Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# $Id: Component.pm,v 2.16 2002/09/16 19:53:34 lachoy Exp $
use strict;
use SPOPS::Secure qw( :level );
use Data::Dumper qw( Dumper );
$OpenInteract::Component::VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 2.16 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
use constant DEFAULT_METHOD => 'handler';
sub handler {
my ( $class, $p, $return_info ) = @_;
my $R = OpenInteract::Request->instance;
unless ( $p->{name} ) {
$R->scrib( 0, "ERROR: cannot execute component without a name!",
"Information passed in:\n", Dumper( $p ) );
return undef;
my @modified_action = $class->_modify_action( $p->{name} );
my $action_info = $R->lookup_action([ $p->{name}, @modified_action ],
{ return => 'info', skip_default => 1 });
# If we don't find a action, assume that we're simply calling a
# template with the specified name; note that if we pass in
# 'template' (like for boxes) that are in the 'pkg::template'
# format we set the 'package' key below
unless ( scalar keys %{ $action_info } ) {
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 1, "No action info returned; just using template name." );
$action_info->{name} = $p->{name};
$action_info->{template} = $p->{template} || $action_info->{name};
$action_info->{package} = $p->{package};
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 1, "Using template ($action_info->{template})",
"(package if needed: $action_info->{package})" );
unless ( $action_info->{template} or
$action_info->{class} or
ref $action_info->{code} ) {
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 1, "No relevant action info; using name ($p->{name}) as template" );
$action_info->{template} = $p->{name};
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 2, "Action_info:\n", Dumper( $action_info ) );
# If the template is not in 'pkg::template' format, set it up so
# Most of this confusing stuff is for backward compatibility; in a
# few revs we'll take it out
if ( $action_info->{template} ) {
if ( $action_info->{template} =~ /^(\w+)::(\w+)$/ ) {
$action_info->{template_name} = $action_info->{template};
$action_info->{package} = $1;
$action_info->{template} = $2;
else {
$action_info->{template_name} = join( '::', $action_info->{package}, $action_info->{template} );
$action_info->{package} ||= $action_info->{package_name};
# If the component defines a key named 'params', use that
# information as the data to feed the component. Otherwise just use
# whatever was passed in.
my $params = ( ref $p->{params} ) ? $p->{params} : $p;
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 3, "Parameters being passed to component:\n", Dumper( $params ) );
# Now that we have information for the component, go ahead and
# process it -- output goes to $html. Note that if no component
# information is specified the 'template_name' key in $action_info
# should have been specified. If no template is found then
# OpenInteract::Template will give us an error message in $html
my ( $html );
# Process the standalone template
if ( $action_info->{template_name} ) {
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 1, "Generic template action with ($action_info->{template_name})" );
$html = eval { $R->template->handler( {}, $params,
{ name => $action_info->{template_name} } ) };
# Run the code reference
elsif ( ref $action_info->{code} eq 'CODE' ) {
$html = eval { $action_info->{code}->( $params ) };
# Run the class->method call
elsif ( my $action_class = $action_info->{class} ) {
$action_info->{method} ||= DEFAULT_METHOD;
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 1, "Calling component with $action_class->$action_info->{method}" );
# Check security unless explicitly told not to
unless ( $action_info->{security} eq 'no' ) {
my $target_level = SEC_LEVEL_NONE;
( $target_level, $params->{level} ) = $class->_check_security( $action_info );
return undef unless ( $params->{level} >= $target_level );
my $method = $action_info->{method};
$html = eval { $action_class->$method( $params ) };
$R->scrib( 0, "Died with error message: $@" ) if ( $@ );
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 2, "Component generated the following:\n$html" );
# If they want the action information used by the component
# (evidenced by requesting a list of information from the call) ,
# send the content and the action info to the caller
return ( $return_info ) ? ( $html, $action_info ) : $html;
sub _check_security {
my ( $class, $action_info ) = @_;
my $R = OpenInteract::Request->instance;
no strict 'refs';
my $required_level = SEC_LEVEL_WRITE;
if ( my $verbose_level = $action_info->{security_required} ) {
$required_level = SEC_LEVEL_WRITE if ( $verbose_level eq 'WRITE' );
$required_level = SEC_LEVEL_READ if ( $verbose_level eq 'READ' );
$required_level = SEC_LEVEL_NONE if ( $verbose_level eq 'NONE' );
elsif ( $action_info->{class} ) {
my %all_levels = %{ $action_info->{class} . '::security' };
$required_level = $all_levels{ $action_info->{method} } || NOTFOUND_SECURITY;
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 1, "Checking security for component." );
my $current_level = eval { $R->secure->check_security({
security_object_class => $R->security_object,
db => $R->db,
user => $R->{auth}->{user},
class => $action_info->{class},
object_id => '0' }) };
$current_level ||= SEC_LEVEL_WRITE;
$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 1, "Target security: ($required_level); Actual: ($current_level)" );
return ( $required_level, $current_level );
# Create additional names under which we might find the action in the
# action table
sub _modify_action {
my ( $class, $action ) = @_;
my @modified = ( lc $action );
$action =~ s/[\_\-\s]//g;
push @modified, $action;
return @modified;
=head1 NAME
OpenInteract::Component - Central calling/caching module for components
A Component can be called from either a 'Static' page, from a
template, or from anything else in the system. from another content
handler. A component is called the same either way:
my $html = OpenInteract::Component->handler( $action, \%params )
my $html = $R->component->handler( $action, \%params );
within a static page, you can normally simply do (using Template
[% OI.comp( 'action', param = 'value', param = 'value' ) %]
where C<$action> is a key for looking up the actual class of the
handler in the Action Table that will generate the HTML returned to
the original caller. (See
L<OpenInteract::Template::Plugin|OpenInteract::Template::Plugin> for
the C<comp> subroutine which translates the template call into the
necessary format for this handler.)
This class basically exists as a stub to setup/automate some items for
items that are simple and do not need a whole class behind them to
implement a reusable item.
=head1 TO DO
Nothing known
=head1 BUGS
None known
=head1 SEE ALSO
I<OpenInteract Component Guide> for more information on
components. (In C<doc/> subdirectory of main distribution.)
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 intes.net, inc.. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHORS
Chris Winters <chris@cwinters.com>