Pod::WikiDoc::Parser -- precompiled recursive descent parser for Pod::WikiDoc


This documentation refers to version 0.16.


    use Pod::WikiDoc::Parser;

    my $parser = Pod::WikiDoc::Parser->new();

    my $tree = $parser->WikiDoc( $text );


Pod::WikiDoc::Parser is a precompiled Parse::RecDescent parser for use with Pod::WikiDoc.

A copy of the Parse::RecDescent grammar used is appended to the Pod::WikiDoc::Parser source and this Pod file for reference or reuse by others.


This module is a support module for Pod::WikiDoc and is not intended for general use. Given a string containing WikiDoc markup text, the parser produces a data structure representing the parsed content. The data structure returned is an array of references to hashes. Keys in the hash are:

  • type: the parser rule that generated the hash

  • content: either a reference to another AoH or a string of text

  • level: (only for "Header" type hashes) the level of the header

See Pod::WikiDoc for details of the markup.


There are numerous Perl wikitext parsers, formatters or translators, some of which were instructive in designing this parser. All the ones I could find are included below for reference for those interested in the topic:

  • CGI::Wiki::Formatter

  • Convert::Wiki

  • HTML::WikiConverter

  • Kwiki::Formatter

  • Pod::TikiWiki

  • PurpleWiki::Parser::WikiText

  • Template::Plugin::KwikiFormat

  • Text::WikiFormat


David A Golden (DAGOLDEN)


Copyright (c) 2005 by David A Golden

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.