pft init - Initialize a PFT Site


pft init [<configuration options>]


This command initializes a PFT site in the current directory. It generates a configuration file named pft.yaml and it creates the following filesystem structure documented in the main pft manual page.

A sensible configuration skeleton is provided by default, and can be modified by editing the pft.yaml configuration file.



Remote host where to publish

Defaults to


Method used for publishing

Defaults to rsync+ssh


Directory on publishing host

Defaults to /home/dacav/public_html


Port for connection on publishing host

Defaults to 22


User login on publishing host

Defaults to dacav


Default author of entries

Defaults to dacav


Charset of the generated web pages

Defaults to UTF-8


First page, where index.html redirects the browsers

Defaults to Welcome


Default template for compilation, can be overriden by single entries

Defaults to default.html


Title of the website

Defaults to My PFT website


Base url for the website

Defaults to


Browser to be invoked by pft show. You may specify an executable, or a shell command where "%s" gets replaced with the file name

Defaults to firefox %s


Editor to be invoked by pft edit. You may specify an executable, or a shell command where "%s" gets replaced with the file name

Defaults to vim %s