Revision history for Perl extension Data::DeepManip.
0.01 Sat Nov 12 17:53:19 RST 2011
original version; created by Matthieu Damerose
0.02 Sun Dec 11 21:00:00 RST 2011
MANIFEST missing travel.t correction; Matthieu Damerose
0.03 Mon Dec 26 22:14:30 RST 2011
seems auto-tests are not passing (Local OK); Matthieu Damerose
0.04 Sun Jan 1 18:22:57 RST 2012
Successfull correction on auto-test; Matthieu Damerose
0.05 Sun Feb 19 20:56:43 RST 2012
perl licence in Makefile.PL ; Matthieu Damerose
Changes file update ; Matthieu Damerose
Infinite loop detection
change argument call ref to array in internal &$matchPath() and &$isKey()
this was made for better usage in function travel, search and compare
header changed for giving an error
(thanks to Thomas Sibley and David Muir Sharnoff)
DISABLED function : complex key compare (to use o_key as nodes priority searching)
disabled as no test created on this very experimental, rewrited anyway ...
=> function _escape_path removed as it is useless