Changes for version 1.000 - 2013-03-08

    • importing Test::Roo makes the current class a subclass of Test::Roo::Class; all methods moved there instead of being exported
    • Test::Roo now only exports 'test' and 'run_me'
    • done_testing is never called automatically
    • Test::Roo::Class has 'run_tests' method for creating and running tests; can be called as object or class method
    • Test::Roo::Class has lazy 'description' attribute for generating descriptions from test attributes
    • Added 'each_test' hook for global actions before/after every test
    • Includes Test::Roo::Cookbook with examples
    • Test::Roo docs explain differences from Test::Routine


Composable tests with roles and Moo
Base class for Test::Roo test classes
Test::Roo examples
Composable role for Test::Roo