Changes for version 0.90 - 2014-12-12 (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Added
- Logging now goes via a Log::Any::Proxy object instead of directly to an adapter. This allows easy customization of the message production.
- Internal
- Merged Log-Any and Log-Any-Adapter distributions; reduces code duplication and ensures Log::Any and adapter framework stay in sync
- Eliminates all non-core dependencies (as of Perl 5.8.1), including Capture::Tiny, Devel::GlobalDestruction and Guard
Manual for developing new Log::Any adapters
Bringing loggers and listeners together
Tell Log::Any where to send its logs
Base class for Log::Any adapters
Simple adapter for logging to files
Discards all log messages
Simple adapter for logging to STDERR
Simple adapter for logging to STDOUT
Backend adapter for Log::Any::Test
Common utility functions for Log::Any
Log::Any generator proxy object
Test what you're logging with Log::Any
in lib/Log/Any/Proxy/