Changes for version 0.92 - 2014-12-15 (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Deprecated
- Deprecated some methods in Log::Any::Adapter::Util
- Added
- File, Stdout, and Stderr adapters now support a minimum log level parameter.
- Fixed
- File will flock the handle when writing (if flock is avaiable).
- Won't die if adapters aren't loadable modules as long as they provide a constructor. This allows using private adapters defined in another file.
- Documented
- Revised docs for creating adapters
Changes for version 0.91 - 2014-12-14 (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Changed
- Removed dead code from Log::Any::Adapter::Base; particularly this was the formatting code, since this is now handled by Log::Any::Proxy.
- Documented
- Fixed typos and improved docs for Log::Any::Adapter::Util; removed stub docs for modules that didn't need it.
Changes for version 0.90 - 2014-12-12 (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Added
- Logging now goes via a Log::Any::Proxy object instead of directly to an adapter. This allows easy customization of the message production.
- Internal
- Merged Log-Any and Log-Any-Adapter distributions; reduces code duplication and ensures Log::Any and adapter framework stay in sync
- Eliminates all non-core dependencies (as of Perl 5.8.1), including Capture::Tiny, Devel::GlobalDestruction and Guard
Manual for developing new Log::Any adapters
Bringing loggers and listeners together
Tell Log::Any where to send its logs
Simple adapter for logging to files
Discards all log messages
Simple adapter for logging to STDERR
Simple adapter for logging to STDOUT
Common utility functions for Log::Any
Log::Any generator proxy object
Test what you're logging with Log::Any
in lib/Log/Any/Adapter/
in lib/Log/Any/Adapter/
in lib/Log/Any/
in lib/Log/Any/Proxy/