GvaScript.Form - Helper functions for forms
<form id="my_form">
<div repeat="foo">
<h2>Foo #{foo.count}</h2>
This is the repeated foo section
<tr repeat="bar">
<td>Item #{bar.count}</td>
<td><input name="#{bar.path}.buz"></td>
<td><button onclick="GvaScript.Form.remove('#{bar.path}')">
Remove this row
<button onclick="GvaScript.Form.add('#{foo.path}.bar')">
Add a bar
<button onclick="GvaScript.Form.add('foo')">Add a foo</button>
This module of Alien::GvaScript manages forms with hierarchical fields and dynamically repeated sections. It works in close collaboration with Alien::GvaScript::Repeat.
The design is partially inspired by the Web Forms 2.0
proposal (, but is not an attempt to implement the proposed specification: there are some differences both in syntax and in semantics.
Markup of repeat elements
Repeat elements may occur outside of forms and therefore are described in a separate document; see Alien::GvaScript::Repeat.
The "init" method inspects all form elements for an autofocus
attribute; the first element that possesses this attribute automatically receives focus.
Similarly, when a repetition block is added into the form through the "add" method, the first element within that repetition block that possesses an autofocus
attribute automatically receives focus.
GvaScript.Form.init(form, initial_tree)
is the id of a form (or directly the DOM element). Optional initial_tree
is a javascript nested datastructure containing initial values for fields, that will be passed to the "fill_from_tree" method.
var flat_hash = GvaScript.Form.to_hash(form);
Inspects the contents of all fields in form
and returns a flat hash of pairs (key-value).
var tree = GvaScript.Form.to_tree(form);
Inspects the contents of all fields in form
and returns a data tree, were dotted names in form names are expanded into sub-arrays or sub-hashes. So for example if the form looks like
<input name="father.firstname"> <input name="father.lastname"><br>
<input name="mother.firstname"> <input name="mother.lastname"><br>
<div repeat="child" repeat-start="1">
<input name="#{child.path}.firstname"><br>
and if that form has been expanded with 3 repetition blocks for children, the resulting tree would be
{ "father" : {"firstname" : ..., "lastname": ...},
"mother" : {"firstname" : ..., "lastname": ...},
"child" : [ {"firstname": ...},
{"firstname": ...},
{"firstname": ...} ] }
GvaScript.Form.fill_from_tree(form, field_prefix, tree);
Fills the form from values found in tree
(this is the reverse of the "to_tree" operation). Optional field_prefix
is prepended to key names in tree
for finding the corresponding form fields.
The method walks through nested subtrees in tree
: the sequence of keys leading to a leaf is concatenated into a flat string, with dot separators, and if the form has a corresponding input element, the value of that element is set to the value of the leaf. Furthermore, if the initial tree contains repeated data sets (array subtrees), and if the form contains repeat elements with the same path, then new repetition blocks are dynamically created to match the number of items in the array: so if the form above is filled with the following tree
{ "child" : [ {"firstname": "Abel"},
{"firstname": "Bob"},
{"firstname": "Cod"},
{"firstname": "Dave"}, ] }
then four repetition blocks will automatically created in the form.
var tree = GvaScript.Form.expand_hash(flat_hash);
Transforms a flat structure of key-value pairs into a nested tree structure, by splitting keys on dots. The idea and algorithm come from "expand_hash" in CGI::Expand.
GvaScript.Form.add(repeat_name, count);
Creates one or several new repetition blocks. The parameter count
is optional and defaults to 1. Focus is automatically given to the first input element in the last repetition block that has an autofocus
attribute (if any).
See "add" in Alien::GvaScript::Repeat for more explanations on the add
Removes a repetition block from the DOM. The argument is either a DOM element or a string containing the element id.
All repetition blocks above the removed block are renumbered, leaving no hole in the index sequence. To do so, these blocks are also removed from the DOM, and then added again through the "add" method. This operation is implemented by "remove" in Alien::GvaScript::Repeat.
The recreated blocks are then re-populated with their previous input values.
Inspects DOM children of element
, and gives focus to the first child that has an autofocus