Changes for version 0.03 - 2004-05-24

  • Applied modified patches from Jim Smith ( to do the following:
  • Allow you to read in the XML/Perl configuration file from somewhere else and pass it to Workflow::Config as a scalar reference.
  • You can subclass Workflow::Factory and still use 'FACTORY' to import the factory of the class you want and 'instance()' to do the same.
  • Added docs for these new features, and added tests for at least the factory subclassing feature.


Simple, flexible system to implement workflows
Base class for Workflow actions
Metadata about information required by an Action
Base class with constructor
Evaluate a condition depending on the workflow state and environment
Parse configuration files for the workflow components
Data blackboard for Workflows, Actions, Conditions and Validators
Base class for workflow exceptions
Generates new workflow and supporting objects
Recorded work on a workflow action or workflow itself
Base class for workflow persistence
Persist workflow and history to DBI database
Pull IDs from databases that autogenerate them
Fetch extra data with each workflow and put it into the context
Persister to fetch ID from a sequence
Persist workflow and history to the filesystem
Persister to generate random ID
Persist workflows using SPOPS
Persister to generate Universally Unique Identifiers
Information about an individual state in a workflow
Ensure data are valid
Validator to ensure certain data are in the context
Ensure a value is one of a declared set of values
Ensure a stringified date matches a given pattern


in lib/Workflow/Condition/