pft ls - List objects in your PFT site


pft ls <class> [options] pft ls --help


List objects.

The general usage provides a class of objects to lists. For instance

pft ls tags

Will list all the tags from all pages and entries.


A number of possible classes can be specified. Here follows a list with a short description, while better details can be found in the main pft manpage (man pft).


List all regular pages in ROOT/content/pages.

This class supports the --pretty argument.


List all blog pages in ROOT/content/blog. This includes daily entries and monthly entries

This class supports the --pretty argument.


Scan through all entries and list all used tags.

This class supports the --count argument. If supplied the tag usage count is also reported.


List all tag pages, that is pages describing tags.

This class supports the --pretty argument.



Count the listed items.

--help | -h

Show this help.


Show paths and titles, namely quick alias for:

%t → Title
%p → Path
%g → Comma separated value of tags
%a → Author
%o → Comma separated value of option=value pairs
%D → Date in yyyy-mm-dd format if dated, empty string otherwise
%y → Year if dated, empty string otherwise
%m → Month if dated, empty string otherwise
%d → Day if dated, empty string otherwise