SPOPS -- Simple Perl Object Persistence with Security
# Define an object completely in a configuration file
my $spops = {
myobject => {
class => 'MySPOPS::Object',
isa => qw( SPOPS::DBI ),
}, ...
# Process the configuration and initialize the class
SPOPS::Initialize->process({ config => $spops });
# create the object
my $object = MySPOPS::Object->new;
# Set some parameters
$object->{ $param1 } = $value1;
$object->{ $param2 } = $value2;
# Store the object in an inherited persistence mechanism
eval { $object->save };
if ( $@ ) {
my $err_info = SPOPS::Error->get;
die "Error trying to save object:\n",
SPOPS -- or Simple Perl Object Persistence with Security -- allows you to easily define how an object is composed and save, retrieve or remove it any time thereafter. It is intended for SQL databases (using the DBI), but you should be able to adapt it to use any storage mechanism for accomplishing these tasks. (An early version of this used GDBM, although it was not pretty.)
The goals of this package are fairly simple:
Make it easy to define the parameters of an object
Make it easy to do common operations (fetch, save, remove)
Get rid of as much SQL (or other domain-specific language) as possible, but...
... do not impose a huge cumbersome framework on the developer
Make applications easily portable from one database to another
Allow people to model objects to existing data without modifying the data
Include flexibility to allow extensions
Let people simply issue SQL statements and work with normal datasets if they want
So this is a class from which you can derive several useful methods. You can also abstract yourself from a datasource and easily create new objects.
The subclass is responsible for serializing the individual objects, or making them persistent via on-disk storage, usually in some sort of database. See "Object Oriented Perl" by Conway, Chapter 14 for much more information.
The individual objects or the classes should not care how the objects are being stored, they should just know that when they call fetch() with a unique ID that the object magically appears. Similarly, all the object should know is that it calls save() on itself and can reappear at any later date with the proper invocation.
Tie Interface
This version of SPOPS uses a tie interface to get and set the individual data values. You can also use the more traditional OO get and set operators, but most people will likely find the hashref interface easier to deal with. (It also means you can interpolate data into strings: bonus!) Examples are given below.
The tie interface allows the most common operations -- fetch data and put it into a data structure for later use -- to be done very easily. It also hides much of the complexity behind the object for you so that most of the time you are dealing with a simple hashref. We can also track property state as necessary to implement lazy-loading of property values. (See "LAZY LOADING" below.)
Since the main SPOPS class from which all SPOPS objects derive has Storable as a parent, you can call any of its methods from any SPOPS object and have a serialized version of your object. You can send it over the network, save it for later -- whatever you like.
Note that this feature appeared starting version 0.39, so if you have any issues with it please e-mail the author. There are some issues to be worked out with configuration and the like, but it basically just works.
What do the objects look like?
Here is an example getting values from and saving an object:
my $q = new CGI;
my $obj = MyUserClass->new();
foreach my $field ( qw( f_name l_name birthdate ) ) {
$obj->{ $field } = $q->param( $field );
my $object_id = eval { $obj->save };
if ( $@ ) {
... report error information ...
else {
warn " Object saved with ID: $obj->{object_id}\n";
You can now retrieve it later using the object_id:
my $obj = MyUserClass->fetch( $object_id );
print "First Name: $obj->{f_name}\n",
"Last Name: $obj->{l_name}\n",
"Birthday: $obj->{birthdate}\n";
You can also associate objects to other objects:
my $primary_group = $user->group;
print "Group Name: $primary_group->{name}\n";
And you can fetch batches of objects at once:
my $user_list = MyUserClass->fetch_group( { where => 'l_name LIKE ?',
value => [ 'w%' ],
order => 'birthdate' } );
foreach my $user ( @{ $user_list } ) {
print " $user->{f_name} $user->{l_name} -- $user->{birthdate}\n";
# Retrieve all themes and print a description
my $themes = eval { $theme_class->fetch_group( { order => 'title' } ) };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error ... }
else {
foreach my $thm ( @{ $themes } ) {
print "Theme: $thm->{title}\n",
"Description: $thm->{description}\n";
# Create a new user, set some values and save
my $user = $user_class->new;
$user->{email} = '';
$user->{first_name} = 'My';
$user->{last_name} = 'User';
my $user_id = eval { $user->save };
if ( $@ ) {
print "There was an error: ", $R->error->report(), "\n";
# Retrieve that same user from the database
my $user_id = $cgi->param( 'user_id' );
my $user = eval { $user_class->fetch( $user_id ) };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error ... }
else {
print "The user's first name is: $user->{first_name}\n";
my $data = MyClass->new( { field1 => 'value1', field2 => 'value2' } );
# Retrieve values using the hashref
print "The value for field2 is: $data->{field2}\n";
# Set values using the hashref
$data->{field3} = 'value3';
# Save the current data state
eval { $data->save };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error ... }
# Remove the object permanently
eval { $data->remove };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error ... }
# Call arbitrary object methods to get other objects
my $other_obj = eval { $data->call_to_get_other_object() };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error ... }
# Clone the object with an overridden value and save
my $new_data = $data->clone( { field1 => 'new value' } );
eval { $new_data->save };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error ... }
# $new_data is now its own hashref of data --
# explore the fields/values in it
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %{ $new_data } ) {
print "$k == $v\n";
# Retrieve saved data
my $saved_data = eval { MyClass->fetch( $id ) };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error ... }
else {
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %{ $saved_data } ) {
print "Value for $k with ID $id is $v\n";
# Retrieve lots of objects, display a value and call a
# method on each
my $data_list = eval { MyClass->fetch_group( where => "last_name like 'winter%'" ) };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error ... }
else {
foreach my $obj ( @{ $data_list } ) {
print "Username: $obj->{username}\n";
This module is meant to be overridden by a class that will implement persistence for the SPOPS objects. This persistence can come by way of flat text files, LDAP directories, GDBM entries, DBI database tables -- whatever. The API should remain the same.
Class Hierarchy
SPOPS (Simple Perl Object Persistence with Security) provides a framework to make your application objects persistent (meaning, you can store them somewhere, e.g., in a relational database), and to control access to them (the usual user/group access rights stuff). You will usually just configure SPOPS by means of configuration files, and SPOPS will create the necessary classes and objects for your application on the fly. You can of course have your own code implement your objects - extending the default SPOPS object behavior with your methods. However, if SPOPS shall know about your classes and objects, you will have to tell it -- by configuring it.
The typical class hierarchy for an SPOPS object looks like this:
|SPOPS::MyApplicationClass |
Abstract base class, provides persistency and security framework (fetch, save, remove)
Example: You are reading it now!
Concrete base class, provides technical implementation of framework for a particular storage technology (e.g., Filesystem, RDBMS, LDAP, ... )
Example: SPOPS::DBI, SPOPS::GDBM, ...
User class, provides semantic implementation of framework (configuration of parent class, e.g., database connection strings, field mappings, ... )
Example: MyApplication::User, MyApplication::Document, ...
SPOPS Object States
Basically, each SPOPS object is always in one of two states:
Runtime State
Persistency State
In Runtime State, the object representation is based on a hash of attributes. The object gets notified about any changes to it through the tie(3) mechanism.
In Persistency State, the object exists in some persistent form, that is, it is stored in a database, or written out to a file.
You can control what happens to the object when it gets written to its persistent form, or when it is deleted, or fetched from its storage form, by implementing a simple API: fetch(), save(), remove().
------------- save, remove -----------------
|Runtime State| -------------------> |Persistency State|
------------- <------------------ -----------------
Around the fetch(), save(), and remove() calls, you can execute helper functions (rules in one or more of the following stages: pre_fetch, post_fetch, pre_save, post_save, pre_remove, post_remove), in case you need to prepare anything or clean up something, according to needs of your storage technology. These are pushed on a queue based on a search of @ISA, and executed front to end of the queue. If any of the calls in a given queue returns a false value, the whole action (save, remove, fetch) is short-circuited (that is, a failing method bombs out of the action). More information on this is in "Data Manipulation Callbacks: Rulesets" below.
The following includes methods within SPOPS and those that need to be defined by subclasses.
In the discussion below, the following holds:
When we say base class, think SPOPS
When we say subclass, think of SPOPS::DBI for example
Also see the "ERROR HANDLING" section below on how we use die() to indicate an error and where to get more detailed infromation.
new( [ \%initialize_data ] )
Implemented by base class.
This method creates a new SPOPS object. If you pass it key/value pairs the object will initialize itself with the data (see initialize() for notes on this).
Note that you can use the key 'id' to substitute for the actual parameter name specifying an object ID. For instance:
my $uid = $user->id;
if ( eval { $user->remove } ) {
my $new_user = MyUser->new( { id => $uid, fname = 'BillyBob' ... } );
In this case, we do not need to know the name of the ID field used by the MyUser class.
We use a number of parameters from your object configuration. These are:
strict_field (bool) (optional)
If set to true, you will use the SPOPS::Tie::StrictField tie implementation, which ensures you only get/set properties that exist in the field listing.
column_group (\%) (optional)
Hashref of column aliases to arrayrefs of fieldnames. If defined objects of this class will use "LAZY LOADING", and the different aliases you define can typically be used in a
statement. (Whether they can be used depends on the SPOPS implementation.)field_map (\%) (optional)
Hashref of field alias to field name. This allows you to get/set properties using a different name than how the properties are stored. For instance, you might need to retrofit SPOPS to an existing table that contains news stories. Retrofitting is not a problem, but another wrinkle of your problem is that the news stories need to fit a certain interface and the property names of the interface do not match the fieldnames in the existing table.
All you need to do is create a field map, defining the interface property names as the keys and the database field names as the values.
Returns on success: a tied hashref object with any passed data already assigned.
Returns on failure: undef.
# Simplest form...
my $data = MyClass->new();
# ...with initialization
my $data = MyClass->new({ balance => 10532,
account => '8917-918234' });
clone( \%params )
Returns a new object from the data of the first. You can override the original data with that in the \%params passed in. You can also clone an object into a new class by passing the new class name as the '_class' parameter -- of course, the interface must either be the same or there must be a 'field_map' to account for the differences.
# Create a new user bozo
my $bozo = $user_class->new;
$bozo->{first_name} = 'Bozo';
$bozo->{last_name} = 'the Clown';
$bozo->{login_name} = 'bozosenior';
eval { $bozo->save };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error .... }
# Clone bozo; first_name is 'Bozo' and last_name is 'the Clown',
# as in the $bozo object, but login_name is 'bozojunior'
my $bozo_jr = $bozo->clone({ login_name => 'bozojunior' });
eval { $bozo_jr->save };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error ... }
# Copy all users from a DBI datastore into an LDAP datastore by
# cloning from one and saving the clone to the other
my $dbi_users = DBIUser->fetch_group();
foreach my $dbi_user ( @{ $dbi_users } ) {
my $ldap_user = $dbi_user->clone({ _class => 'LDAPUser' });
Implemented by base class, although it is often overridden.
Cycle through the parameters and set any data necessary. This allows you to construct the object with existing data. Note that the tied hash implementation optionally ensures (with the 'strict_field' configuration key set to true) that you cannot set infomration as a parameter unless it is in the field list for your class. For instance, passing the information:
firt_name => 'Chris'
should likely not set the data, since 'firt_name' is the misspelled version of the defined field 'first_name'.
Note that we also set the 'loaded' property of all fields to true, so if you override this method you need to simply call:
somewhere in the overridden method.
fetch( $object_id, [ \%params ] )
Implemented by subclass.
This method should be called from either a class or another object with a named parameter of 'id'.
Returns on success: an SPOPS object.
Returns on failure: undef; if the action failed (incorrect fieldname in the object specification, database not online, database user cannot select, etc.) a die() will be used to raise an error.
The \%params parameter can contain a number of items -- all are optional.
(datasource) (obj) (optional)
For most SPOPS implementations, you can pass the data source (a DBI database handle, a GDBM tied hashref, etc.) into the routine. For DBI this variable is
, for LDAP it isldap
, but for other implementations it can be something (\%) (optional)
You can use fetch() not just to retrieve data, but also to do the other checks it normally performs (security, caching, rulesets, etc.). If you already know the data to use, just pass it in using this hashref. The other checks will be done but not the actual data retrieval. (See the
routine in SPOPS::DBI for an example.)skip_security (bool) (optional)
A true value skips security checks, false or default value keeps them.
skip_cache (bool) (optional)
A true value skips any use of the cache, always hitting the data source.
In addition, specific implementations may allow you to pass in other parameters. (For example, you can pass in 'field_alter' to the SPOPS::DBI implementation so you can format the returned data.)
my $id = 90192;
my $data = eval { MyClass->fetch( $id ) };
# Read in a data file and retrieve all objects matching IDs
my @object_list = ();
while ( <DATA> ) {
next if ( /\D/ );
my $obj = eval { ObjectClass->fetch( $_ ) };
if ( $@ ) { ... report error ... }
else { push @object_list, $obj if ( $obj ) }
fetch_determine_limit( $limit )
This method of the SPOPS parent class supports the fetch()
implementation of subclasses. It is used to help figure out what records to fetch. Pass in a $limit
string and get back a two-item list with the offset and max.
The $limit
string can be in one of two formats:
'x,y' --> offset = x, max = y
'x' --> offset = 0, max = x
$p->{limit} = "20,30";
my ( $offset, $max ) = $self->fetch_determine_limit( $p->{limit} );
# Offset is 20, max is 30, so you should get back records 20 - 30.
If no $limit
is passed in, the values of both items in the two-value list are 0.
save( [ \%params ] )
Implemented by subclass.
This method should save the object state in whatever medium the module works with. Note that the method may need to distinguish whether the object has been previously saved or not -- whether to do an add versus an update. See the section "TRACKING CHANGES" for how to do this. The application should not care whether the object is new or pre-owned.
Returns on success: the object itself.
Returns on failure: undef, and a die() to indicate that the action failed.
eval { $obj->save };
if ( $@ ) {
warn "Save of ", ref $obj, " did not work properly!";
Since the method returns the object, you can also do chained method calls:
eval { $obj->save()->separate_object_method() };
(datasource) (obj) (optional)
For most SPOPS implementations, you can pass the data source (a DBI database handle, a GDBM tied hashref, etc.) into the routine.
is_add (bool) (optional)
A true value forces this to be treated as a new record.
skip_security (bool) (optional)
A true value skips the security check.
skip_cache (bool) (optional)
A true value skips any caching.
skip_log (bool) (optional)
A true value skips the call to 'log_action'
Implemented by subclass.
Permanently removes the object, or if called from a class removes the object having an id matching the named parameter of 'id'.
Returns: status code based on success (undef == failure).
(datasource) (obj) (optional)
For most SPOPS implementations, you can pass the data source (a DBI database handle, a GDBM tied hashref, etc.) into the routine.
skip_security (bool) (optional)
A true value skips the security check.
skip_cache (bool) (optional)
A true value skips any caching.
skip_log (bool) (optional)
A true value skips the call to 'log_action'
# First fetch then remove
my $obj = MyClass->fetch( $id );
my $rv = $obj->remove();
Note that once you successfully call remove()
on an object, the object will still exist as if you had just called new()
and set the properties of the object. For instance:
my $obj = MyClass->new();
$obj->{first_name} = 'Mario';
$obj->{last_name} = 'Lemieux';
if ( $obj->save ) {
my $saved_id = $obj->{player_id};
print "$obj->{first_name} $obj->{last_name}\n";
Would print:
Mario Lemieux
But trying to fetch an object with $saved_id
would result in an undefined object, since it is no longer in the datastore.
The object tracks whether any changes have been made since it was instantiated and keeps an internal toggle switch. You can query the toggle or set it manually.
Returns 1 if there has been change, undef if not.
Sets the toggle to true.
Sets the toggle to false.
if ( $obj->changed() ) {
my $rv = $obj->save();
Note that this can (and should) be implemented within the subclass, so you as a user can simply call:
And not worry about whether it has been changed or not. If there has been any modification, the system will save it, otherwise it will not.
Automatically Created Accessors
In addition to getting the data for an object through the hashref method, you can also get to the data with accessors named after the fields.
For example, given the fields:
You can call to retrieve the data:
Note that this is only to read the data, not to change it. The system does this using AUTOLOAD, and after the first call it automatically creates a subroutine in the namespace of your class which handles future calls so there is no need for AUTOLOAD on the second or future calls.
As of version 0.40, this class plus the tie implementation (SPOPS::Tie) support lazy loading of objects. This means you do not have to load the entire object at once.
To use lazy loading, you need to specify one or more 'column groups', each of which is a logical grouping of properties to fetch. Further, you need to specify which group of properties to fetch when you run a 'fetch' or 'fetch_group' command. SPOPS will fetch only those fields and, as long as your implementing class has a subroutine for performing lazy loads, will load the other fields only on demand.
For example, say we have an object representing an HTML page. One of the most frequent uses of the object is to participate in a listing -- search results, navigation, etc. When we fetch the object for listing, we do not want to retrieve the entire page -- it is hard on the database and takes up quite a bit of memory.
So when we define our object, we define a column group called 'listing' which contains the fields we display when listing the objects:
$spops = { html_page => { class => 'My::HTMLPage', isa => [ qw/ SPOPS::DBI::Pg SPOPS::DBI / ], field => [ qw/ page_id location title author content / ], column_group => { listing => [ qw/ location title author / ] }, ... }, };
And when we retrieve the objects for listing, we pass the column group name we want to use:
my $page_list = My::HTMLPage->fetch_group({ order => 'location',
column_group => 'listing' });
Now each object in \@page_list
has the fields 'page_id', 'location', 'title' and 'author' filled in, but not 'content', even though 'content' is defined as a field in the object. The first time we try to retrieve the 'content' field, SPOPS will load the value for that field into the object behind the scenes.
foreach my $page ( @{ $page_list } ) {
# These properties are in the fetched object and are not
# lazy-loaded
print "Title: $page->{title}\n",
"Author: $page->{author}\n";
# When we access lazy-loaded properties like 'content', SPOPS goes
# and retrieves the value for each object property as it's
# requested.
if ( $title =~ /^OpenInteract/ ) {
print "Content\n\n$page->{content}\n";
Obviously, you want to make sure you use this wisely, otherwise you will put more strain on your database than if you were not using lazy loading. The example above, for instance, is a good use since we might be using the 'content' property for a few objects. But it would be a poor use if we did not have the if
statement or if every 'title' began with 'OpenInteract' since the 'content' property would be retrieved anyway.
Special Cases
Every implementation should be able to handle the following special cases. Generally these are column groups that should always be available:
_id_field: Column group containing only the ID field. This can be useful if you are cycling through large groups of objects only for their ID value. (For instance, to set security values for many objects at once.)
Lazy Loading Methods and Interfaces
Here are the methods and interfaces for implementing lazy loading:
Called by SPOPS when initializing a new object if one or more 'column_group' entries are found in the configuration. It should return a coderef that implements lazy loading for a single field. (See below.)
perform_lazy_load( $class, \%data, $field )
Interface for a subclass to implement lazy loading. The method get_lazy_load_sub()
should return a coderef conforming to this interface.
The implementation should return the value for $field
given the object information \%data
, which is a map of fieldname to value and includes the ID field and value of the object.
is_loaded( $field )
Returns true if $field
has been loaded, false if not.
set_loaded( $field )
Sets the 'loaded' property of $field
to true.
clear_loaded( $field )
Sets the 'loaded' property of $field
to false.
Sets the 'loaded' property of all fields in the object to true.
Sets the 'loaded' property of all fields in the object to false.
For an example of how a SPOPS subclass implements lazy-loading, see SPOPS::DBI.
As of version 0.50, SPOPS has the ability to make an object look like another object, or to put a prettier face on existing data.
In your configuration, just specify:
field_map => { new_name => 'old_name', ... }
For example, you might need to make your user objects stored in an LDAP directory look like user objects stored in a DBI database. You could say:
field_map => { 'last_name' => 'sn',
'first_name' => 'givenname',
'password' => 'userpassword',
'login_name' => 'uid',
'email' => 'mail',
'user_id' => 'cn', }
So, despite having entirely different schemas, the following would print out equivalent information:
sub display_user_data {
my ( $user ) = @_;
return <<INFO;
ID: $user->{user_id}
Name: $user->{first_name} $user->{last_name}
Login: $user->{login_name}
Email: $user->{email}
print display_user_data( $my_ldap_user );
print display_user_data( $my_dbi_user );
Another use might be to represent properties in a different language.
Note that you can have more than one new field pointing to the same old field.
Some data storage backends -- like LDAP -- can store multiple values for a single field. As of version 0.50, SPOPS can do the same.
All you need to do is specify in your configuration which fields should be multivalued:
multivalue => [ 'field1', 'field2' ]
Thereafter you can access them as below (more examples in SPOPS::Tie):
my $object = My::Object->new;
# Set field1 to [ 'a', 'b' ]
$object->{field1} = [ 'a', 'b' ];
# Replace the value of 'a' with 'z'
$object->{field1} = { replace => { a => 'z' } };
# Add the value 'c'
$object->{field1} = 'c';
# Find only the ones I want
my @ones = grep { that_i_want( $_ ) } @{ $object->{field1} };
Note that the value returned from a field access to a multivalue field is always an array reference. If there are no values, the reference is empty.
Most of this information can be accessed through the CONFIG hashref, but we also need to create some hooks for subclasses to override if they wish. For instance, language-specific objects may need to be able to modify information based on the language abbreviation.
We have simple methods here just returning the basic CONFIG information. The following are defined:
lang ($)
Returns a language code (e.g., 'de' for German; 'en' for English). This only works if defined by your class.
no_cache (bool)
Returns a boolean based on whether this object can be cached or not. This does not mean that it will be cached, just whether the class allows its objects to be cached.
field (\%)
Returns a hashref (which you can sort by the values if you wish) of fieldnames used by this class.
field_list (\@)
Returns an arrayref of fieldnames used by this class.
timestamp_field ($)
Returns a fieldname used for the timestamp. Having a blank or undefined value for this is ok. But if you do define it, your UPDATEs will be checked to ensure that the timestamp values match up. If not, the system will throw an error. (Note, this is not yet implemented.)
Subclasses can define their own where appropriate.
These objects are tied together by just a few things:
A caching object. If you have
in your configuration set to '0', then you do not need to worry about this. Otherwise, the caching module should implement:
The method get(), which returns the property values for a particular object.
$cache->get({ class => 'SPOPS-class', id => 'id' })
The method set(), which saves the property values for an object into the cache.
$cache->set({ data => $spops_object });
This is a fairly simple interface which leaves implementation pretty much wide open.
Note that subclasses may also have items that must be accessible to all children -- see SPOPS::DBI and the global_db_handle
When a SPOPS object calls fetch/save/remove, the base class takes care of most of the details for retrieving and constructing the object. However, sometimes you want to do something more complex or different. Each data manipulation method allows you to define two methods to accomplish these things. One is called before the action is taken (usually at the very beginning of the action) and the other after the action has been successfully completed.
What kind of actions might you want to accomplish? Cascading deletes (when you delete one object, delete a number of dependent objects as well); dependent fetches (when you fetch one object, fetch all its component objects as well); implement a consistent data layer (such as full-text searching) by sending all inserts and updates to a separate module or daemon. Whatever.
Each of these actions is a rule, and together they are rulesets. There are some fairly simple guidelines to rules:
Each rule is independent of every other rule. Why? Rules for a particular action may be executed in an arbitrary order. You cannot guarantee that the rule from one class will execute before the rule from a separate class.
A rule should not change the data of the object on which it operates. Each rule should be operating on the same data. And since guideline 1 states the rules can be executed in any order, changing data for use in a separate rule would create a dependency between them.
NOTE: This item is up for debate (as of 0.40).
If a rule fails, then the action is aborted. This is central to how the ruleset operates, since it allows inherited behaviors to have a say on whether a particular object is fetched, saved or removed.
For example, you may want to implement a 'layer' over certain classes of data. Perhaps you want to collect how many times users from various groups visit a set of objects on your website. You can create a fairly simple class that puts a rule into the ruleset of its children that creates a log entry every time a particular object is fetch()ed. The class could also contain methods for dealing with this information.
This rule is entirely separate and independent from other rules, and does not interfere with the normal operation except to add information to a separate area of the database as the actions are happening. In this manner, you can think of them as a trigger as implemented in a relational database. However, triggers can (and often do) modify the data of the row that is being manipulated, whereas a rule should not.
pre_fetch_action( { id => $ } )
Called before a fetch is done, although if an object is retrieved from the cache this action is skipped. The only argument is the ID of the object you are trying to fetch.
post_fetch_action( \% )
Called after a fetch has been successfully completed, including after a positive cache hit.
pre_save_action( { is_add =>; bool } )
Called before a save has been attempted. If this is an add operation (versus an update), we pass in a true value for the 'is_add' parameter.
post_save_action( { is_add => bool } )
Called after a save has been successfully completed. If this object was just added to the data store, we pass in a true value for the 'is_add' parameter.
pre_remove_action( \% )
Called before a remove has been attempted.
post_remove_action( \% )
Called after a remove has been successfully completed.
ruleset_add( $class, \%class_ruleset )
Interface for adding rulesets to a class. The first argument is the class to which we want to add the ruleset, the second is the ruleset for the class. The ruleset is simply a hash reference with keys as the methods named above ('pre_fetch_action', etc.) pointing to an arrayref of code references.
This means that every phase named above above ('pre_fetch_action', etc.) can run more than one rule. Here is an example of what such a method might look like -- this one is taken from a class that implements full-text indexing. When the object is saved successfully, we want to submit the object contents to our indexing routine. When the object has been removed successfully, we want to remove the object from our index:
sub ruleset_add {
my ( $class, $rs_table ) = @_;
my $obj_class = ref $class || $class;
push @{ $rs_table->{post_save_action} }, \&reindex_object;
push @{ $rs_table->{post_remove_action} }, \&remove_object_from_index;
return __PACKAGE__;
Note that the return value is always the package that inserted the rule(s) into the ruleset. This enables the module that creates the class (SPOPS::Configure::Ruleset) to ensure that the same rule does not get entered multiple times.
ruleset_process_action( ($object|$class), $action, \%params )
This method executes all the rules in a given ruleset for a give action. For instance, when called with the action name 'pre_fetch_action' it executes all the rules in that part of the ruleset.
Return value is true if all the rules executed ok, false if not.
If an action fails, the 'fail' method associated with that action is triggered. This can be a notification to an administrator, or saving the data in the filesystem after a failed save.
Called after a fetch has been unsuccessful.
Called after a save has been unsuccessful.
Called after a remove has been unsuccessful.
SPOPS has hooks for object caching. As mentioned above, you will need to define a global_cache either in your SPOPS object class one of its parents. Typically, you will put the stash class in the @ISA of your SPOPS object.
Called before an item is fetched from the cache; if this is called, we know that the object is in the cache, we just have not retrieved it yet.
Called after an item is successfully retrieved from the cache.
Called before an object has been cached.
Called after an object has been cached.
Called before an object is removed from the cache.
Called after an object is successfully removed from the cache.
get( $param_name )
Returns the currently stored information within the object for $param.
my $value = $obj->get( 'username' );
print "Username is $value";
It might be easier to use the hashref interface to the same data, since you can inline it in a string:
print "Username is $obj->{username}";
You may also use a shortcut of the parameter name as a method call for the first instance:
my $value = $obj->username();
print "Username is $value";
set( $param_name, $value )
Sets the value of $param to $value. If value is empty, $param is set to undef.
$obj->set( 'username', 'ding-dong' );
Again, you can also use the hashref interface to do the same thing:
$obj->{username} = 'ding-dong';
Note that unlike get, You cannot use the shortcut of using the parameter name as a method. So a call like:
my $username = $obj->username( 'new_username' );
Will silently ignore any parameters that are passed and simply return the information as get() would.
Returns the ID for this object. Checks in its config variable for the ID field and looks at the data there. If nothing is currently stored, you will get nothing back.
Note that we also create a subroutine in the namespace of the calling class so that future calls take place more quickly.
Retuns the current status of the data in this object, whether it has been changed or not.
Sets the changed flag of this object to true.
Sets the changed flag of this object to false.
Returns 1 if this object (and class) check to ensure that you use only the right fieldnames for an object, 0 if not.
Returns the value of the timestamp_field for this object, undef if the timestamp_field is not defined.
timestamp_compare( $ts_check )
Returns true if $ts_check matches what is in the object, false otherwise.
Returns a hashref with metadata about a particular object. The keys of the hashref are:
class ($)
Class of this object
object_id ($)
ID of this object. (Also under 'oid' for compatibility.)
id_field ($)
Field used for the ID.
name ($)
Name of this general class of object (e.g., 'News')
title ($)
Title of this particular object (e.g., 'Man bites dog, film at 11')
url ($)
URL that will display this object. Note that the URL might not necessarily work due to security reasons.
url_edit ($)
URL that will display this object in editable form. Note that the URL might not necessarily work due to security reasons.
The defaults put together by SPOPS by reading your configuration file might not be sufficiently dynamic for your object. In that case, just override the method and substitute your own. For instance, the following adds some sort of sales adjective to the beginning of every object title:
package My::Object;
sub object_description {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $info = $self->SUPER::object_description();
$info->{title} = join( ' ', sales_adjective_of_the_day(),
$info->{title} );
return $info;
And be sure to include this class in your 'code_class' configuration key. (See SPOPS::Configure for more info.)
Some other methods that might actually be categoriezed at a later date.
Represents the SPOPS object as a string fit for human consumption. The SPOPS method is extremely crude -- if you want things to look nicer, override it.
Represents the SPOPS object as a string fit for HTML (browser) consumption. The SPOPS method is double extremely crude, since it just wraps the results of as_string()
(which itself is crude) in '<pre>' tags.
(See SPOPS::Error for now -- more later!)
There is an issue using these modules with Apache::StatINC along with the startup methodology that calls the class_initialize method of each class when a httpd child is first initialized. If you modify a module without stopping the webserver, the configuration variable in the class will not be initialized and you will inevitably get errors.
We might be able to get around this by having most of the configuration information as static class lexicals. But anything that depends on any information from the CONFIG variable in request (which is generally passed into the class_initialize call for each SPOPS implementation) will get hosed.
Method object_description() should be more robust
In particular, the 'url' and 'url_edit' keys of object_description() should be more robust.
Objects composed of many records
An idea: Make this data item framework much like the one Brian Jepson discusses in Web Techniques:
At least in terms of making each object unique (having an OID). Each object could then be simply a collection of table name plus ID name in the object table:
CREATE TABLE objects (
oid int not null,
table_name varchar(30) not null,
id int not null,
primary key( oid, table_name, id )
Then when you did:
my $oid = 56712;
my $user = User->fetch( $oid );
It would first get the object composition information:
oid table id
=== ===== ==
56712 user 1625
56712 user_prefs 8172
56712 user_history 9102
And create the User object with information from all three tables.
Something to think about, anyway.
None known.
Copyright (c) 2001, inc.. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Find out more about SPOPS -- current versions, updates, rants, ideas -- at:
CVS access and mailing lists (SPOPS is currently supported by the openinteract-dev list) are at:
Also see the 'Changes' file in the source distribution for comments about how the module has evolved.
Chris Winters <>
The following people have offered patches, advice, development funds, etc. to SPOPS:
Ray Zimmerman <> -- had offered tons of great design ideas and general help, pushing SPOPS into new domains. Too much to list here.
Christian Lemburg <> -- contributed excellent documentation, too many good ideas to implement as well as design help with SPOPS::Secure::Hierarchy, the rationale for moving methods from the main SPOPS subclass to SPOPS::Utility
Rusty Foster <> -- was influential in the early (!) days of this library and offered up an implementation for 'limit' functionality in SPOPS::DBI
Rick Myers <> -- got rid of lots of warnings when running under
and helped out with permission issues with SPOPS::GDBM.Harry Danilevsky <> -- helped out with Sybase-specific issues, including inspiring SPOPS::Key::DBI::Identity.
Leon Brocard <> -- prodded better docs of SPOPS::Configure, specifically the linking semantics.
David Boone <> -- prodded the creation of SPOPS::Initialize.
MSN Marketing Service Nordwest, GmbH -- funded development of LDAP functionality, including SPOPS::LDAP, SPOPS::LDAP::MultiDatasource, and SPOPS::Iterator::LDAP.