Changes for version 1.000 - 2013-09-22
- MongoDBx::Queue prior to version 1.000 were not fork-safe. A fork could cause MongoDB connections to hang. As of 1.000, MongoDB connections are managed via MooseX::Role::MongoDB, which provides fork-safety.
- As result of this change, attributes have changed. MongoDBx::Queue no longer has a C<db> attributed taking a MongoDB::Database argument and the C<name> attribute has been renamed to C<collection_name>
- Now, you provide C<client_options> controlling the connection to the database. You provide C<database_name> to indicate the database to hold your queue. And you provide C<collection_name> to indicate the collection to hold the queue.
- No attributes are required any more. By default, MongoDBx::Queue will connect to localhost on the default MongoDB port, will use the 'test' database and the 'queue' collection.
- Automatically ensures an index on priority is in place on the collection
- Fixed task reservation on Perl v5.18 that borke due to hash-order randomization. MongoDB expects command documents to be ordered a certain way so we now use array references instead of hash references to pass such commands.
- Dropped Const::Fast as prerequisite
A message queue implemented with MongoDB