=head1 NAME
SPOPS::Manual::Intro - Introduction and overview of SPOPS
This document aims to answer the questions:
=over 4
=item *
What needs does SPOPS fill?
=item *
Why would I use SPOPS?
=item *
How does everything broadly fit together?
SPOPS (Simple Perl Object Persistence with Security) provides a
framework to make your application objects persistent (meaning, you
can store them somewhere, e.g., in a relational database), and to
control access to them (the usual user/group access rights stuff). You
will usually just configure SPOPS by means of configuration files, and
SPOPS will create the necessary classes and objects for your
application on the fly. You can of course have your own code implement
your objects - extending the default SPOPS object behavior with your
methods. However, if SPOPS shall know about your classes and objects,
you will have to tell it -- by configuring it.
The typical class hierarchy for an SPOPS object looks like this:
|SPOPS::MyApplicationClass |
=over 4
=item *
Abstract base class, provides persistency and security framework
(fetch, save, remove)
Example: You are reading it now!
=item *
Concrete base class, provides technical implementation of framework
for a particular storage technology (e.g., Filesystem, RDBMS, LDAP,
... )
Example: SPOPS::DBI, SPOPS::GDBM, ...
=item *
User class, provides semantic implementation of framework
(configuration of parent class, e.g., database connection strings,
field mappings, ... )
Example: MyApplication::User, MyApplication::Document, ...
=head2 SPOPS Object States
Basically, each SPOPS object is always in one of two states:
=over 4
=item *
Runtime State
=item *
Persistent State
In Runtime State, the object representation is based on a hash of
attributes. The object gets notified about any changes to it through
the L<tie|tie> mechanism.
In Persistent State, the object exists in some more permanent form --
saved in a database, in the filesystem, in a directory, etc.
You can control what happens to the object when it gets written to its
persistent form, or when it is deleted, or fetched from its storage
form, by implementing a simple API: C<fetch()>, C<save()>,
C<remove()>. (The C<save()> method encompasses both 'create' and
'update' actions.)
------------- save, remove ----------------
|Runtime State| -------------------> |Persistent State|
------------- <------------------ ----------------
Around the C<fetch()>, C<save()>, and C<remove()> calls, you can
execute helper functions (rules in one or more of the following
stages: pre_fetch, post_fetch, pre_save, post_save, pre_remove,
post_remove), in case you need to prepare anything or clean up
something, according to needs of your storage technology. These are
pushed on a queue based on a search of C<@ISA>, and executed front to
end of the queue. If any of the calls in a given queue returns a false
value, the whole action (save, remove, fetch) is short-circuited (that
is, a failing method bombs out of the action). See
L<SPOPS::Manual::ObjectRules|SPOPS::Manual::ObjectRules> for details
on the process and how to implement your own.
It's important to note that you have to tell an SPOPS object to
persist itself -- it will not happen automatically. A call to C<new()>
will not create an entry in your datastore, only C<save()> will. For
my $film = Film->new(); # Object exists in memory
$film->{name} = 'The Matrix'; # |
$film->{year} = '1999'; # |
$film->save; # Object exists in datastore
Copyright (c) 2001 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.
See L<SPOPS::Manual|SPOPS::Manual> for license.
=head1 AUTHORS
Chris Winters <chris@cwinters.com>