HTML::Controls::ACString - clas for an auto-completing string control


my $localAC=HTML::Controls::ACString->new('name1',\@completions,{jsurl=>'/js'});
my $AJAXAC=HTML::Controls::ACString->new('name2',$completion_url,{jsurl=>'/js'});

This class implements a string control with auto-completion capabilities using the Prototype and JavaScript libraries.

Note: right now it does not use HTML::Prototype or Template::Plugin::HTML::Prototype, but it might in the future to simplify template maintenance.


For the generated controls to work, you must serve the appropriate JavaScript libraries under the URL that you specify as the jsurl option to the constructor. The files needed are: prototype.js from; controls.js, effects.js from

If you use the AJAX auto-completer, you will need to handle POST requests to the URL you gave to the constructor and return XML documents having a <ul> root element and the various completion possibilities as <li> children. See for details.


Just a scalar, this class derives from HTML::Controls::String.



The constructor. Takes the control's name, a completion specification, and various options.

The completion can be specified as either a reference to an array containing strings, in which case the control will use the "local auto-completer"; or as a scalar containing a URL to use for the AJAX auto-completer (see "USAGE REQUIREMENTS").

The options are passed as a hash reference. The hash must contain a jsurl key, whose value must be the URL under which the JavaScript libraries can be found (see "USAGE REQUIREMENTS"). If the control is using the "local auto-completer", these other options can be passed:


how many choices to present to the user, at most. Defaults to 4.


if case should be ignored while looking for completions. Defaults to true.


how many characters to enter before triggering a partial match. Defaults to 2.

whether to search for completions at the beginning of every word in every item, or just at the beginning of each whole item. Defaults to true, which selects the first behaviour.

if both this and partial_search are true, search for completions anywhere in each item. Defaults to false.

See also "_ac_local_opts", "_ac_local_defaults", "_ac_ajax_opts" and "_ac_ajax_defaults" to change recognized options and defaults in your sub-classes.



Returns 'acstring-head.wt'. The stock template outputs the <script> elements to load the JavaScript libraries, and a CSS fragment to give a basic style to the completions' pop-up.


Calls the inherited method, then "_add_template_parms" to add the data needed for the auto-completer.


Returns 'acstring-head.wt'. The stock template outputs the <input> element, the <div> for the completions, and the JavaScript call to attach the auto-completer.


Calls the inherited method, then "_add_template_parms" to add the data needed for the auto-completer.



This is a utility method, called by both "_body_template_parms" and "_head_template_parms". It adds to the passed hash reference:


The URL for the JavaScript libraries


'local' or 'ajax'


if using the "local auto-completer", the array of possible completions


if using the AJAX auto-completer, the URL to call to obtain the completions


the options hash, as passed to the constructor, with missing values filled in by defaults.


Returns a list of acceptable option names for the "local auto-completer" (choices, partial_search, full_search, partial_chars, ignore_case).


Returns a hash (not a reference) containing default values for all the options returned by "_ac_local_opts". See "new" for the values.


Returns a list of acceptable option names for the AJAX auto-completer. Right now, the empty list.


Returns a hash (not a reference) containing default values for all the options returned by "_ac_ajax_opts". Right now, the empty hash.


Copyright 2005 Gianni Ceccarelli, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.