# $Id: Object.pm,v 1.7 2001/12/27 22:11:46 lachoy Exp $
use strict;
use base qw( SPOPS::Import );
my @FIELDS = qw( include_id fields extra_metadata ); # skip_fields
SPOPS::Import::Object->mk_accessors( @FIELDS );
# Core API
sub get_fields { return ( $_[0]->SUPER::get_fields(), @FIELDS ) }
sub run {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $fields = $self->fields;
my $object_class = $self->object_class;
unless ( $fields ) { die "Cannot run w/o fields defined!\n" }
unless ( $object_class ) { die "Cannot run w/o object class defined\n" }
unless ( $self->data ) { die "Cannot run w/o data defined\n" }
my $num_fields = scalar @{ $fields };
my @status = ();
foreach my $data ( @{ $self->data } ) {
my $obj = $object_class->new;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++ ) {
$obj->{ $fields->[ $i ] } = $data->[ $i ];
eval { $obj->save({ is_add => 1,
DEBUG => $self->DEBUG }) };
if ( $@ ) {
push @status, [ undef, $data, "$@ - $SPOPS::Error::system_msg" ];
else {
push @status, [ 1, $data, undef ];
return \@status;
# Property manipulation
sub fields_as_hashref {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $field_list = $self->fields;
unless ( ref $field_list eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @{ $field_list } ) {
die "Please set the fields in the importer object using:\n",
"\$importer->fields( \\\@fields\n";
my $count = 0;
return { map { $_ => $count++ } @{ $field_list } };
# I/O and property assignment
sub data_from_file {
my ( $self, $filename ) = @_;
$self->assign_raw_data( $self->raw_data_from_file( $filename ) );
sub data_from_fh {
my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
$self->assign_raw_data( $self->raw_data_from_fh( $fh ) );
# Note that we support 'spops_class' and 'field_order' below for
# backward compatibility
sub assign_raw_data {
my ( $self, $raw_data ) = @_;
my $meta = shift @{ $raw_data };
$self->object_class( $meta->{object_class} || $meta->{spops_class} );
delete $meta->{object_class};
delete $meta->{spops_class};
$self->fields( $meta->{fields} || $meta->{field_order} );
delete $meta->{fields};
delete $meta->{field_order};
$self->extra_metadata( $meta );
$self->data( $raw_data );
return $self;
=head1 NAME
SPOPS::Import::Object - Import SPOPS objects
# Create the importer and read in the properties and data
my $importer = SPOPS::Import->new( 'object' )
->data_from_file( 'mydata.dat' );
# Modify the 'name' field in every record
my $fields_h = $importer->fields_as_hashref;
my $name_idx = $fields_h->{name};
foreach my $data ( @{ $self->data } ) {
$data->[ $name_idx ] =~ s/YourClass/MyClass/;
# Run the import and display the results
my $status = $importer->run;
foreach my $entry ( @{ $status } ) {
if ( $entry->[0] ) { print "$entry->[1][0]: OK\n" }
else { print "$entry->[1][0]: FAIL ($entry->[2])\n" }
This class implements simple data import for SPOPS objects using a
serialized Perl data structure for the data storage.
For more information on SPOPS importing in general, see
L<SPOPS::Manual::ImportExport|SPOPS::Manual::ImportExport> and
=head1 METHODS
Translate the field arrayref (returned by the C<fields()> call) into a
hashref of fieldname to position in data record. This is useful if you
want to modify the data after they have been read in -- since the data
are position- rather than name-indexed, you will need to map the name
to the index.
So you you had:
my $fields = $importer->fields
print Dumper( $fields );
my $fields_h = $importer->fields_as_hashref;
print Dumper( $fields_h );
You might wind up with:
$VAR1 = [
$VAR1 = {
'first' => 0,
'fourth' => 3,
'third' => 2,
'second' => 1
B<data_from_file( $filename )>
Read the metadata and data from C<$filename>. Runs
C<assign_raw_data()> to put the information into the object.
B<data_from_fh( $fh )>
Read the metadata and data from the filehandle C<$fh>. Runs
C<assign_raw_data()> to put the information into the object.
B<assign_raw_data( \@raw_data )>
Assigns the raw data C<\@raw_data> to the object. The first item
should be metadata, and all remaining items are the data to be
The metadata should at least have the keys C<object_class> and
C<fields> (or C<spops_class> and C<field_order>, respectively, for
backward compatibility).
Other metadata you include is available through the C<extra_metadata>
property. These metadata might be for application-specific purposes.
After this is run the object should have available for inspection the
following properties:
=over 4
=item *
=item *
=item *
=head1 BUGS
None known.
=head1 TO DO
Nothing known.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright (c) 2001 intes.net, inc.. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHORS
Chris Winters <chris@cwinters.com>