OpenInteract2::Brick::ObjectActivity - Base-64 encoded OI2 package '' shipped with distribution


oi2_manage create_website --website_dir=/path/to/site


Are you sure you even need to be reading this? If you are just looking to install a package just follow the instructions from the SYNOPSIS.

Still here? This class holds the Base64-encoded versions of package file "" shipped with OpenInteract2. Once you decode them you should store them as a ZIP file and then read them in with Archive::Zip or some other utility.

A typical means to do this is:

my $brick = OpenInteract2::Brick->new( 'object_activity' );

# there's only one resource in this brick...
my ( $pkg_name ) = $brick->list_resources;
my $pkg_info = $brick->load_resource( $pkg_name );
my $pkg_file = OpenInteract2::Util->decode_base64_and_store(

# $pkg_file now references a file on the filesystem that you can
# manipulate as normal

These resources are associated with OpenInteract2 version 1.99_06.


You can grab resources individually using the names below and load_resource() and copy_resources_to(), or you can copy all the resources at once using copy_all_resources_to() -- see OpenInteract2::Brick for details.


Copyright (c) 2005 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Chris Winters <>