Managing Search Results in OpenInteract2


my $object_list = perform_search( ... );
my $results = OpenInteract2::ResultsManage->new();
my $search_id = $results->save( $object_list );

... later, retrieve the first 50 results ...

my $search_id = $request->param( 'search_id' );
my $results = OpenInteract2::ResultsManage->new(
                             { search_id => $search_id });
my $iter = $results->retrieve({ max => 50 });

... later, retrieve results 51 - 100 ...

my $search_id = $request->param( 'search_id' );
my $results = OpenInteract2::ResultsManage->new(
                             { search_id => $search_id });
my $iter = $results->retrieve({ min => 51, max => 100 });


OpenInteract2 comes with the ability to serialize and later retrieve search results. This enables users to run large-ish searches and have the results be accessible at a later time, or in a paged result form (Page 1 of 12, results 1 - 20, etc.) without running the entire search again and ensuring that successive pages are consistent..

OpenInteract2 comes with two classes to perform these actions. The main one is OpenInteract2::ResultsManage, which serializes and retrieves the results. The other is OpenInteract2::ResultsIterator, which is an implementation of SPOPS::Iterator that works with the first class to feed results one at a time.

Currently all documentation for this service is contained in the class implementing the scheme: OpenInteract2::ResultsManage.


This module works with the 'full_text' package.


Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.


Chris Winters <>