Changes for version 1.09 - 2014-07-14

  • require Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers 2.6 for newer failover handling
  • pass the logger to the Net::Stomp object


adapt STOMP to (almost) HTTP, via Plack
exception classes for Plack::Handler::Stomp
like Plack::Handler::Stomp, but without a network
printf-style interpolations for PATH_INFO
dead-simple logger for Plack::Handler::Stomp
type definitions for Plack::Handler::Stomp
testing library for Plack::Handler::Stomp
subclass of Net::Stomp, half-mocked for testing


in lib/Plack/Handler/Stomp/
in lib/Plack/Handler/Stomp/
in lib/Plack/Handler/Stomp/