GvaScript.Paginator - API for data pagination


var url = '/app/my/paginated/data';
var mypaginator = new GvaScript.Paginator(url, {
  list_container  : 'list_result_container', 
  links_container : 'pagination_links_container'

  onSuccess   : onSuccessHandler,
  parameters  : {param1: 'val1', param2: 'val2'},
  step        : 20


Paginated data is a set of data that can be divided into differnent pages. It is best described as a list of items that overflow one page and best presented in several pages. The Paginator Object is used in this case to manage retrieval (through AJAX Requests) and handling (through an onSuccess handler). It also will take care of creating the navigation links (first, prev, next, last) and rendering them into provided container. Navigation links are used for an on demand page flipping.

Data will be requested using an HTTP call to a provided URL. Data Index and Size are decided using INDEX and STEP parameters respectively. It is up to you to make use of these parameters to decide on the items to display.



This method will remove all handlers assigned to pagination buttons. Call this method when the paginator element is removed from the DOM.

Pagination Parameters

The Paginator Object will manage the 2 request parameters

INDEX start index of items to retrieve
STEP number if items to include per page

These two parameters would help you in deciding which part of the dataset to return.

Navigation links are the icons used to navigate through pages (page flipping). Along with icons, a text with start-to-end index of displayed records / number of total records is displayed.


<div class="gva-paginatorbar">
  <div title="Dernière page" class="last"/>
  <div title="Page suivante" class="forward"/>
  <div class="text">1 à 11 de 115</div>
  <div title="Page précédente" class="back inactive"/>
  <div title="Première page" class="first inactive"/>

Note that the icons are aware if they should be active/inactive. An 'inactive' css classname would be set to differentiate.


Easy customization of icons

By default, css classnames are prefixed by 'gva'.

This can be overloaded by a global js variable: CSS_PREFIX if declared before the inclusion of this Library

.gva-paginatorbar {float:right;width:250px;}
.gva-paginatorbar div {width:16px;height:16px;cursor:pointer;float:right;}
.gva-paginatorbar div.first {background:url(page-first.gif) no-repeat top center;}
.gva-paginatorbar div.last {background:url(page-last.gif) no-repeat top center;}
.gva-paginatorbar div.back {background:url(page-prev.gif) no-repeat top center;}
.gva-paginatorbar div.forward {background:url(page-next.gif) no-repeat top center;}
.gva-paginatorbar div.inactive {cursor:default;opacity:0.25;filter:alpha(opacity=25);}
.gva-paginatorbar div.text {text-align:center;width:140px;color:#4b34c5;font-size:10pt;}

/* classname given to the list container while data is waiting to be loaded */
.gva-loading {
  background:url(ajax_loading.gif) no-repeat center center;

Programming Interface


new GvaScript.Paginator

var paginator = new GvaScript.Paginator(
      {opt1:"val1", opt2:"val2", ...}

Creates the object that controls pages navigation. Arguments are


URL used to retrieve pages content using HTTP request.


Options used to define and customize the Paginator object.

The Paginator object is returned as it might be useful for a programatic navigation of pages.

Available options are:

Element or an id of an HTML Element to render the navigation links into.


list_container (String|HTMLElement)

Element of an id of an HTML Element that is used to render the result of the pagination. A 'gva-loading' classname is set to this container in the duration of page request. Also ajax timeout and error messages will be displayed in this container.


step (numeric)

Number of items to display per page. This number would be the value of STEP (HTTP Request Parameter) that is transferred with pagination calls.

optional - defaulted to 20

method (String)

String indicating the HTTP method to use in the AJAX request for retrieving paginated data.

optional - defaulted to 'post'

parameters (String|Hash)

String in the syntax of key1=val1&key2=val2, or hash {key1: 'val1', key2: 'val2'} of key/value pairs of parameters to be sent with the HTTP request

optional - defaulted to {}

onSuccess (function)

Function handler of the onSuccess of the AJAX HTTP request to retrieve paginated data.

optional - defaulted to Prototype.emptyFunction

lazy (boolean)

Boolean indicating whether to load first page with the initialization of the Paginator Object. true implies lazy loading of the first page - will wait for an explicit call to loadContent method.

optional - defaulted to false

timeoutAjax (Numeric)

Number of seconds to wait before aborting the Ajax HTTP Request. Upon abort, an error message will display in the list_container.

optional - defaulted to 15

errorMsg (String)

Error message to display on timeoutAjax.

optional - defaulted to "Problème de connexion. Réessayer et si le problème persiste, contacter un administrateur."

Flipping the Pages


Returns boolean indicating whether the paginator has more data to display.


Returns boolean indicating whether the paginator has previous data to display.


Returns boolean if successful.


Returns boolean if successful.


Returns boolean if successful.


Returns boolean if successful


Core method that initializes the AJAX HTTP Request to retrieve data and calls the onSuccess handler to dipplay the result.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 60:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'title="Dernière'. Assuming CP1252