Changes for version 1.1601 - 2008-07-05

  • Fixed: reverted 1.15_56 PERL5OPT changes; Devel::Autoflush INC path no longer added with "-I" as it causes old modules to be found during testing. Testers will have to live with authors complaining about Devel::Autoflush missing when authors call 'perl' instead of $^X
  • Fixed: timeout support on *nix checks for *both* Proc::Killfam and Proc::ProcessTable to protect against unauthorized copies of only Proc::Killfam bundled in distributions like Tk-ExecuteCommand


Programmer's interface to CPAN::Reporter
Answers and tips for using CPAN::Reporter


Adds CPAN Testers reporting to
Config file options for CPAN::Reporter
Read or write a CPAN::Reporter history log
Modulino for prerequisite tests