# $Id: DateConvert.pm,v 1.6 2003/06/11 00:36:57 lachoy Exp $
use strict;
use SPOPS qw( _w );
my $DEFAULT_DATE_CLASS = 'DateTime';
my $DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';
my %REQUIRED = ();
sub ruleset_factory {
my ( $class, $ruleset ) = @_;
push @{ $ruleset->{post_fetch_action} }, \&convert_to_object;
push @{ $ruleset->{pre_save_action} }, \&convert_to_string;
push @{ $ruleset->{post_save_action} }, \&convert_to_object;
_w( 1, "DateConvert added post_fetch, pre/post_save rules to [$class]" );
return __PACKAGE__;
sub convert_to_object {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my ( $date_fields, $date_class ) = _init( $self );
unless ( ref $date_fields eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @{ $date_fields } ) {
_w( 0, "Using date conversion for ", ref( $self ), " but there ",
"are no date fields in 'convert_date_field'" );
return 1;
foreach my $field ( @{ $date_fields } ) {
$self->{ $field } = eval {
_create_date_object( $self, $date_class, $self->{ $field } )
return undef if ( $@ );
return 1;
sub _create_date_object {
my ( $self, $date_class, $date ) = @_;
return undef unless ( $date );
if ( ref $date eq $date_class ) {
return $date;
if ( $date_class eq 'Class::Date' ) {
return Class::Date->new( $date );
elsif ( $date_class eq 'Time::Piece' ) {
my $date_format = $self->CONFIG->{convert_date_format}
return Time::Piece->strptime( $date, $date_format );
elsif ( $date_class eq 'DateTime' ) {
my $date_format = $self->CONFIG->{convert_date_format}
return DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => $date_format )
->parse_datetime( $date );
die "Given date class [$date_class] is not supported for conversion\n";
sub convert_to_string {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my ( $date_fields, $date_class ) = _init( $self );
unless ( ref $date_fields eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @{ $date_fields } ) {
_w( 0, "Using date conversion for ", ref( $self ), " but there ",
"are no date fields in 'convert_date_field'" );
return 1;
foreach my $field ( @{ $date_fields } ) {
$self->{ $field } = _create_date_string( $self, $date_class, $self->{ $field } );
return 1;
sub _create_date_string {
my ( $self, $date_class, $date_object ) = @_;
# NULLs are ok...
unless ( $date_object ) {
return undef;
# ... but getting something that's not an object when we expect
# something is a different matter and deserves a warning
unless ( ref( $date_object ) eq $date_class ) {
_w( 0, "Expected date object of type '$date_class' but ",
"got '", ref( $date_object ), "'; not converting." );
return undef;
my $date_format = $self->CONFIG->{convert_date_format}
if ( $date_class eq 'Class::Date' ) {
return $date_object->strftime( $date_format );
elsif ( $date_class eq 'Time::Piece' ) {
return $date_object->strftime( $date_format );
elsif ( $date_class eq 'DateTime' ) {
return $date_object->strftime( $date_format );
die "Given date class [$date_class] is not supported for conversion\n";
sub _init {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $date_fields = $self->CONFIG->{convert_date_field};
return () unless ( ref $date_fields eq 'ARRAY'
and scalar @{ $date_fields } );
my $date_class = $self->CONFIG->{convert_date_class}
unless ( $REQUIRED{ $date_class } ) {
_require_class( $date_class );
return ( $date_fields, $date_class );
sub _require_class {
my ( $date_class ) = @_;
eval "require $date_class";
if ( $@ ) {
die "Cannot bring in date library $date_class: $@\n";
$REQUIRED{ $date_class }++;
if ( $date_class eq 'DateTime' ) {
$REQUIRED{ 'DateTime::Format::Strptime' }++;
=head1 NAME
SPOPS::Tool::DateConvert - Convert dates to objects to/from your datastore
# Load information with read-only rule
my $spops = {
class => 'This::Class',
isa => [ 'SPOPS::DBI' ],
field => [ 'email', 'language', 'birthtime' ],
id_field => 'email',
base_table => 'test_table',
rules_from => [ 'SPOPS::Tool::DateConvert' ],
convert_date_field => [ 'birthtime' ],
convert_date_class => 'Time::Piece',
convert_date_format => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
SPOPS::Initialize->process({ config => { test => $spops } });
my $item = This::Class->fetch(55);
print "Birthdate field isa: ", ref( $item->{birthtime} ), "\n";
--> Birthdate field isa: Time::Piece
# Format some other way
print "Birthday occurred on day ", $item->{birthtime}->strftime( '%j' ),
"which was a ", $item->{birthtime}->strftime( '%A' ), "\n";
This SPOPS tool converts data coming from the database into a date
object, and translates the date object into the proper format before
it's put back into the database.
This tool uses three configuration fields:
B<convert_date_field> (\@)
An arrayref of fields that will be converted.
If not specified or if empty no action will be taken.
B<convert_date_class> ($)
Class for date object to be instantiated. Supported classes are:
=over 4
=item * L<DateTime|DateTime> (along with supporting parse class
=item * L<Time::Piece|Time::Piece>
=item * L<Class::Date|Class::Date>.
If not specified, 'DateTime' will be used.
B<convert_date_format> ($)
Format (in L<strftime> format) for date conversions. All
implementations will likely use this for converting the object to a
string. Some implementations (like L<Time::Piece|Time::Piece> and
L<DateTime|DateTime>) will use this for parsing the date from the
database into the date object as well.
If not specified, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' will be used.
Uses the L<DateTime::Format::Strptime|DateTime::Format::Strptime> and
C<convert_date_format> to translate the date from the database.
Uses the L<DateTime|DateTime> C<strftime()> method from along with
C<convert_date_format> configuration to translate the date into a
Uses the C<strptime()> method and C<convert_date_format> to translate
the date from the database.
Uses the C<strftime()> method along with C<convert_date_format>
configuration to translate the date into a string.
Uses the C<new()> method to translate the date from the database.
Uses the C<strftime()> method along with C<convert_date_format>
configuration to translate the date into a string.
=head1 TO DO
If necessary, make this a factory and refactor if clauses into
subclasses for the different implementations.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Chris Winters E<lt>chris@cwinters.comE<gt>