Changes for version 0.18 - 2012-05-04

  • Added
  • When capture or tee are called in void context, Capture::Tiny skips reading back from the capture handles if it can do so safely

Changes for version 0.17_52 - 2012-03-09

  • Fixed:
  • Tied STDIN is always localized before redirections to avoid tees hanging on MSWin32
  • Copying and reopening STDIN is necessary to avoid tees hanging on MSWin32.

Changes for version 0.17_51 - 2012-03-07

  • Fixed:
  • Avoids reopening STDIN while setting up a capture, which avoids some problems with pathological tied filehandle implementations such as in FCGI
  • Tested:
  • Re-enabled tied STDIN testing for MSWin32 to see if changes above avoid crashes seen historically


Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs