# $Id: StrictField.pm,v 3.4 2004/05/11 02:07:34 lachoy Exp $
use strict;
use base qw( SPOPS::Tie );
use Log::Log4perl qw( get_logger );
$SPOPS::Tie::StrictField::VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 3.4 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
my $log = get_logger();
# Use this for setting up field lists to check
my %FIELDS = ();
# Called by parent -- return a true to indicate fields ARE being
# checked
sub _field_check {
my ( $class, $base_class, $p ) = @_;
if ( $base_class and ref $p->{field} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
unless ( ref $FIELDS{ $base_class } eq 'HASH' ) {
foreach my $key ( @{ $p->{field} } ) {
$FIELDS{ $base_class }->{ lc $key } = 1;
return 1;
return 0;
# Return true if we can fetch (is a valid field), false if not
sub _can_fetch {
my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
$self->_storable_field_check unless ( $FIELDS{ $self->{class} } );
return 1 unless ( $self->{ IDX_CHECK_FIELDS() } );
return 1 if ( $FIELDS{ $self->{class} }->{ lc $key } );
my ( $call_package, $call_line ) = (caller(1))[0,2];
$log->error( "[$call_package @ $call_line]: Field '$key' is ",
"not valid, cannot retrieve value" );
return undef;
# Return true if we can store (is a valid field), false if not
sub _can_store {
my ( $self, $key, $value ) = @_;
$self->_storable_field_check unless ( $FIELDS{ $self->{class} } );
return 1 unless ( $self->{ IDX_CHECK_FIELDS() } );
return 1 if ( $FIELDS{ $self->{class} }->{ lc $key } );
my ( $call_package, $call_line ) = (caller(1))[0,2];
$log->error( "[$call_package @ $call_line]: Field '$key' is ",
"not valid, cannot set value" );
return undef;
sub _storable_field_check {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $object_class = $self->{class};
return if ( $FIELDS{ $object_class } );
my $fields = $object_class->field;
$FIELDS{ $object_class } = { %{ $fields } };
# For EXISTS and DELETE, We can only do these actions on the actual
# data; use the object methods for the other information.
sub EXISTS {
my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
return $self->SUPER::EXISTS( $key ) unless ( $self->{ IDX_CHECK_FIELDS() } );
$log->is_debug &&
$log->debug( " tie: Checking for existence of ($key)\n" );
if ( $FIELDS{ $self->{class} }->{ lc $key } ) {
return exists $self->{ IDX_DATA() }->{ lc $key };
else {
my ( $call_package, $call_line ) = (caller(1))[0,2];
$log->error( "[$call_package @ $call_line]: Field '$key' is ",
"not valid, cannot check existence" );
return undef;
sub DELETE {
my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
return $self->SUPER::DELETE( $key ) unless ( $self->{ IDX_CHECK_FIELDS() } );
$log->is_debug &&
$log->debug( " tie: Clearing value for ($key)\n" );
if ( $FIELDS{ $self->{class} }->{ lc $key } ) {
$self->{ IDX_DATA() }->{ lc $key } = undef;
$self->{ IDX_CHANGE() }++;
else {
my ( $call_package, $call_line ) = (caller(1))[0,2];
$log->error( "[$call_package @ $call_line]: Field '$key' is ",
"not valid, cannot remove data" );
=head1 NAME
SPOPS::Tie::StrictField - Enable field checking for SPOPS objects
use SPOPS::Tie::StrictField;
my ( %data );
my @fields = qw( first_name last_name login birth_date );
tie %data, 'SPOPS::Tie::StrictField', $class, \@fields;
# Trigger warnings by trying to store a misspelled
# or unknown property
# 'login' is the correct field
$data{login_name} = 'cb';
# not in @fields list
$data{middle_name} = 'Amadeus';
This class subclasses L<SPOPS::Tie|SPOPS::Tie>, adding field-checking
functionality. When you tie the hash, you also pass it a hashref of
extra information, one key of which should be 'field'. The 'field'
parameter specifies what keys may be used to access data in the
hash. This is to ensure that when you set or retrieve a property it is
properly spelled.
If you do not specify the 'field' parameter properly, you will get
normal L<SPOPS::Tie|SPOPS::Tie> functionality, which might throw a
monkey wrench into your application since you and any users will
expect the system to not silently accept misspelled object keys.
For instance:
my ( %data );
my $class = 'SPOPS::User';
tie %data, 'SPOPS::Tie::StrictField', $class, [ qw/ first_name last_name login / ];
$data{firstname} = 'Chucky';
would result in a message to STDERR, something like:
Error setting value for field (firstname): it is not a valid field
at my_tie.pl line 9
since you have misspelled the property, which should be 'first_name'.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 intes.net, inc.. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHORS
Chris Winters E<lt>chris@cwinters.comE<gt>