Changes for version 0.0.1_2 - 2011-11-30

  • remove the need for perl 5.12

Changes for version 0.0.1_1 - 2011-11-24

  • first working version


store tag- and range-dependant data in a scalar or Moose attribute
method meta-class for multi-valued attribute accessors
"base role" for traits of multi-valued Moose attributes
attribute traits for attributes holding ranged values
attribute traits for attributes holding tagged values
attribute traits for attributes holding tagged and ranged values
exception classes
container for ranged values
Handle values with validity ranges
container for tagged values
container for tagged values that are ranged containers
Handle values with tags
Handle values with tags and validity ranges
only use this if you know what you're doing


in lib/Data/MultiValued/
in lib/Data/MultiValued/
in lib/Data/MultiValued/
in lib/Data/MultiValued/
in lib/Data/MultiValued/AttributeTrait/
in lib/Data/MultiValued/AttributeTrait/
in lib/Data/MultiValued/AttributeTrait/