Exception::Class::TryCatch - Syntactic try/catch sugar for use with Exception::Class
use Exception::Class::TryCatch;
# simple usage of catch()
eval { Exception::Class::Base->throw('error') };
catch my $err and warn $err->error;
# caught() is a synonym for catch()
eval { Exception::Class::Base->throw('error') };
if ( caught my $err ) {
if ($err->isa('this') { warn "this: $err->error" }
elsif ($err->isa('that') { warn "that: $err->error" }
else { $err->rethrow }
# use "try eval" to push exceptions onto a stack to catch later
try eval {
} and do {
# cleanup that might use "try/catch" again
catch my $err;
Exception::Class::TryCatch provides syntactic sugar for use with Exception::Class using the familiar keywords try
and catch
. Its primary objective is to allow users to avoid dealing directly with $@
by ensuring that any exceptions caught in an eval
are captured as Exception::Class objects, whether they were thrown objects to begin with or whether the error resulted from die
. This means that users may immediately use isa
and various Exception::Class methods to process the exception.
In addition, this module provides for a method to push errors onto a hidden error stack immediately after an eval
so that cleanup code or other error handling may also call eval
without the original error in $@
being lost.
Inspiration for this module is due in part to Dave Rolsky's article "Exception Handling in Perl With Exception::Class" in The Perl Journal (Rolsky 2004).
The try/catch
syntax used in this module does not use code reference prototypes the way the module does, but simply provides some helpful functionality when used in combination with eval
. As a result, it avoids the complexity and dangers involving nested closures and memory leaks inherent in (Perrin 2003).
Rolsky (2004) notes that these memory leaks may not occur in recent versions of Perl, but the approach used in Exception::Class::TryCatch should be safe for all versions of Perl as it leaves all code execution to the eval
in the current scope, avoiding closures altogether.
catch, caught
my $err = catch;
catch my $err;
caught my $err;
Returns an Exception::Class::Base
object (or an object which is a subclass of it) if an exception has been caught by eval
or else returns undef
if no error exists. The exception is either popped from a hidden error stack (see try
) or, if the stack is empty, taken from the current value of $@
If the exception is not an Exception::Class::Base
object (or subclass object), an Exception::Class::Base
object will be created using the string contents of the exception. This means that calls to die
will be wrapped and may be treated as exception objects. Other objects caught will be stringfied and wrapped likewise. Such wrapping will likely result in confusing stack traces and the like, so any methods other than error
used on Exception::Class::Base
objects caught should be used with caution.
is prototyped to take an optional scalar argument. When passed a scalar variable, catch
will also set that variable to the same value returned. This allows for the catch my $err
idiom without parentheses.
is a synonym for catch
for syntactic convenience.
try eval {
#dangerous code
catch my $err;
Pushes the current error ($@
) onto a hidden error stack for later use by catch
. try
uses a prototype that expects a single scalar so that it can be used with eval without parentheses. As eval { BLOCK }
is an argument to try, it will be evaluated just prior to try
, ensuring that try
captures the correct error status. try
does not itself handle any errors -- it merely records the results of eval
. try { BLOCK }
will be interpreted as passing a hash reference and will (probably) not compile.
ignores the actual value returned by eval
and always returns 1 -- as trying is always successful regardless of whether the eval
is successful or not. This allows compound idioms like the following:
try eval {
# code
} and do {
# cleanup
catch my $err;
must always be properly bracketed with a matching catch
or unexpected behavior may result when catch
pops the error off of the stack. try
executes right after its eval
, so inconsistent usage of try
like the following will work as expected:
try eval {
eval { die "inner" };
catch my $inner_err
die "outer" if $inner_err;
catch my $outer_err;
# handle $outer_err;
However, the following code is a problem:
try eval {
try eval { die "inner" };
die $@ if $@;
catch my $outer_err;
# handle $outer_err;
This code will appear to run correctly, but catch
gets the exception from the inner try
, not the outer one, and there will still be an exception on the error stack which will be caught by the next catch
in the program, causing unexpected (and likely hard to track) behavior.
In short, if you use try
, you must catch
. The problem code above should be rewritten as:
try eval {
try eval { die "inner" };
catch my $inner_err;
$inner_err->rethrow if $inner_err;
catch my $outer_err;
# handle $outer_err;
perrin. (2003), "Re: Re2: Learning how to use the Error module by example", (, Available: (Accessed September 8, 2004).
Rolsky, D. (2004), "Exception Handling in Perl with Exception::Class", The Perl Journal, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 9-13
- Error [but see (Perrin 2003) before using]
To install this module, type the following:
perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install
Though this is a simple module, it may contain bugs or have unexpected behaviors.
Please report bugs using the CPAN Request Tracker at
David A. Golden (DAGOLDEN),
Copyright (c) 2004 by David A. Golden
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.