# $Id: CommonDisplay.pm,v 1.8 2003/07/11 21:01:40 lachoy Exp $
use strict;
use Log::Log4perl qw( get_logger );
use OpenInteract2::Constants qw( :log );
use OpenInteract2::Context qw( CTX );
sub display {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $log = get_logger( LOG_ACTION );
my $fail_task = $self->param( 'c_display_fail_task' );
my $object = eval { $self->_common_fetch_object };
if ( $@ ) {
return $self->execute({ task => $fail_task });
unless ( $object->is_saved ) {
my $id = $self->param( 'c_id' );
$self->param_add( error_msg => "Object with ID $id not found" );
return $self->execute({ task => $fail_task });
# TODO: It would be nice to replace this with a '$object->is_active' ...
if ( my $active_field = $self->param( 'c_display_active_field' ) ) {
my $status = $object->$active_field();
unless ( $status =~ /^\s*(y|yes|1|true)\s*$/i ) {
my $object_class = $self->param( 'c_object_class' );
my $id = $self->param( 'c_id' );
$log->is_info &&
$log->info( "Object [$object_class] [$id] failed ",
"'active' check [Status: $status]" );
$self->param_add( error_msg => "This object is currently " .
"inactive. Please check later." );
return $self->execute({ task => $fail_task });
$log->is_debug &&
$log->debug( "Object passed 'active' check" );
# Set both 'object' and the object type equal to the object so the
# template can use either.
my $object_type = $self->param( 'c_object_type' );
my %params = ( object => $object,
$object_type => $object );
$self->_display_customize( \%params );
my $display_template = $self->param( 'c_display_template' );
return $self->generate_content(
\%params, { name => $display_template } );
my %DEFAULTS = (
c_display_fail_task => 'common_error',
sub _display_init_param {
my ( $self ) = @_;
$self->_common_set_defaults( \%DEFAULTS );
my $has_error = $self->_common_check_object_class;
$has_error += $self->_common_check_id_field;
$has_error += $self->_common_check_id;
$has_error +=
$self->_common_check_template_specified( 'c_display_template' );
if ( $has_error ) {
die $self->execute({ task => 'common_error' });
sub _display_customize { return undef }
=head1 NAME
OpenInteract2::Action::CommonDisplay - Task to display an object
# Just subclass and the task 'display' is implemented
package OpenInteract2::Action::MyAction;
use base qw( OpenInteract2::Action::CommonDisplay );
This common action supports the following tasks:
B<display> - Display a non-editable object.
=head1 DESCRIPTION FOR 'display'
The 'display' task simply retrieves a specified object and sends it to
a template. If the object checks its active status we first do that,
but we don't really do too much.
=head1 TEMPLATES USED FOR 'display'
B<c_display_template> (no default)
This it the template we send the object to. The same object can be
found in two keys: 'object' and whatever you've set C<c_object_type>
to. So a handler manipulating 'doodad' objects will find the specified
doodad in 'object' and 'doodad'.
=head1 METHODS FOR 'display'
C<_display_customize( \%template_params )>
Called just before we generate the content. You can add parameters to
C<\%template_params> so your template will see them.
=head1 CONFIGURATION FOR 'display'
These are in addition to the template parameters defined above.
=head2 Basic
B<c_object_type> ($) (REQUIRED)
SPOPS key for object you'll be displaying.
B<c_display_fail_task> ($)
Task to run if we fail to fetch the object.
Default: 'common_error'
C<c_display_active_field> ($)
If your object has a field indicating whether the object is active,
specify it here. If specified we check the object for true values
('y', 'yes', '1', 'true') -- if none match, we pass control to the
=head2 System-created parameters
B<c_object_class> ($)
SPOPS object class derived from C<c_object_type>.
C<c_id_field> ($)
ID field found from C<c_object_class>.
C<c_id> ($)
ID value used to fetch the object.
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.
=head1 AUTHORS
Chris Winters E<lt>chris@cwinters.comE<gt>