Changes for version 0.13 - 2005-08-18
- Added CLONE method and supporting structures for thread-creation safety
- Need Scalar::Util again for weaken() for CLONE support
- Minor optimizations on localization
- Cleaned up eval text for wrapper
- Refactored accessor and mutator generation
- Updated Build_PL requirements again to get a Test::Exception version that builds cleanly and a Test::More version that is thread-safe
- POD fixes in various places
- Manually import Exporter's import() for perls before 5.8.x when it was supported by Exporter itself
- DESTROY no longer assumes the first superclass can DESTROY, but finds the first superclass in @ISA that can DESTROY, blesses to that and lets Perl handle the subsequent destruction call. (Shouldn't be using multiple inheritance with this anyway, but just to be safe...)
- Switched to using $obj->isa() style on privacy checks
- Added warnings about threads and threads::shared for perl < 5.8
- Skips thread tests for perls earlier than 5.8
Outside-in objects with local aliasing of $self and object variables