Net::Stomp::Producer::Transactional - subclass of Net::Stomp::Producer with transaction-like behaviour


version 2.000


my $p = Net::Stomp::Producer::Transactional->new({
    servers => [ { hostname => 'localhost', port => 61613, } ],


         { type => 'my_message' },
         'body contents');
# nothing sent yet

# some time later
# all messages are sent now


  # do something...


  # do something else...

# all messages are sent now, unless an exception was thrown


A subclass of Net::Stomp::Producer, this class adds some transaction-like behaviour.

If you call "txn_begin", the messages sent through this object will be kept in memory instead of being actually sent to the STOMP connection. They will be sent when you call "txn_commit",

There is also a "txn_do" method, which takes a coderef and executes it between a "txn_begin" and a "txn_commit". If the coderef throws an exception, the messages are forgotten.

Please remember that this has nothing to do with STOMP transactions, nor with the "transactional_sending" in Net::Stomp::Producer attribute. We could, in future, re-implement this to delegate transactional behaviour to the broker via STOMP's BEGIN and COMMIT frames. At the moment we do everything client-side.



If true, we are inside a "transaction". You can change this with "txn_begin", "txn_commit" and "txn_rollback".


Start a transaction, so that subsequent calls to send or transform_and_send won't really send messages to the connection, but keep them in memory.

You can call this method multiple times; the transaction will end (and messages will be sent) when you call "txn_commit" as many times as you called txn_begin.

Calling "txn_rollback" will destroy the messages sent since the most recent txn_begin. In other words, transactions are properly re-entrant.


Commit the current transaction. If this was the outer-most transaction, send all buffered messages.

If you call this method outside of a transaction, you'll get a Net::Stomp::Producer::Exceptions::Transactional exception.


Roll back the current transaction, destroying all messages "sent" inside it.

If you call this method outside of a transaction, you'll get a Net::Stomp::Producer::Exceptions::Transactional exception.


If not "in_transaction", send the message normally; otherwise, add it to the in-memory buffer. See the base method for more details.


$p->txn_do(sub {

This method executes the given coderef between a "txn_begin" and a "txn_commit".

If the coderef throws an exception, "txn_rollback" will be called, and the exception re-thrown.

This method is re-entrant:

 $p->txn_do(sub {
   eval {
     $p->txn_do(sub {
       die "boom\n";

The first and thind messages will be sent, the second one will not.


Gianni Ceccarelli <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.