Changes for version 0.057 - 2016-04-18 (TRIAL RELEASE)
Added support for the SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable.
Added 'peer' attribute to force a connection to a particular server.
Added 'connected' method to allow introspection of persistent connections.
An array reference of redirection result hash references is included in the final response hash reference (but only if redirects occur).
Because folded headers are obsoleted in the revised RFCs, if CRLF is found in header values followed by one or more spaces, they are all replaced by a single space.
Per the RFC, control headers are now sent first before other headers (which are sent in arbitrary order).
Only well-known headers have their case canonicalized; all other headers are sent in the case provided by the user.
The 'keep_alive' option now also sets the SO_KEEPALIVE option on the underlying socket to help with long-lived, idle connections.
Request header field values are now validated against the RFC rules (i.e. empty or else space-or-tab separated tokens of printable characters).