# $Id: DefaultBehavior.pm,v 3.5 2003/05/10 19:24:43 lachoy Exp $
use strict;
use SPOPS qw( _w DEBUG );
$SPOPS::ClassFactory::DefaultBehavior::VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 3.5 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# Overlap here with DBI...
my @PARSE_INTO_HASH = qw( field no_insert no_update skip_undef multivalue );
my @PARSE_INTO_ARRAY = qw( sql_defaults fetch_by ldap_object_class );
# NOTE: These behaviors are called from SPOPS.pm, although they can be
# theoretically called from anywhere.
# BEHAVIOR: manipulate_configuration
sub conf_modify_config {
my ( $class ) = @_;
DEBUG() && _w( 1, "Trying to modify configuration for class [$class]" );
my $CONFIG = $class->CONFIG;
if ( ref $CONFIG->{field} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$CONFIG->{field_list} = [ @{ $CONFIG->{field} } ];
elsif ( $CONFIG->{field} ) {
$CONFIG->{field_list} = [ $CONFIG->{field} ];
else {
$CONFIG->{field_list} = [];
# When we change a listref to a hashref, keep the order
# by maintaining a count; that way they can be re-ordered
# if desired.
foreach my $item ( @PARSE_INTO_HASH ) {
unless ( defined $CONFIG->{ $item } ) {
$CONFIG->{ $item } = {};
if ( ref $CONFIG->{ $item } ne 'ARRAY' ) {
$CONFIG->{ $item } = [ $CONFIG->{ $item } ];
DEBUG() && _w( 1, "Parsing key ($item) into a hash" );
my $count = 1;
my %new = ();
foreach my $subitem ( @{ $CONFIG->{ $item } } ) {
$new{ $subitem } = $count;
$CONFIG->{ $item } = \%new;
foreach my $item ( @PARSE_INTO_ARRAY ) {
unless ( defined $CONFIG->{ $item } ) {
$CONFIG->{ $item } = [];
if ( ref $CONFIG->{ $item } ne 'ARRAY' ) {
$CONFIG->{ $item } = [ $CONFIG->{ $item } ];
return ( OK, undef );
# BEHAVIOR: id_method
# Get the ID of this object, and optionally set it as well.
sub %%CLASS%%::id {
my ( $self, $new_id ) = @_;
my $id_field = $self->id_field ||
"Cannot find ID for object since no ID ",
"field specified for class [",
"ref( $self ) . ']' " );
return $self->{ $id_field } unless ( $new_id );
return $self->{ $id_field } = $new_id;
# We return 'DONE' here because other behaviors shouldn't redefine
sub conf_id_method {
my ( $class ) = @_;
my $id_method = $ID_TEMPLATE;
$id_method =~ s/%%CLASS%%/$class/g;
DEBUG() && _w( 5, "ID method being created\n$id_method" );
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { return undef };
eval $id_method;
if ( $@ ) {
return ( ERROR, "Cannot generate method 'id' in class " .
"[$class]. Error: $@" );
return ( DONE, undef );
# BEHAVIOR: read_code
# Returns: arrayref of files used
sub conf_read_code {
my ( $class ) = @_;
my $CONFIG = $class->CONFIG;
my $code_class = $CONFIG->{code_class};
return ( OK, undef ) unless ( $code_class );
my @files_used = ();
$code_class = [ $code_class ] unless ( ref $code_class eq 'ARRAY' );
foreach my $read_code_class ( @{ $code_class } ) {
DEBUG() && _w( 2, "Trying to read code from [$read_code_class]",
"into [$class]" );
my $filename = $read_code_class;
$filename =~ s|::|/|g;
my $final_filename = undef;
foreach my $prefix ( @INC ) {
my $full_filename = "$prefix/$filename.pm";
DEBUG() && _w( 3, "Try file: [$full_filename]" );
if ( -f $full_filename ) {
$final_filename = $full_filename;
last PREFIX;
unless ( $final_filename and -f $final_filename ) {
return ( ERROR, "Class [$read_code_class] specified in " .
"'code_class' configuration defintion " .
"for class [$class] was not found in \@INC" );
DEBUG() && _w( 2, "File [$final_filename] will be used for ",
"[$read_code_class]" );
eval { open( PKG, $final_filename ) || die $! };
if ( $@ ) {
return ( ERROR, "Cannot read [$final_filename] specified in " .
"'code_class' configuration definition for " .
"class [$class]. Error: $@" );
my $code_pkg = undef;
push @files_used, $final_filename;
while ( <PKG> ) {
if ( s/^\s*package $read_code_class\s*;\s*$/package $class;/ ) {
$code_pkg .= $_;
DEBUG() && _w( 1, "Package [$read_code_class] will be ",
"read in as [$class]" );
$code_pkg .= $_;
# Use a block here because we want the $/ setting to NOT be
# localized in the while loop -- that would be bad, since the
# 'package' substitution would never work after the first
# one...
local $/ = undef;
$code_pkg .= <PKG>;
close( PKG );
DEBUG() && _w( 5, "Going to eval code:\n\n$code_pkg" );
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { return undef };
eval $code_pkg;
if ( $@ ) {
return ( ERROR, "Error running 'eval' on code read from " .
"[$final_filename] as specified in " .
"'code_class' configuration defintion for " .
"class [$class]. Error: $@" );
return ( OK, undef );
# BEHAVIOR: has_a
sub %%CLASS%%::%%HASA_ALIAS%% {
my ( $self, $p ) = @_;
return undef unless ( $self->{%%HASA_ID_FIELD%%} );
return %%HASA_CLASS%%->fetch( $self->{%%HASA_ID_FIELD%%}, $p );
# First do the 'has_a' aliases; see POD documentation on this (below)
sub conf_relate_hasa {
my ( $class ) = @_;
my $CONFIG = $class->CONFIG;
$CONFIG->{has_a} ||= {};
foreach my $hasa_class ( keys %{ $CONFIG->{has_a} } ) {
DEBUG() && _w( 1, "Try to alias [$class] hasa [$hasa_class]" );
my $hasa_config = $hasa_class->CONFIG;
my $hasa_id_field = $hasa_config->{id_field};
my $hasa_sub = $GENERIC_HASA;
$hasa_sub =~ s/%%CLASS%%/$class/g;
$hasa_sub =~ s/%%HASA_CLASS%%/$hasa_class/g;
# Each defined relationship can be between more than one instance
# of another class, each of which is linked to a separate ID
# field.. For instance, if my SPOPS objects had two user_id fields
# in it (say, 'created_by' and 'last_updated_by'), then I need to
# create *two* links from this class to the user class.
# Example:
# This specification has two links to one class:
# has_a => { 'MySPOPS::User' => [ 'created_by', 'updated_by' ], ... }
# This specification has one link to one class:
# has_a => { 'MySPOPS::User' => 'created_by', ... }
my $id_fields = ( ref $CONFIG->{has_a}{ $hasa_class } eq 'ARRAY' )
? $CONFIG->{has_a}{ $hasa_class }
: [ $CONFIG->{has_a}{ $hasa_class } ];
my $num_id_fields = scalar @{ $id_fields };
foreach my $usea_id_info ( @{ $id_fields } ) {
my ( $hasa_alias, $usea_id_field ) = '';
# This can be a hash when we want to specify the alias name in
# the configuration rather than let SPOPS create it for
# us. Something like the following where we want use the alias
# 'creator' rather than the alias SPOPS will create,
# 'created_by_user':
# has_a => { 'MySPOPS::User' => [ { 'created_by' => 'creator' }, ... ], ... }
if ( ref $usea_id_info eq 'HASH' ) {
$usea_id_field = ( keys %{ $usea_id_info } )[0];
$hasa_alias = $usea_id_info->{ $usea_id_field };
else {
$usea_id_field = $usea_id_info;
if ( $usea_id_field eq $hasa_id_field ) {
$hasa_alias = $hasa_config->{main_alias}
else {
$hasa_alias = join( '_', $usea_id_field, $hasa_config->{main_alias} );
my $this_hasa_sub = $hasa_sub;
$this_hasa_sub =~ s/%%HASA_ALIAS%%/$hasa_alias/g;
$this_hasa_sub =~ s/%%HASA_ID_FIELD%%/$usea_id_field/g;
DEBUG() && _w( 2, "Aliasing [$hasa_class] with field [$usea_id_field] ",
"using alias [$hasa_alias] within [$class]" );
DEBUG() && _w( 5, "Now going to eval the routine:\n$this_hasa_sub" );
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { return undef };
eval $this_hasa_sub;
if ( $@ ) {
return ( ERROR, "Error reading 'has_a' code for alias " .
"[$hasa_alias] mapped to class " .
"[$hasa_class] into [$class]. Error: $@\n" );
return ( OK, undef );
# BEHAVIOR: fetch_by
sub %%CLASS%%::fetch_by_%%FETCH_BY_FIELD%% {
my ( $item, $fb_field_value, $p ) = @_;
$p ||= {};
my $obj_list = $item->fetch_group({ where => "%%FETCH_BY_FIELD%% = ?",
value => [ $fb_field_value ],
%{ $p } });
if ( $p->{return_single} ) {
return $obj_list->[0];
return $obj_list;
# Next, process the 'fetch_by' fields
sub conf_relate_fetchby {
my ( $class ) = @_;
my $CONFIG = $class->CONFIG;
$CONFIG->{fetch_by} ||= [];
foreach my $fetch_by_field ( @{ $CONFIG->{fetch_by} } ) {
my $fetch_by_sub = $GENERIC_FETCH_BY;
$fetch_by_sub =~ s/%%CLASS%%/$class/g;
$fetch_by_sub =~ s/%%FETCH_BY_FIELD%%/$fetch_by_field/g;
DEBUG() && _w( 2, "Creating fetch_by for field ($fetch_by_field)" );
DEBUG() && _w( 5, "Now going to eval the routine:\n$fetch_by_sub" );
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { return undef };
eval $fetch_by_sub;
if ( $@ ) {
return ( ERROR, "Cannot eval 'fetch_by' code for field " .
"[$fetch_by_field] into [$class]. Error: $@" );
return ( OK, undef );
# BEHAVIOR: add_rule
$%%CLASS%%::RULESET = {};
sub %%CLASS%%::RULESET { return $%%CLASS%%::RULESET }
sub conf_add_rules {
my ( $class ) = @_;
my $CONFIG = $class->CONFIG;
DEBUG() && _w( 1, "Adding rules to ($class)" );
# Install the variable/subroutine RULESET into the class
my $ruleset_info = $GENERIC_RULESET_REFER;
$ruleset_info =~ s/%%CLASS%%/$class/g;
no warnings 'redefine';
eval $ruleset_info;
if ( $@ ) {
return ( ERROR, "Could not eval ruleset info into [$class]. Error: $@" );
# Now find all the classes that have the method RULESET_METHOD
# (and 'ruleset_add' for backwards compatibility)
my $rule_classes = $CONFIG->{rules_from} || [];
my $subs = SPOPS::ClassFactory->find_parent_methods( $class, $rule_classes, RULESET_METHOD, 'ruleset_add' );
foreach my $sub_info ( @{ $subs } ) {
DEBUG() && _w( 2, "Calling ruleset generation for [$class] ",
"from [$sub_info->[0]]" );
$sub_info->[1]->( $class, $class->RULESET );
return ( OK, undef );
=head1 NAME
SPOPS::ClassFactory::DefaultBehavior - Default configuration methods called from SPOPS.pm
No synopsis.
This class has default behaviors for all SPOPS classes. They may or
may not be used, depending on what subclasses do.
=head1 METHODS
Note: Even though the first parameter for all behaviors is C<$class>,
they are not class methods. The parameter refers to the class into
which the behaviors will be installed.
B<conf_modify_config( \%config )>
Set the values from 'field' into 'field_list', and parse the following
entries from arrayrefs into hashrefs:
=over 4
=item B<field>
=item B<no_insert>
=item B<no_update>
=item B<skip_undef>
=item B<multivalue>
B<conf_id_method( \%config )>
Generate the C<id()> method.
B<conf_read_code( \%config )>
Reads the entries from C<code_class>, finds them from C<@INC> and
includes the libraries into the generated package. The value for
C<code_class> can be a scalar or arrayref.
code_class => [ 'My::OtherBehavior', 'My::Neato' ],
B<conf_relate_hasa( \%config )>
Generate any methods used for relating an object to an object it
contains. (See
L<SPOPS::Manual::Relationships|SPOPS::Manual::Relationships> for more
B<conf_relate_fetchby( \%config )>
Generate a method C<fetch_by_$fieldname> for each entry listed in the
configuration key 'fetch_by'. The generated method takes a value to
search in C<$fieldname>.
fetch_by => [ 'last_name' ],
would generate a method with the signature:
sub fetch_by_last_name( $class, $last_name, \%params );
B<conf_add_rules( \%config )>
Adds the rules listed in 'rules_from' and from all entries in the
C<@ISA> of the class.
=head1 BUGS
None known.
=head1 TO DO
Nothing known.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 intes.net, inc.. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHORS
Chris Winters E<lt>chris@cwinters.comE<gt>