Changes for version 1.03 - 2007-10-24

  • Added a check for prerequisites that are present but fail to load; in such a case the prereq "have" field will show "broken" (e.g a dependency of that module is missing)
  • Refactored prerequisite checking code into a separate modulino CPAN::Reporter::PrereqCheck to cut down on excessive tempfile use and simplify testing
  • Added name templates for all tempfiles to help identify leakage or left-over files if tests are interrupted. All names are like CR-ZZ-XXXXXXXX, where ZZ is unique to each File::Temp call and X's are a random suffix
  • Testing bug fix: in the rare case where Module::Build is present but broken, we would only skip Build.PL tests once instead of always


Programmer's interface to CPAN::Reporter
Answers and tips for using CPAN::Reporter


Adds CPAN Testers reporting to
Config file options for CPAN::Reporter
Read or write a CPAN::Reporter history log
Modulino for prerequisite tests