OpenInteract2::Setup::ReadSPOPSConfig - Read SPOPS object declarations from all packages


my $setup = OpenInteract2::Setup->new( 'read spops config' );


Reads in all available SPOPS class configurations from all installed packages. When we read in each configuration we perform a few additional tasks (most of them done in OpenInteract2::SPOPS and OpenInteract2::SPOPS::DBI.

  • Put the name of the SPOPS configuration into the key 'key'

  • Copy the package name and version into the action using the keys 'package_name' and 'package_version'.

  • Copy the filename from which we read the information into the key 'package_config_file'.

  • Unless it's already got a value, copy the default datasource into the key 'datasource'.

Additionally, once we read all the configurations in we:

  • Apply any global override rules.

  • Notify any configuration observers (see OpenInteract2::Config::Initializer) with an observation of type 'spops' and the SPOPS configuration hashref as arguments.

  • Assign the full set of SPOPS configuration to the context (using spops_config()).

This class does not actually intialize the SPOPS classes -- see OpenInteract2::Setup::InitializeSPOPS for that.

Setup Metadata

name - 'read spops config'

dependencies - 'read packages'




Copyright (c) 2005 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Chris Winters <>