OpenInteract2::Manage::Website::Create - Create a new website
use strict;
use OpenInteract2::Manage;
my $website_dir = '/home/httpd/mysite';
my $task = OpenInteract2::Manage->new(
'create_website', { website_dir => $website_dir } );
my @status = $task->execute;
foreach my $s ( @status ) {
my $ok_label = ( $s->{is_ok} eq 'yes' )
? 'OK' : 'NOT OK';
my $default_label = ( $s->{is_default} eq 'yes' )
? ' (default) ' : '';
print "Action: $s->{action}\n",
"Status OK? $s->{is_ok}\n",
Creates a new OpenInteract website. This entails creating a directory for your website and all the necessary subdirectories, plus all the packages, default configuration files, widgets, etc.
The directory specified in the 'website_dir' parameter should either not exist or be empty or the task will fail. ('Empty' in this case means 'contains none of the subdirectories we will create'.)
After running this command, you typically have to only edit some configuration files and your website can be up and running! See the file
installed to your website's root directory for more information.
In addition to the default entries, each status message may include:
- filename
The directory created or file copied over.
Additionally, you should be aware that because this task does a lot of work it generates a lot of status messages. Accordingly it also generates a few 'progress' observations along the way so you can get feedback.
Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Chris Winters <>