Test::MockRandom - Replaces random number generation with non-random number generation


# functional
use Test::MockRandom;
if ( rand() == 0.5 ) { print "good guess!" };

# object-oriented
use Test::MockRandom ();
my $nrng = Test::MockRandom->new(0.42);
$nrng->rand(); # returns 0.42

# override rand in another package
use Test::MockRandom 'Some::Other::Package';
use Some::Other::Package; # contains sub foo { return rand }
Some::Other::Package::foo; # returns 0.13

# using a seed list and "oneish"
srand(0.23, 0.34, oneish() );
rand(); # returns 0.23
rand(); # returns 0.34
rand(); # returns a number just barely less than one
rand(); # returns 0, as the seed array is empty


This perhaps ridiculous-seeming module was created to test routines that manipulate random numbers by providing a known output from rand. Given a list of seeds with srand, it will return each in turn. After seeded random numbers are exhausted, it will always return 0. Seed numbers must be of a form that meets the expected output from rand as called with no arguments -- i.e. they must be between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). In order to facilitate generating and testing a nearly-one number, this module exports the function oneish, which returns a number just fractionally less than one.

Depending on how this module is called with use, it will export rand either to the current package or to another specified package (e.g. a class being tested) or even globally. This module also includes the function export_rand_to which can be used to explictly override rand in another package after use has been called. See "USAGE" for details.

Alternatively, this module can be used to generate objects, with each object maintaining its own distinct seed array.


Overriding rand in the current package

To override rand in the current package, simply use the module as normal.

use Test::MockRandom;

This imports rand and srand into the current namespace, masking any such calls from reaching the built-in functions. It also imports oneish, and export_rand_to.

Overriding rand in a different package with use

There are two ways to override rand in different package. The simplest is to provide the name(s) of the package to be overridden in the use statement. This will export rand to the listed packages and will export srand, oneish, and export_rand_to to the current package. You must use Test::MockRandom before you use the target package. This is a typical case for testing a module that uses random numbers:

use Test::More;
use Test::MockRandom qw( Some::Package );
BEGIN { use_ok( Some::Package ) }

# assume sub foo { return rand } in Some::Package
Some::Package::foo() # returns 0.5

If you wish to export rand to both another package and the current package, simply include the current package in the list provided to use. All of the following idioms work.

use Test::MockRandom qw( main Some::Package );
use Test::MockRandom __PACKAGE__, 'Some::Package';

# The following doesn't interpolate __PACKAGE__ as above, but 
# Test::MockRandom will still DWIM and handle it correctly

use Test::MockRandom qw( __PACKAGE__ Some::Package );

Overriding rand in a different package explicitly with export_rand_to

In order to override the built-in rand in another package, Test::MockRandom must export its own rand function before the target package is compiled. The simple approach (described above) of providing the target package in the use Test::MockRandom statement accomplishes this because use is equivalent to a require and import within a BEGIN block. To explicitly override rand in another package, you can also call export_rand_to, but it must be enclosed in a BEGIN block of its own:

use Test::MockRandom;
BEGIN { Test::MockRandom::export_rand_to( 'AnotherPackage' ); }
use AnotherPackage;

This BEGIN block must not include a use statement for the package to be overridden, or perl will compile the package to be overridden before the export_rand_to function has a chance to execute and override the system rand. This is very important in testing. The export_rand_to call must be in a separate BEGIN block from a use_ok test, which should be enclosed in a BEGIN block of its own:

use Test::MockRandom;
BEGIN { Test::MockRandom::export_rand_to( 'AnotherPackage' ); }
BEGIN { use_ok( 'AnotherPackage' ); }

Given these cautions, it's probably best to use the simple approach with use, which does the right thing in most circumstances.

Overriding rand globally

This is just like overriding rand in a package, except that you override it in CORE::GLOBAL.

use Test::MockRandom 'CORE::GLOBAL';

# or

BEGIN { Test::MockRandom::export_rand_to('CORE::GLOBAL') }

You can always access the real built-in rand by calling it explicitly as CORE::rand.

Overriding rand in a package that also contains a rand function

This is tricky as the order in which the symbol table is manipulated will lead to very different results. This can be done safely (maybe) if the module uses the same rand syntax/prototype as the system call. In this case, you will need to do an explicit override (as above) but do it after importing the package. I.e.:

use Test::MockRandom;
use SomeRandPackage;
BEGIN { Test::MockRandom::export_rand_to('SomeRandPackage');

The first line is mostly to get the right exporting of auxilliary function to the current package. The second line will define a sub rand in SomeRandPackage, overriding the results of the first line. The third line then re-overrides the rand. You may see warnings about rand being redefined.

Depending on how your rand is written and used, there is a good likelihood that this isn't going to do what you're expecting, no matter what. If your package that defines rand relies upon the system CORE::GLOBAL::rand, then you may be best off overriding that instead.



$obj = new( LIST OF SEEDS );

Returns a new Test::MockRandom object with the specified list of seeds.


srand( LIST OF SEEDS );
$obj->srand( LIST OF SEEDS);

If called as a bare function call or package method, sets the seed list for bare/package calls to rand. If called as an object method, sets the seed list for that object.


$rv = rand();
$rv = $obj->rand();
$rv = rand(3);

If called as a bare or package function, returns the next value from the package seed list. If called as an object method, returns the next value from the object seed list.

If rand is called with a numeric argument, it follows the same behavior as the built-in function -- it multiplies the argument with the next value from the seed array (resulting in a random fractional value between 0 and the argument, just like the built-in). If the argument is 0, undef, or non-numeric, it is treated as if the argument is 1.

Using this with an argument in testing may be complicated, as limits in floating point precision mean that direct numeric comparisons are not reliable. E.g.

rand(3);       # does this return 1.0 or .999999999 etc.


srand( oneish() );
if ( rand() == oneish() ) { print "It's almost one." };

A utility function to return a nearly-one value. Equal to ( 2^32 - 1 ) / 2^32. Useful in srand and test functions.


export_rand_to( 'Some::Other::Package' );

This function exports rand into another package namespace. This is useful in testing object which call rand. E.g.,

package Some::Class;
sub foo { print rand(); }

package main;
use Test::MockRandom;
export_rand_to( 'Some::Class' );
Some::Class::foo();   # prints "0.5"

Note that this uses the Test::MockRandom package globals, not class objects. So a call to srand in the main package still affects the results of rand called in Some::Class.

The effect of this function is highly dependent on when it is called in the compile cycle. See "USAGE" for important details and warnings.


Please report bugs using the CPAN Request Tracker at


David A. Golden (DAGOLDEN)


Copyright (c) 2004 by David A. Golden

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

