Test::Float - Compare if two numbers are equal within a specified precision


# Default precision
use Test::Float;
cmp_float( 1e-5, 2e-5, 'values within 1e-6'); # not ok

# Specific precision
use Test::Float within => 1e-5;
cmp_float( 1e-5, 2e-5, 'values within 1e-5'); # ok


Most programmers at one time or another are confronted with the issue of comparing floating-point numbers for equality. The canonical idiom is to test if the absolute value of the difference of the numbers is within a desired precision. This module provides such a function for use with Test::Harness. Usage is similar to other test functions described in Test::More. Semantically, the cmp_float function replaces this kind of construct:

ok ( abs($p - $q) <= $precision, '$p is equal to $q' ) or
    diag "$p is not equal to $q to within $precision";

While there's nothing wrong with that construct, it's a pain to type it repeatedly in a test script. This module does the same thing with a single function call.



By default, use Test::Float will compare equality with a precision of 1e-6. (An arbitrary choice on my part.) To specific a different precision, provide a within parameter when importing the module with use:

use Test::Float within => 1e-9;


cmp_float( $p, $q, '$p and $q are equal' );

This test compares equality within the precision specified during import (or the default of 1e-6). The test is true if the absolute value of the difference between $p and $q is less than or equal to the precision. If the test is true, it prints an "OK" statement for use in testing. If the test is not true, this function prints a failure report and diagnostic.


Please report bugs using the CPAN Request Tracker at


David A. Golden (DAGOLDEN)


Copyright (c) 2004 by David A. Golden

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.


Test::More, Test::Harness, Test::Builder