OpenInteract2::SessionManager::DBI - Create sessions within a DBI data source
# In your configuration file
class = OpenInteract2::SessionManager::DBI
impl_class = Apache::Session::MySQL
# Use a different datasource
[datasource session_storage]
type = DBI
driver_name = Pg
dsn = dbname=sessions
username = webuser
password = s3kr1t
sql_install =
long_read_len = 65536
long_trunc_ok = 0
class = OpenInteract2::SessionManager::DBI
impl_class = Apache::Session::Postgres
datasource = session_storage
Provide a '_create_session' method for OpenInteract2::SessionManager so we can use a DBI data source as a backend for Apache::Session.
If you want to use SQLite as a backend, see OpenInteract2::SessionManager::SQLite.
_validate_config( $session_config )
Ensure our configuration is valid.
session_info.impl_class ($) (REQUIRED)
Specify the session serialization implementation class -- e.g., Apache::Session::MySQL, Apache::Session::Postgres, etc.
session_info.datasource ($) (REQUIRED)
Specify the datasource name to use.
session_info.params (\%) (optional)
Parameters that get passed directly to the session serialization implementation class. These depend on the implementation.
_create_session( $session_config, [ $session_id ] )
Overrides the method from parent OpenInteract2::SessionManager to take a session ID and retrieve a session from the datastore. See _validate_config()
and the session implementation (e.g., Apache::Session::Postgres for configuration information.
Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Chris Winters <>