Changes for version 0.3622 - 2011-01-24
- No changes from 0.36_21
Changes for version 0.36_21 - 2011-01-21
- Changed YAML::Tiny references to the new CPAN::Meta::YAML module instead, which is the YAML-variant that is going into the Perl core
Changes for version 0.36_20 - 2010-12-10
- Module::Build::Version has been deprecated. Module::Build now depends directly upon A pure-perl version has been bundled in inc/ solely for bootstrapping in case configure_requires is not supported. M::B::Version remains as a wrapper around
- Module::Build::ModuleInfo has been deprecated. Module::Build now depends directly upon Module::Metadata (which is an extraction of M::B::ModuleInfo intended for general reuse). A pure-perl version has been bundled in inc/ solely for bootstrapping in case configure_requires is not supported. M::B::ModuleInfo remains as a wrapper around Module::Metadata.
- Module::Build::YAML has been deprecated. Module::Build now depends directly upon YAML::Tiny. M::B::YAML remains as a subclass wrapper. The YAML_support feature has been removed, as YAML is now an ordinary dependency.
Changes for version 0.36_19 - 2010-12-07
- Bug fixes:
- Perl::OSType is declared as a 'configure_requires' dependency, but is also bundled in inc (and loaded if needed) [David Golden]
Changes for version 0.36_18 - 2010-12-06
- Changes:
- Added dependency on Perl::OSType to refactor and centralize management of OS type mapping [David Golden]
- When parsing a version number out of a file, any trailing alphabetical characters will be dropped to avoid fatal errors when comparing version numbers. These would have been dropped (with a warning) anyway during an ordinary numeric comparison. (RT#56071) [David Golden]
- Bug fixes:
- A Perl interpreter mismatch between running Build.PL and running Build is now a fatal error, not a warning (RT#55183) [David Golden]
- Bundled Module::Build::Version updated to bring into sync with CPAN 0.86 [David Golden]
- No longer uses fake user 'foo' in t/tilde (RT#61793) [David Golden]
- Won't fail tests if an ancient Tie::IxHash is installed
- Christopher J. Madsen
- Correctly report missing metafile field names [David Golden]
- Suppress uninitialized value errors during Pod creation on ActiveState Perl [David Golden]
- Return to starting directory after install action; this is an attempt to fix an install.t heisenbug (RT#63003) [David Golden]
- A broken load won't cause Module::Build::Version to die trying to install itself as a mock version (RT#59499)
- Eric Wilhelm and David Golden
- PERL_DL_NONLAZY is now always set when tests are run (RT#56055) [Dmitry Karasik]
- 'fakeinstall' will use .modulebuildrc actions for 'install' if no specific 'fakeinstall' options are provided (RT#57279)
- David Golden
- Add install*script to search path for installdeps client and search site, then vendor, then core paths
- Skip noexec tmpdir check on Windows (RT#55667) [Jan Dubois]
- Arguments with key value pairs may now have keys with "-" in them (RT#53050) [David Golden]
- Add quotemeta to t/tilde.t test to fix Cygwin fails
- Chris Williams and David Golden
- Build script now checks that M::B is at least the same version of M::B as provided in 'configure_requires' in META (RT#54954) [David Golden]
Changes for version 0.36_17 - 2010-10-27
- Enhancements:
- Added 'distinstall' action to run 'Build install' inside the generated distribution directory [Jeff Thalhammer]
Changes for version 0.36_16 - 2010-08-26
- Bug fixes:
- Better error message in case package declaration is not found when searching for version. [Alexandr Ciornii]
- Skips 'release_status' tests on perl < 5.8.1 due to buggy treatment of dotted-decimal version numbers [David Golden]
Changes for version 0.36_15 - 2010-08-25
- Bug fixes:
- Added a mock Software::License to prevent t/properties/license.t from failing.
Changes for version 0.36_14 - 2010-08-22
- Enhancements:
- Adds 'release_status' and 'dist_suffix' properties in preparation for adding CPAN Meta Spec 2 support. 'dist_suffix' will be set to 'TRIAL' automatically when necessary. [David Golden]
- Makes 'license' more liberal. You can now specify either a license key from the approved list (c.f. Module::Build::API) or just a Software::License subclass name (e.g. 'Perl_5'). This should provide better support for custom or proprietary licenses.
- David Golden
Changes for version 0.36_13 - 2010-07-28
- Bug-fixes:
- Bundled Module::Build::Version updated to bring into sync with CPAN 0.82 [David Golden]
Changes for version 0.36_12 - 2010-07-27
- Enhancements:
- Module::Build::Compat will now convert dotted-decimal prereqs into decimal rather than dying (and will warn about this). [Apocalypse]
- Bug fixes:
- Caches case-sensitivity checks to boost performance, fixes RT#55162 and RT#56513 [Reini Urban]
- Won't try to use ActivePerl doc generation tools without confirming that they are indeed installed. [David Golden]
- Sets temporary $ENV{HOME} in testing to an absolute path, which fixes some issues when tested as part of the Perl core [Nicholas Clark]
- Module::Build::ModuleInfo now warns instead of dying when a module has an invalid version. ->version now just returns undef (RT#59593) [David Golden]
- Changes:
- When authors do not specify Module::Build in configure_requires and Module::Build is automatically added, a warning will be issued showing the added prerequisite [David Golden]
- Moved automatic configure_requires generation into get_metadata() and added an 'auto' argument to toggle it (on for META and off for MYMETA) [David Golden]
Changes for version 0.36_11 - 2010-05-27
- Bug fixes:
- Handle META/MYMETA reading and writing within Module::Build to ensure utf8 mode on filehandles. Now passes/gets only strings to YAML::Tiny or Module::Build::YAML
Changes for version 0.36_10 - 2010-05-19
- Bug fixes:
- Fix failing t/manifypods.t on Windows from 0.36_09 changes [Klaus Eichner]
Changes for version 0.36_09 - 2010-05-11
- Bug fixes:
- Improve HTML documentation generation on ActivePerl (RT#53478)
- Scott Renner and Klaus Eichner
Changes for version 0.36_08 - 2010-04-26
- Enhancements:
- Give a list of valid licenses when given one we don't recognize (RT#55951) [Yanick Champoux]
- Added 'Build manifest_skip' action to generate a default MANIFEST.SKIP
- David Golden
- Changes:
- When temporarily generating a MANIFEST.SKIP when none exists, it will be removed on exit instead of hanging around until 'Build clean'. This is less surprising/confusing and the 'Build manifest_skip' action is now available instead to bootstrap the file [David Golden]
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed runtime error on cygwin when searching for an executable command during installdeps testing [David Golden]
API Reference for Module Authors
Authoring Module::Build modules
How to bundle Module::Build with a distribution
Query or change configuration of Perl modules
Build and install Perl modules
Default methods for Module::Build
Compatibility with ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Examples of Module::Build Usage
Create persistent distribution configuration modules
Perl Package Manager file creation
Builder class for Amiga platforms
Stub class for unknown platforms
Builder class for EBCDIC platforms
Builder class for MPEiX platforms
Builder class for MacOS platforms
Builder class for RiscOS platforms
Builder class for Unix platforms
Builder class for VMS platforms
Builder class for VOS platforms
Builder class for Windows platforms
Builder class for AIX platform
Builder class for Cygwin platform
Builder class for Mac OS X platform
Builder class for OS/2 platform
use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than installed ones
in lib/Module/Build/
in lib/Module/Build/
in lib/Module/Build/
in lib/inc/latest/