_package_by_name'
in a hashref rather than by itself (duh)
OpenInteract/ added 'DEBUG()' method to get (if
available) application-level debugging and if not, to use the class
variable 'DEBUG'. This allows '$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( ... )' so
that scrib() won't get called if you're not using debugging in your
app. Cool.
OpenInteract/ Updated the object tracking save/retrieval
so that it's not using the 'oid' field any longer.
Fixed Sybase IDENTITY specification (thanks to Harry Danilevsky
<> for pointing it out)
Allow user to specify a different database type than the driver
name (useful if you're using DBD::ODBC with MS SQL Server, which
uses the SPOPS driver 'Sybase' and the DBD driver 'ODBC')
Document the 'field_type' parameter when you're specifying SQL
statements (rather than SPOPS objects) to be built with the data
files (thanks to Harry Danilevsky
<> for pointing it out)
New key in struct files: %%INCREMENT_TYPE%%. This allows you to
specify linking fields to be the same type -- for instance, an
IDENTITY field in T-SQL is NUMERIC( x, y ) while an AUTO_INCREMENT
field in MySQL is an INTEGER, as is a SERIAL (sequence) field in
PostgreSQL. (Example: 'pkg/base_group/struct/group_table.sql' and
'pkg/base_user/struct/user.sql' for the increment, then
'pkg/base_group/struct/link_table.sql' for the increment type.)
OpenInteract/ require_module() can now take either an
arrayref of classes to include or a single class to
include. (Previously only an arrayref.)
doc/database.html: Added some preliminary instructions for creating
a new database and user to work with OpenInteract -- currently only
with MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Many packages have changed. One of the larger-scale changes
resulted from renaming the 'level' field in the security object to
'security_level'. See the each individual package's 'Changes' file
for more details.
Here are the different versions:
OpenInteract 1.06 -> 1.07
base: 1.30 -> 1.42
base_box: 0.14 -> 0.20
base_component: 1.14 -> 1.18
base_error: 1.14 -> 1.21
base_group: 1.11 -> 1.16
base_security: 1.20 -> 1.30
base_template: 1.11 -> 1.17
base_theme: 1.11 -> 1.17
base_user: 1.15 -> 1.21
static_page: 1.24 -> 1.36
system_doc: 1.15 -> 1.19
classified: 1.12 -> 1.18
full_text: 1.11 -> 1.16
news: 1.15 -> 1.26
1.06 Sun Feb 25 15:16:43 EST 2001
OpenInteract/Package*: Split out previous OpenInteract/
into OpenInteract/ (SPOPS::HashFile object
representing a package respository) and OpenInteract/
(class methods operating on simple hashrefs representing individual
packages). In certain ways both are simpler and easier to
understand, and this allows you to think of and work with a package
repository as a single item rather than solely on individual packages.
This has a couple of effects:
1) GDBM is no longer used by OpenInteract. This was the primary
motivator behind the change.
2) You MUST modify all repositories from the old GDBM format to
the new format. If you run the new 'upgrade' command from
oi_manage when you download and install this distribution the base
installation repository will be translated for you. Here's a
list of commands for a manual upgrade:
> tar -zxvf OpenInteract-1.06.tar.gz
> cd OpenInteract-1.06
> perl Makefile.PL
> make
> make test
> make install
> oi_manage upgrade --base_dir=/opt/OpenInteract
And if you're using CPAN:
> perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install OpenInteract::Package
cpan> exit
> cd ~/.cpan/build/OpenInteract-1.06
> oi_manage upgrade --base_dir=/opt/OpenInteract
However, after you do this you also need to translate the website
repositories like this:
oi_manage upgrade_repository --website_dir=<website-directory>
If you want to do things the hard way, there's also a script in
the 'eg/' directory called '' which will
translate a package repository from GDBM to the new format.
3) Any code you've written that operates on packages must be
redone. Sorry about this, but hopefully not too many people have
gone scouting around the package repositories in the first place,
and the benefits outweigh the costs at this relatively early
stage of OI development.
Here's a simple example:
my $pkg = OpenInteract::Package->fetch_by_name(
{ name => 'blah',
directory => '/blah/blah' });
my $repository = OpenInteract::PackageRepository->fetch(
undef, { directory => '/blah/blah });
my $info = $repository->fetch_package_by_name({ name => 'blah' });
If you've actually done work with packages and need some help,
email Chris <> for more detailed guidelines.
script/oi_manage, OpenInteract/,
OpenInteract/, OpenInteract/ Modified
all functions dealing with packages to work with new system.
- Fixed file handling bug in revised module method
install_distribution() which checked $_ (empty) rather than
$p->{package_file}. Thanks to Takanori Ugai <>
for the catch and patch.
- Fixed new behavior of remove() which removed the directory in
addition to the entry from the repository. You can pass in 'remove'
as the third argument to have it remove the directory, otherwise
the directory is kept, which was the default behavior before the
new stuff was written.
- Added 'script/' as set of files to be copied over when applying
a package from the base installation to a website.
conf/sample-server.perl: new keys:
{session_info}->{expiration} = '+3M',
(allows you to set a default expiration time for the session
{system_alias}->{'OpenInteract::PackageRepository'} = 'repository',
(alias used to reference the repository class)
{box}->{custom_box_handler} = '',
(allows you to define a handler to be called on every request to
create/inspect/modify boxes)
You'll probably want to copy the items over into your server
configuration, although this brings up the interesting point as to
how to insert new configuration options into existing
websites. Perhaps we need a utility like that used in Win32
environments with the registry -- you can distribute a simple file
which is used by oi_manage to insert new keys into a website's
server.perl file.
- Modified format to be more readable; added more documentation.
- Mdified all calls to 'open_base_config()' to call the routine in
- Added checks for 'website_name' in the 'create_website' command,
since the parameter must refer to a valid Perl package identifier.
- Added new action 'upgrade' (just like 'install' but we don't
create a new directory)
- Added new action 'refresh_doc' (allow a website to get the
latest version of the documentation in the base installation
OpenInteract/ Modified name of parameter passed into
'read_base_config()' (shouldn't affect anyone); added
'create_base_config_filename()' so we have one place to generate
OpenInteract/ added the URL to view the object to the
email sent by notify()
doc/admin.html: Cleaned up and added some more information
Several packages were also modified, but each of these has its own
changelog for the specific changes. Many of the changes were quite
small, including conf/spops.perl modifications to accommodate
changes in SPOPS key generation (add an 'increment_field => 1' for
those classes using a MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT field).
base: 1.20 -> 1.30
base_box: 0.13 -> 0.14
base_component: 1.11 -> 1.14
base_error: 1.13 -> 1.14
base_group: 1.10 -> 1.11
base_security: 1.18 -> 1.20
base_template: 1.09 -> 1.11
base_theme: 1.09 -> 1.11
base_user: 1.14 -> 1.15
static_page: 1.21 -> 1.24
classified: 1.07 -> 1.12
full_text: 1.09 -> 1.11
news: 1.13 -> 1.15
1.05 Thu Feb 1 00:26:14 EST 2001
Added 'setup_static_environment' to OpenInteract/ -- this
makes it *incredibly* easy to setup an OI environment outside of
Apache/CGI/Web-whatever, allowing you to do data reporting, import,
export, etc.
Refactored (not 100%, but still pretty well) OpenInteract/
to be easier to understand, including breaking up longer 'meaty'
subroutines into easier-to-digest versions. Added lots of POD
documentation as well.
Added website installation message to 'oi_manage' and modified it to
display an 'INSTALL' file whenever the package is installed to a
website (either via 'upgrade' or 'apply'). This means that package
authors can alert users to potential schema change or other API
modifications and be sure that users will see this when the package
is applied/upgraded -- minimize potential user excuses :-)
The basic OpenInteract documentation (included with the Perl
distributed in 'doc/') is now copied over to the OpenInteract base
installation directory (when you do 'oi_manage install') and is
copied from there to a website's HTML directory when you create a
new one. This means that the HTML OI documentation is available when
you first fire up your browser to see your website.
Lots of modifications to many packages, including the addition of a
new package to the core OpenInteract family: base_box. Let's give
him a big hand!
1.04 Thu Dec 21 01:01:14 EST 2000
Modified OpenInteract/ to accommodate earlier versions of
Archive::Tar, which had very different interfaces. Added some more
items to the PREREQ piece of Makefile.PL and scrapped the
'INSTALLSCRIPT' option to let MakeMaker put the bin files in the
"right" place.
*NOTE -- this means you should remove all older versions of
'oi_manage' that might be someplace like '/usr/local/bin'**
We now require version 2.00 of the Template Toolkit. Version 1.06+
might still work, but it's no longer actively supported.
Modified scripts/oi_manage to implement a 'list_actions' command,
which reads in all your website action.perl files and then tells you
all the actions programmed in the system and which package the
action comes from.
Many changes to various packages -- see the changelogs for
'base', 'base_security', 'base_theme', 'static_page' and several
1.03 Nov 30 2000
Added some modifications to when you install OpenInteract and when
you create a new package (OpenInteract/;
script/oi_manage). Modified documentation in the Developer and Admin
guides as well as the two INSTALL documents; got that bulky .GIF out
of the distribution, replacing it with a slightly lame Visio
drawing (to PNG).
Relatively minor fixes to the packages news, base_error, base and
system_doc. See their 'Changes' files for more info.
Modified scripts/oi_manage to have the same semantics for
'check_package' as for 'export_package' -- that is, you can chdir to
the working directory for a package and run the command without any
parameters and have a check properly performed.
(minor) Superficial change in just about every file to modify email
'' to ''. Also changed all RCS
'$Header' tags to '$Id'.
1.02 Nov 10 2000
Package management and oi_manage routines are pretty much rock-solid
as done from informal testing. We've made new installs and websites
by the handful and everything has gone well. Added lots of overall
documentation (in the 'doc/' directory) including targeted guides
for managers, administrators and developers, plus a glossary, all in
HTML format. Eliminated a pretty evil bug in the
'OpenInteract/' file of the 'base' package which only
manifested itself when running more than one website. SQL
installation has also been smoothed out and tested in numerous
ways. Lots of other little changes (structure, format, etc.).
Also made some changes to terminology and enforced it throughout. A
'base installation' is where you first install OpenInteract (using
'oi_manage') and a 'server' is the Apache/mod_perl process. A
'website' is a particular instantiation of OpenInteract with its own
packages, namespace, etc. The definition for 'package' hasn't really
changed, but we've made a package kindasorta synonymous with 'tool',
even though a package can contain more than one tool.
1.01 Nov 3 2000
Lots of new things -- massively overhauled package management
(oi_manage and OpenInteract::Package) including scads of
documentation and the functions for package removal and upgrade
capabilities, you can check a package, get a listing of packages
installed to an application or to the base installation, and can now
create a 'skeleton' package, which should help out a little bit with
development; more documentation in the packages distributed with the
system. You can also add or dump a package's templates, test a
database connection given the configuration parameters for an
application, and (more below) install the SQL structures and data
for a package.
Added the class 'OpenInteract::DBI' which gives us a central
location for connecting to a database. Also modified how the
configuration file is setup wrt database info.
All 'module.perl' files will hereafter be known as 'action.perl' --
this is so we can better communicate the concept of the 'Action
Table' and what it means when you're developing packages and
Added lots of configuration documentation -- see all the files in
'conf/'. The 'spops.perl' and 'action.perl' files are now
well-documented and OpenInteract::Package was modified to copy these
sample files into a new package when a skeleton is created.
Also modified the 'full_text' scripts for doing certain actions from
the command-line -- these are good scripts to review if you want to
create an OpenInteract 'environment' (all the classes created and
linked, database handle and config object created, etc.) from a
script rather than from mod_perl.
Added 'OpenInteract::SQLInstall' and modified all of the packages to
use its methods as well as translated their incoming structures and
data to its format. (This was much more work than it sounds like :)
Numerous other small-to-medium fixes here and there.
1.00 Sep 28 2000
First public version. Everything is new!