Revision history for Log-Any
** denotes an incompatible change
0.90 2014-12-12 17:08:22-05:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Logging now goes via a Log::Any::Proxy object instead of directly to
an adapter. This allows easy customization of the message production.
- Merged Log-Any and Log-Any-Adapter distributions; reduces code
duplication and ensures Log::Any and adapter framework stay in sync
- Eliminates all non-core dependencies (as of Perl 5.8.1), including
Capture::Tiny, Devel::GlobalDestruction and Guard
0.15 Apr 10, 2013
* Fixes
- Hide 'package Log::Any::Adapter' from PAUSE/Module::Metadata - miyagawa
0.14 Aug 31, 2011
* Fixes
- Fix version number in Log/ - Stephen Thirlwall
0.13 Aug 2, 2011
* Fixes
- Fix typo in lib/Log/Any/Adapter/ - RT #69850 - Stephen Thirlwall
0.12 Mar 23, 2011
* Fixes
- Return false from null adapter is_xxx methods - RT #64164 - Chip Salzenberg
- Eliminate 'subroutine redefined' warning in case Log::Any::Adapter loaded before
* Implementation
- Migrate to Dist::Zilla
0.11 Feb 12, 2010
* Improvements
- Add trace level - suggested by Szymon Swierkosz
0.10 Jan 5, 2010
* Fixes
- Fix Log::Any::Core to support references in printf-style methods
0.09 Jan 5, 2010
* Improvements
- Convert undef to string "<undef>" in printf-style methods - RT #53398, suggested by Steven Haryanto
0.08 Dec 15, 2009
* Fixes
- Fix Log::Any::Test to support full logging API (aliases and printf methods)
0.07 Dec 7, 2009
* Implementation
- Depend on Test::Simple rather than Test::More
* Improvements
- Add Log::Any::Test, to aid in testing code that uses Log::Any
0.06 Oct 31, 2009
* Fixes
- Implement Log::Any->set_adapter again for backward compatibility with 0.04 and earlier
0.05 Oct 27, 2009
* Implementation
- ** Strip Log::Any down to a relative minimum, so as to keep it stable and
unchanging. Move everything else to Log::Any::Adapter.
0.04 Sep 3, 2009
* Fixes
- Replace Test::Deep::cmp_deeply with an internal version to avoid Test::Deep dependency
0.03 Jul 17, 2009
* Improvements
- Eliminated extra '::Log' from adapter names, e.g. Log::Any::Adapter::Log::Dispatch is
now Log::Any::Adapter::Dispatch. The long name was properly descriptive but was making
me wince every time.
0.02 Jul 14, 2009
* Fixes
- Fix logging aliases like warn => warning
* Implementation
- Eliminate unnecessary Test/ class
- Precompute alias and method lists like Log::Any->logging_methods
0.01 Jul 11, 2009
- Initial version