CPAN::Testers::Common::Utils - Utility functions for CPAN Testers modules


This documentation describes version 0.001.


    use CPAN::Testers::Common::Utils ':all';

    # NNTP ID <=> GUID mapping
    $guid    = nntp_to_guid( $nntp_id );
    $nntp_id = guid_to_nntp( $guid    );


This module contains common utility functions for use by other CPAN Testers modules


Mapping NNTP IDs to GUIDs

Legacy CPAN Testers reports were sent via email and made available via an NNTP group, C<perl.cpan.testers>. Reports were 'indexed' by their NNTP ID. The next generation of CPAN Testers uses a GUID URN to identify reports.

Old reports with an NNTP ID are mapped to GUIDs by replacing the first 8 hex characters of a common 'base GUID' with a zero-padded decimal representation of the NNTP ID.


Such GUID URNs are visually distinctive and have the nice feature of sorting earlier than second-generated report GUIDs based on a timestamp.

Two translation functions are provided for convenience.


$guid    = nntp_to_guid( $nntp_id );

Given a numeric NNTP ID, returns a standard string-form GUID. (No range checking is done.) Examples:

nntp_to_guid( 51432   );  # 00051432-b19f-3f77-b713-d32bba55d77f
nntp_to_guid( 6171265 );  # 06171265-b19f-3f77-b713-d32bba55d77f


$guid    = nntp_to_guid( $nntp_id );

Given a GUID string of the form described above, returns the decimal number in the first 8 characaters. (Again, there is no error checking that the GUID is properly formatted.) Examples:

guid_to_nntp( '00051432-b19f-3f77-b713-d32bba55d77f' ); # 51432
guid_to_nntp( '06171265-b19f-3f77-b713-d32bba55d77f' ); # 6171265


Please report any bugs or feature requests using the CPAN Request Tracker web interface at

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


  • Data::GUID::Any


David A. Golden (DAGOLDEN)


Copyright (c) 2010 by David A. Golden. All rights reserved.

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