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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
qw/moebius mertens euler_phi jordan_totient divisor_sum exp_mangoldt
chebyshev_theta chebyshev_psi carmichael_lambda znorder liouville
znprimroot znlog kronecker legendre_phi gcd lcm is_power valuation
invmod vecsum vecprod binomial gcdext chinese vecmin vecmax factorial
my $use64 = Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config->{'maxbits'} > 32;
my $usexs = Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config->{'xs'};
$use64 = 0 if $use64 && 18446744073709550592 == ~0;
my @moeb_vals = (qw/ 1 -1 -1 0 -1 1 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 -1 1 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 /);
my %mertens = (
1 => 1,
2 => 0,
3 => -1,
4 => -1,
5 => -2,
10 => -1,
100 => 1,
1000 => 2,
10000 => -23,
8 => -2,
16 => -1,
32 => -4,
64 => -1,
128 => -2,
256 => -1,
512 => -4,
1024 => -4,
2048 => 7,
4096 => -19,
8192 => 22,
my %big_mertens = (
100000 => -48,
1000000 => 212,
10000000 => 1037,
if (!$extra && !Math::Prime::Util::prime_get_config->{'xs'}) {
delete $big_mertens{10000000};
if ($extra && $use64) {
%big_mertens = ( %big_mertens,
2 => 0, # A087987, mertens at primorials
6 => -1,
30 => -3,
210 => -1,
2310 => -1,
30030 => 16,
510510 => -25,
9699690 => 278,
223092870 => 3516,
6433477 => 900, # 30^2
109851909 => -4096, # A084235, 2^12
2**14 => -32, # A084236
2**15 => 26,
2**16 => 14,
2**17 => -20,
2**18 => 24,
2**19 => -125,
2**20 => 257,
2**21 => -362,
2**22 => 228,
2**23 => -10,
10**8 => 1928,
# 10**9 => -222,
# 1*10**10 => -33722, # From Deleglise and Rivat
# 2*10**10 => -48723, # Too slow with current method
my %totients = (
123456 => 41088,
123457 => 123456,
123456789 => 82260072,
my @A000010 = (0,1,1,2,2,4,2,6,4,6,4,10,4,12,6,8,8,16,6,18,8,12,10,22,8,20,12,18,12,28,8,30,16,20,16,24,12,36,18,24,16,40,12,42,20,24,22,46,16,42,20,32,24,52,18,40,24,36,28,58,16,60,30,36,32,48,20,66,32,44);
#@totients{0..$#A000010} = @A000010;
my @A001615 = (1,3,4,6,6,12,8,12,12,18,12,24,14,24,24,24,18,36,20,36,32,36,24,48,30,42,36,48,30,72,32,48,48,54,48,72,38,60,56,72,42,96,44,72,72,72,48,96,56,90,72,84,54,108,72,96,80,90,60,144,62,96,96,96,84,144,68,108,96);
my %jordan_totients = (
# A000010
1 => [1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 4, 10, 4, 12, 6, 8, 8, 16, 6, 18, 8, 12, 10, 22, 8, 20, 12, 18, 12, 28, 8, 30, 16, 20, 16, 24, 12, 36, 18, 24, 16, 40, 12, 42, 20, 24, 22, 46, 16, 42, 20, 32, 24, 52, 18, 40, 24, 36, 28, 58, 16, 60, 30, 36, 32, 48, 20, 66, 32, 44],
# A007434
2 => [1, 3, 8, 12, 24, 24, 48, 48, 72, 72, 120, 96, 168, 144, 192, 192, 288, 216, 360, 288, 384, 360, 528, 384, 600, 504, 648, 576, 840, 576, 960, 768, 960, 864, 1152, 864, 1368, 1080, 1344, 1152, 1680, 1152, 1848, 1440, 1728, 1584, 2208, 1536],
# A059376
3 => [1, 7, 26, 56, 124, 182, 342, 448, 702, 868, 1330, 1456, 2196, 2394, 3224, 3584, 4912, 4914, 6858, 6944, 8892, 9310, 12166, 11648, 15500, 15372, 18954, 19152, 24388, 22568, 29790, 28672, 34580, 34384, 42408, 39312, 50652, 48006, 57096],
# A059377
4 => [1, 15, 80, 240, 624, 1200, 2400, 3840, 6480, 9360, 14640, 19200, 28560, 36000, 49920, 61440, 83520, 97200, 130320, 149760, 192000, 219600, 279840, 307200, 390000, 428400, 524880, 576000, 707280, 748800, 923520, 983040, 1171200],
# A059378
5 => [1, 31, 242, 992, 3124, 7502, 16806, 31744, 58806, 96844, 161050, 240064, 371292, 520986, 756008, 1015808, 1419856, 1822986, 2476098, 3099008, 4067052, 4992550, 6436342, 7682048, 9762500, 11510052, 14289858, 16671552, 20511148, 23436248, 28629150, 32505856, 38974100, 44015536, 52501944, 58335552, 69343956, 76759038, 89852664, 99168256, 115856200, 126078612, 147008442, 159761600, 183709944, 199526602, 229345006, 245825536, 282458442, 302637500, 343605152, 368321664],
# A069091
6 => [1, 63, 728, 4032, 15624, 45864, 117648, 258048, 530712, 984312, 1771560, 2935296, 4826808, 7411824, 11374272, 16515072, 24137568, 33434856, 47045880, 62995968, 85647744, 111608280, 148035888, 187858944, 244125000, 304088904, 386889048],
# A069092
7 => [1, 127, 2186, 16256, 78124, 277622, 823542, 2080768, 4780782, 9921748, 19487170, 35535616, 62748516, 104589834, 170779064, 266338304, 410338672, 607159314, 893871738, 1269983744, 1800262812, 2474870590, 3404825446],
my %sigmak = (
# A0000005
0 => [1,2,2,3,2,4,2,4,3,4,2,6,2,4,4,5,2,6,2,6,4,4,2,8,3,4,4,6,2,8,2,6,4,4,4,9,2,4,4,8,2,8,2,6,6,4,2,10,3,6,4,6,2,8,4,8,4,4,2,12,2,4,6,7,4,8,2,6,4,8,2,12,2,4,6,6,4,8,2,10,5,4,2,12,4,4,4,8,2,12,4,6,4,4,4,12,2,6,6,9,2,8,2,8],
# A000203
1 => [1, 3, 4, 7, 6, 12, 8, 15, 13, 18, 12, 28, 14, 24, 24, 31, 18, 39, 20, 42, 32, 36, 24, 60, 31, 42, 40, 56, 30, 72, 32, 63, 48, 54, 48, 91, 38, 60, 56, 90, 42, 96, 44, 84, 78, 72, 48, 124, 57, 93, 72, 98, 54, 120, 72, 120, 80, 90, 60, 168, 62, 96, 104, 127, 84, 144, 68, 126, 96, 144],
# A001157
2 => [1, 5, 10, 21, 26, 50, 50, 85, 91, 130, 122, 210, 170, 250, 260, 341, 290, 455, 362, 546, 500, 610, 530, 850, 651, 850, 820, 1050, 842, 1300, 962, 1365, 1220, 1450, 1300, 1911, 1370, 1810, 1700, 2210, 1682, 2500, 1850, 2562, 2366, 2650, 2210, 3410, 2451, 3255],
# A001158
3 => [1, 9, 28, 73, 126, 252, 344, 585, 757, 1134, 1332, 2044, 2198, 3096, 3528, 4681, 4914, 6813, 6860, 9198, 9632, 11988, 12168, 16380, 15751, 19782, 20440, 25112, 24390, 31752, 29792, 37449, 37296, 44226, 43344, 55261, 50654, 61740, 61544],
my @tau4 = (1,4,4,10,4,16,4,20,10,16,4,40,4,16,16,35,4,40,4,40,16,16,4,80,10,16,20,40,4,64,4,56,16,16,16,100,4,16,16,80,4,64,4,40,40,16,4,140,10,40,16,40,4,80,16,80,16,16,4,160,4,16,40,84,16,64,4,40,16,64,4,200,4,16,40,40,16);
my %mangoldt = (
-13 => 1,
0 => 1,
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
3 => 3,
4 => 2,
5 => 5,
6 => 1,
7 => 7,
8 => 2,
9 => 3,
10 => 1,
11 => 11,
25 => 5,
27 => 3,
399981 => 1,
399982 => 1,
399983 => 399983,
823543 => 7,
83521 => 17,
130321 => 19,
my %chebyshev1 = (
0 => 0,
1 => 0,
2 => 0.693147180559945,
3 => 1.79175946922805,
4 => 1.79175946922805,
5 => 3.40119738166216,
243 => 226.593507136467,
123456 => 123034.091739914,
my %chebyshev2 = (
0 => 0,
1 => 0,
2 => 0.693147180559945,
3 => 1.79175946922805,
4 => 2.484906649788,
5 => 4.0943445622221,
243 => 245.274469978683,
123456 => 123435.148054491
if ($extra) {
$chebyshev1{1234567} = 1233272.80087825;
$chebyshev2{1234567} = 1234515.17962833;
if (!$usexs && !$extra) {
delete $chebyshev1{$_} for grep { $_ > 50000 } keys %chebyshev1;
delete $chebyshev2{$_} for grep { $_ > 50000 } keys %chebyshev2;
my @A002322 = (0,1,1,2,2,4,2,6,2,6,4,10,2,12,6,4,4,16,6,18,4,6,10,22,2,20,12,18,6,28,4,30,8,10,16,12,6,36,18,12,4,40,6,42,10,12,22,46,4,42,20,16,12,52,18,20,6,18,28,58,4,60,30,6,16,12,10,66,16,22,12,70,6,72,36,20,18,30,12,78,4,54,40,82,6,16,42,28,10,88,12,12,22,30,46,36,8,96,42,30,20,100,16,102,12,12,52,106,18,108,20,36,12,112,18,44,28,12,58,48,4,110,60,40,30,100,6,126,32,42,12,130,10,18,66,36,16,136,22,138,12,46,70,60,12,28,72,42,36,148,20,150,18,48,30,60,12,156,78,52,8,66,54,162,40,20,82,166,6,156,16,18,42,172,28,60,20,58,88,178,12,180,12,60,22,36,30,80,46,18,36,190,16,192,96,12,42,196,30,198,20);
my @mult_orders = (
[1, 35, 1],
[2, 35, 12],
[4, 35, 6],
[6, 35, 2],
[7, 35],
[1, 1, 1],
[0, 0],
[1, 0],
[25, 0],
[1, 1, 1],
[19, 1, 1],
[1, 19, 1],
[2, 19, 18],
[3, 20, 4],
if ($use64) {
push @mult_orders, [2, 2405286912458753, 1073741824]; # Pari #1031
my %primroots = (
-11 => 2,
0 => undef,
1 => 0,
2 => 1,
3 => 2,
4 => 3,
5 => 2,
6 => 5,
7 => 3,
8 => undef,
9 => 2,
10 => 3, # 3 is the smallest root. Pari gives the other root 7.
1729 => undef, # Pari goes into an infinite loop.
5109721 => 94,
17551561 => 97,
90441961 => 113,
1407827621 => 2,
1520874431 => 17,
1685283601 => 164,
100000001 => undef, # Without an early exit, this will essentially hang.
if ($use64) {
$primroots{2232881419280027} = 6; # factor divide goes to FP
$primroots{14123555781055773271} = 6; # bmodpow hits RT 71548
$primroots{89637484042681} = 335; # smallest root is large
$primroots{9223372036854775837} = 5; # Pari #905
my @kroneckers = (
[ 109981, 737777, 1],
[ 737779, 121080, -1],
[-737779, 121080, 1],
[ 737779,-121080, -1],
[-737779,-121080, -1],
[10, 49, 1],
[3,18,0], [3,-18,0],
[-2, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 1], [ 0, 0, 0], [ 1, 0, 1], [ 2, 0, 0],
[-2, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1], [ 0, 1, 1], [ 1, 1, 1], [ 2, 1, 1],
[-2,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1], [ 0,-1, 1], [ 1,-1, 1], [ 2,-1, 1],
# Some cases trying to make sure we're not turning UVs into IVs
[ 3686556869, 428192857, 1],
[-1453096827, 364435739, -1],
[ 3527710253, -306243569, 1],
[-1843526669, -332265377, 1],
[ 321781679, 4095783323, -1],
[ 454249403, -79475159, -1],
if ($use64) {
push @kroneckers, [17483840153492293897, 455592493, 1];
push @kroneckers, [-1402663995299718225, 391125073, 1];
push @kroneckers, [16715440823750591903, -534621209, -1];
push @kroneckers, [13106964391619451641,16744199040925208803, 1];
push @kroneckers, [11172354269896048081,10442187294190042188,-1];
push @kroneckers, [-5694706465843977004,9365273357682496999,-1];
my @valuations = (
[-4,2, 2],
[0,0, 0],
[1,0, 0],
[96552,6, 3],
[1879048192,2, 28],
my @legendre_sums = (
[ 0, 92372, 0],
[ 5, 15, 1],
[ 89, 4, 21 ],
[ 46, 4, 11 ],
[ 47, 4, 12 ],
[ 48, 4, 12 ],
[ 52, 4, 12 ],
[ 53, 4, 13 ],
[10000, 5, 2077],
[526, 7, 95],
[588, 6, 111],
[100000, 5, 20779],
[5882, 6, 1128],
[100000, 7, 18053],
[10000, 8, 1711],
[1000000, 168, 78331],
[800000, 213, 63739],
my @gcds = (
[ [], 0],
[ [8], 8],
[ [9,9], 9],
[ [0,0], 0],
[ [1, 0, 0], 1],
[ [0, 0, 1], 1],
[ [17,19], 1 ],
[ [54,24], 6 ],
[ [42,56], 14],
[ [ 9,28], 1 ],
[ [48,180], 12],
[ [2705353758,2540073744,3512215098,2214052398], 18],
[ [2301535282,3609610580,3261189640], 106],
[ [694966514,510402262,195075284,609944479], 181],
[ [294950648,651855678,263274296,493043500,581345426], 58 ],
[ [-30,-90,90], 30],
[ [-3,-9,-18], 3],
my @lcms = (
[ [], 0],
[ [8], 8],
[ [9,9], 9],
[ [0,0], 0],
[ [1, 0, 0], 0],
[ [0, 0, 1], 0],
[ [17,19], 323 ],
[ [54,24], 216 ],
[ [42,56], 168],
[ [ 9,28], 252 ],
[ [48,180], 720],
[ [36,45], 180],
[ [-36,45], 180],
[ [-36,-45], 180],
[ [30,15,5], 30],
[ [2,3,4,5], 60],
[ [30245, 114552], 3464625240],
[ [11926,78001,2211], 2790719778],
[ [1426,26195,3289,8346], 4254749070],
if ($use64) {
push @gcds, [ [12848174105599691600,15386870946739346600,11876770906605497900], 700];
push @gcds, [ [9785375481451202685,17905669244643674637,11069209430356622337], 117];
push @lcms, [ [26505798,9658520,967043,18285904], 15399063829732542960];
push @lcms, [ [267220708,143775143,261076], 15015659316963449908];
my @gcdexts = (
[ [0, 28], [0, 1,28] ],
[ [ 28,0], [ 1,0,28] ],
[ [0,-28], [0,-1,28] ],
[ [-28,0], [-1,0,28] ],
[ [ 3706259912, 1223661804], [ 123862139,-375156991, 4] ],
[ [ 3706259912,-1223661804], [ 123862139, 375156991, 4] ],
[ [-3706259912, 1223661804], [-123862139,-375156991, 4] ],
[ [-3706259912,-1223661804], [-123862139, 375156991, 4] ],
[ [22,242], [1, 0, 22] ],
[ [2731583792,3028241442], [-187089956, 168761937, 2] ],
[ [42272720,12439910], [-21984, 74705, 70] ],
if ($use64) {
push @gcdexts, [ [10139483024654235947,8030280778952246347], [-2715309548282941287,3428502169395958570,1] ];
my @crts = (
[ [], 0 ],
[ [[4,5]], 4 ],
[ [[77,11]], 0 ],
[ [[0,5],[0,6]], 0 ],
[ [[14,5],[0,6]], 24 ],
[ [[10,11],[4,22],[9,19]], undef ],
[ [[77,13],[79,17]], 181 ],
[ [[2,3],[3,5],[2,7]], 23 ],
[ [[10,11],[4,12],[12,13]], 1000 ],
[ [[42,127],[24,128]], 2328 ], # Some tests from Mod::Int
[ [[32,126],[23,129]], 410 ],
[ [[2328,16256],[410,5418]], 28450328 ],
[ [[1,10],[11,100]], 11 ],
[ [[11,100],[22,100]], undef ],
[ [[1753051086,3243410059],[2609156951,2439462460]], "6553408220202087311"],
[ [ ["6325451203932218304","2750166238021308"],
["5611464489438299732","94116455416164094"] ],
"1433171050835863115088946517796" ],
[ [ ["1762568892212871168","8554171181844660224"],
["2462425671659520000","2016911328009584640"] ],
"188079320578009823963731127992320" ],
[ [ ["856686401696104448","11943471150311931904"],
["6316031051955372032","13290002569363587072"] ],
"943247297188055114646647659888640" ],
[ [[-3105579549,3743000622],[-1097075646,1219365911]], "2754322117681955433"],
[ [ ["-925543788386357567","243569243147991"],
["-1256802905822510829","28763455974459440"] ],
"837055903505897549759994093811" ],
[ [ ["-2155972909982577461","8509855219791386062"],
["-5396280069505638574","6935743629860450393"] ],
"12941173114744545542549046204020289525" ],
my @znlogs = (
[ [5,2,1019], 10],
[ [2,4,17], undef],
[ [7,3,8], undef],
[ [7,17,36], undef], # No solution (Pari #1463)
[ [1,8,9], 0],
[ [3,3,8], 1],
[ [10,2,101], 25],
[ [2,55,101], 73], # 2 = 55^73 mod 101
[ [5,2,401], 48], # 5 = 2^48 mod 401 (Pari #1285)
[ [228,2,383], 110],
[ [3061666278, 499998, 3332205179], 22],
[ [5678,5,10007], 8620], # 5678 = 5^8620 mod 10007
[ [7531,6,8101], 6689], # 7531 = 6^6689 mod 8101
# Some odd cases. Pari pre-2.6 and post 2.6 have issues with them.
[ [0,30,100], 2], # 0 = 30^2 mod 100
[ [1,1,101], 0], # 1 = 1^0 mod 101
[ [8,2,102], 3], # 8 = 2^3 mod 102
[ [18,18,102], 1], # 18 = 18^1 mod 102
if ($usexs || $extra) {
push @znlogs, [ [5675,5,10000019], 2003974]; # 5675 = 5^2003974 mod 10000019
if ($usexs && $use64) {
# Nice case for PH
push @znlogs, [ [32712908945642193,5,71245073933756341], 5945146967010377];
my %powers = (
0 => [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19],
2 => [4, 9, 25, 36, 49],
3 => [8, 27, 125, 343, 17576],
4 => [16, 38416],
9 => [19683, 1000000000],
if ($use64) {
push @{$powers{0}}, 9908918038843197151;
push @{$powers{2}}, 18446743927680663841;
push @{$powers{3}}, 2250923753991375;
push @{$powers{4}}, 1150530828529256001;
push @{$powers{9}}, 118587876497;
my @invmods = (
[ 0, 0, undef],
[ 1, 0, undef],
[ 0, 1, undef],
[ 1, 1, 0],
[ 45, 59, 21],
[ 42, 2017, 1969],
[ 42, -2017, 1969],
[ -42, 2017, 48],
[ -42, -2017, 48],
[ 14, 28474, undef],
if ($use64) {
push @invmods, [ 13, 9223372036854775808, 5675921253449092805 ];
push @invmods, [ 14, 18446744073709551615, 17129119497016012214 ];
my @vecsums = (
[ 0 ],
[ -1, -1 ],
[ 0, 1,-1 ],
[ 0, -1,1 ],
[ 0, -1,1 ],
[ 0, -2147483648,2147483648 ],
[ 0, "-4294967296","4294967296" ],
[ 0, "-9223372036854775808","9223372036854775808" ],
[ "18446744073709551615", "18446744073709551615","-18446744073709551615","18446744073709551615" ],
[ "55340232221128654848", "18446744073709551616","18446744073709551616","18446744073709551616" ],
if ($use64) {
push @vecsums, [ "18446744073709620400", 18446744073709540400, (1000) x 80 ];
my @vecprods = (
[ 1 ],
[ 1, 1 ],
[ -1, -1 ],
[ 2, -1, -2 ],
[ 2, -1, -2 ],
[ "-2147385345", 32767, -65535 ],
[ "-2147385345", 32767, -65535 ],
[ "-2147450880", 32768, -65535 ],
[ "-2147483648", 32768, -65536 ],
my @vecmins = (
[ ],
[ 1, 1 ],
[ 0, 0 ],
[ -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 2 ],
[ 1, 2, 1 ],
[ 1, 2, 1 ],
[ -6, 0, 4, -5, 6, -6, 0 ],
[ -6, 0, 4, -5, 7, -6, 0 ],
if ($use64) {
# List::Util::min gets these wrong
push @vecmins, [ qw/18446744073702958477 18446744073704516093 18446744073706008451 18446744073706436837 18446744073707776433 18446744073702959347 18446744073702958477/ ];
push @vecmins, [ qw/-9223372036852260731 -9223372036852260673 -9223372036852260731 -9223372036850511139 -9223372036850207017 -9223372036852254557 -9223372036849473359/ ];
push @vecmins, [ qw/-9223372036853497843 9223372036852278343 -9223372036853497487 -9223372036844936897 -9223372036850971897 -9223372036853497843 9223372036848046999/ ];
my @vecmaxs = (
[ ],
[ 1, 1 ],
[ 0, 0 ],
[ -1, -1 ],
[ 2, 1, 2 ],
[ 2, 2, 1 ],
[ 2, 2, 1 ],
[ 6, 0, 4, -5, 6, -6, 0 ],
[ 7, 0, 4, -5, 7, -8, 0 ],
if ($use64) {
# List::Util::max gets these wrong
push @vecmaxs, [ qw/18446744072030630259 18446744070011576186 18446744070972009258 18446744071127815503 18446744072030630259 18446744072030628952 18446744071413452589/ ];
push @vecmaxs, [ qw/18446744073707508539 18446744073702156661 18446744073707508539 18446744073700111529 18446744073707506771 18446744073707086091 18446744073704381821/ ];
push @vecmaxs, [ qw/-9223372036847631197 -9223372036853227739 -9223372036847631197 -9223372036851632173 -9223372036847631511 -9223372036852712261 -9223372036851707899/ ];
push @vecmaxs, [ qw/9223372036846154833 -9223372036846673813 9223372036846154833 -9223372036851103423 9223372036846154461 -9223372036849190963 -9223372036847538803/ ];
my @binomials = (
[ 0,0, 1 ],
[ 0,1, 0 ],
[ 1,0, 1 ],
[ 1,1, 1 ],
[ 1,2, 0 ],
[ 13,13, 1 ],
[ 13,14, 0 ],
[ 35,16, 4059928950 ], # We can do this natively even in 32-bit
[ 40,19, "131282408400" ], # We can do this in 64-bit
[ 67,31, "11923179284862717872" ], # ...and this
[ 228,12, "30689926618143230620" ],# But the result of this is too big.
[ 177,78, "3314450882216440395106465322941753788648564665022000" ],
[ -10,5, -2002 ],
[ -11,22, 64512240 ],
[ -12,23, -286097760 ],
[ -23,-26, -2300 ], # Kronenburg extension
[ -12,-23, -705432 ], # same
[ 12,-23, 0 ],
[ 12,-12, 0 ],
[ -12,0, 1 ],
[ 0,-1, 0 ],
# These are slow with XS, and *really* slow with PP.
if (!$usexs) {
%big_mertens = map { $_ => $big_mertens{$_} }
grep { $_ < 100000000 }
keys %big_mertens;
my @liouville_pos = (qw/24 51 94 183 294 629 1488 3684 8006 8510 32539 57240
103138 238565 444456 820134 1185666 3960407 4429677 13719505 29191963
57736144 134185856 262306569 324235872 563441153 1686170713 2489885844/);
my @liouville_neg = (qw/23 47 113 163 378 942 1669 2808 8029 9819 23863 39712
87352 210421 363671 562894 1839723 3504755 7456642 14807115 22469612
49080461 132842464 146060791 279256445 802149183 1243577750 3639860654/);
if ($use64) {
push @liouville_pos, (qw/1260238066729040 10095256575169232896/);
push @liouville_neg, (qw/1807253903626380 12063177829788352512/);
plan tests => 0 + 1
+ 1 # Small Moebius
+ 3*scalar(keys %mertens)
+ 1*scalar(keys %big_mertens)
+ 2 # Small Phi
+ 8 + scalar(keys %totients)
+ 1 # Small Carmichael Lambda
+ scalar(@kroneckers)
+ scalar(@gcds)
+ scalar(@lcms)
+ scalar(@gcdexts)
+ scalar(@crts)
+ scalar(@mult_orders)
+ scalar(@znlogs)
+ scalar(@legendre_sums)
+ scalar(@valuations)
+ 3 + scalar(@invmods)
+ scalar(@vecsums)
+ 1 + scalar(@vecprods)
+ scalar(@vecmins)
+ scalar(@vecmaxs)
+ 2 + scalar(@binomials)
+ scalar(keys %powers)
+ scalar(keys %primroots) + 1
+ scalar(keys %jordan_totients)
+ 2 # Dedekind psi calculated two ways
+ 2 # Calculate J5 two different ways
+ 2 * $use64 # Jordan totient example
+ 1 + 2*scalar(keys %sigmak) + 3
+ scalar(keys %mangoldt)
+ scalar(keys %chebyshev1)
+ scalar(keys %chebyshev2)
+ scalar(@liouville_pos) + scalar(@liouville_neg);
ok(!eval { moebius(0); }, "moebius(0)");
my @moebius = map { moebius($_) } (1 .. scalar @moeb_vals);
is_deeply( \@moebius, \@moeb_vals, "moebius 1 .. " . scalar @moeb_vals );
while (my($n, $mertens) = each (%mertens)) {
my $M = 0;
$M += moebius($_) for (1 .. $n);
is( $M, $mertens, "sum(moebius(k) for k=1..$n) == $mertens" );
# Calculate using ranged moebius
$M = 0;
$M += $_ for moebius(1,$n);
is( $M, $mertens, "sum(moebius(1..$n) == $mertens" );
# Now with mertens function
is( mertens($n), $mertens, "mertens($n) == $mertens" );
while (my($n, $mertens) = each (%big_mertens)) {
is( mertens($n), $mertens, "mertens($n)" );
my @phi = map { euler_phi($_) } (0 .. $#A000010);
is_deeply( \@phi, \@A000010, "euler_phi 0 .. $#A000010" );
my @phi = euler_phi(0, $#A000010);
is_deeply( \@phi, \@A000010, "euler_phi with range: 0, $#A000010" );
while (my($n, $phi) = each (%totients)) {
is( euler_phi($n), $phi, "euler_phi($n) == $phi" );
is_deeply( [euler_phi(0,0)], [0], "euler_phi(0,0)" );
is_deeply( [euler_phi(1,0)], [], "euler_phi with end < start" );
is_deeply( [euler_phi(0,1)], [0,1], "euler_phi 0-1" );
is_deeply( [euler_phi(1,2)], [1,1], "euler_phi 1-2" );
is_deeply( [euler_phi(1,3)], [1,1,2], "euler_phi 1-3" );
is_deeply( [euler_phi(2,3)], [1,2], "euler_phi 2-3" );
is_deeply( [euler_phi(10,20)], [4,10,4,12,6,8,8,16,6,18,8], "euler_phi 10-20" );
is_deeply( [euler_phi(1513,1537)],
[qw/1408 756 800 756 1440 440 1260 576 936 760 1522 504 1200 648
1016 760 1380 384 1530 764 864 696 1224 512 1456/],
"euler_phi(1513,1537)" );
###### Jordan Totient
while (my($k, $tref) = each (%jordan_totients)) {
my @tlist = map { jordan_totient($k, $_) } 1 .. scalar @$tref;
is_deeply( \@tlist, $tref, "Jordan's Totient J_$k" );
my @psi_viaj;
my @psi_viamobius;
foreach my $n (1 .. scalar @A001615) {
push @psi_viaj, int(jordan_totient(2, $n) / jordan_totient(1, $n));
push @psi_viamobius, int($n * divisor_sum( $n, sub { moebius($_[0])**2 / $_[0] } ) + 0.5);
is_deeply( \@psi_viaj, \@A001615, "Dedekind psi(n) = J_2(n)/J_1(n)" );
is_deeply( \@psi_viamobius, \@A001615, "Dedekind psi(n) = divisor_sum(n, moebius(d)^2 / d)" );
my $J5 = $jordan_totients{5};
my @J5_jordan = map { jordan_totient(5, $_) } 1 .. scalar @$J5;
is_deeply( \@J5_jordan, $J5, "Jordan totient 5, using jordan_totient");
my @J5_moebius = map { my $n = $_; divisor_sum($n, sub { my $d=shift; $d**5 * moebius($n/$d); }) } 1 .. scalar @$J5;
is_deeply( \@J5_moebius, $J5, "Jordan totient 5, using divisor sum" );
if ($use64) {
is( jordan_totient(4, 12345), 22902026746060800, "J_4(12345)" );
# Apostal page 48, 17a.
is( divisor_sum( 12345, sub { jordan_totient(4,$_[0]) } ),
# was int(12345 ** 4), but Perl 5.8.2 gets it wrong.
"n=12345, k=4 : n**k = divisor_sum(n, jordan_totient(k, d))" );
###### Divisor sum
while (my($k, $sigmaref) = each (%sigmak)) {
my @slist;
foreach my $n (1 .. scalar @$sigmaref) {
push @slist, divisor_sum( $n, sub { int($_[0] ** $k) } );
is_deeply( \@slist, $sigmaref, "Sum of divisors to the ${k}th power: Sigma_$k" );
@slist = ();
foreach my $n (1 .. scalar @$sigmaref) {
push @slist, divisor_sum( $n, $k );
is_deeply( \@slist, $sigmaref, "Sigma_$k using integer instead of sub" );
# k=1 standard sum -- much faster
my @slist = map { divisor_sum($_) } 1 .. scalar @{$sigmak{1}};
is_deeply(\@slist, $sigmak{1}, "divisor_sum(n)");
# tau two ways
my $len = scalar @{$sigmak{0}};
my @slist1 = map { divisor_sum($_, sub {1}) } 1 .. $len;
my @slist2 = map { divisor_sum($_, 0 ) } 1 .. $len;
is_deeply( \@slist1, $sigmak{0}, "tau as divisor_sum(n, sub {1})" );
is_deeply( \@slist2, $sigmak{0}, "tau as divisor_sum(n, 0)" );
# tau_4 A007426
my @t;
foreach my $n (1 .. scalar @tau4) {
push @t, divisor_sum($n, sub { divisor_sum($_[0],sub { divisor_sum($_[0],0) }) });
is_deeply( \@t, \@tau4, "Tau4 (A007426), nested divisor sums" );
###### Exponential of von Mangoldt
while (my($n, $em) = each (%mangoldt)) {
is( exp_mangoldt($n), $em, "exp_mangoldt($n) == $em" );
###### first Chebyshev function
while (my($n, $c1) = each (%chebyshev1)) {
cmp_closeto( chebyshev_theta($n), $c1, 1e-9*abs($n), "chebyshev_theta($n)" );
###### second Chebyshev function
while (my($n, $c2) = each (%chebyshev2)) {
cmp_closeto( chebyshev_psi($n), $c2, 1e-9*abs($n), "chebyshev_psi($n)" );
###### Carmichael Lambda
my @lambda = map { carmichael_lambda($_) } (0 .. $#A002322);
is_deeply( \@lambda, \@A002322, "carmichael_lambda with range: 0, $#A000010" );
###### kronecker
foreach my $karg (@kroneckers) {
my($a, $n, $exp) = @$karg;
my $k = kronecker($a, $n);
is( $k, $exp, "kronecker($a, $n) = $exp" );
###### gcd
foreach my $garg (@gcds) {
my($aref, $exp) = @$garg;
my $gcd = gcd(@$aref);
is( $gcd, $exp, "gcd(".join(",",@$aref).") = $exp" );
###### lcm
foreach my $garg (@lcms) {
my($aref, $exp) = @$garg;
my $lcm = lcm(@$aref);
is( $lcm, $exp, "lcm(".join(",",@$aref).") = $exp" );
###### gcdext
foreach my $garg (@gcdexts) {
my($aref, $eref) = @$garg;
my($x,$y) = @$aref;
is_deeply( [gcdext($x,$y)], $eref, "gcdext($x,$y) = [@$eref]" );
###### chinese
foreach my $carg (@crts) {
my($aref, $exp) = @$carg;
my $crt = chinese(@$aref);
is( $crt, $exp, "crt(".join(",",map { "[@$_]" } @$aref).") = " . ((defined $exp) ? $exp : "<undef>") );
###### znorder
foreach my $moarg (@mult_orders) {
my ($a, $n, $exp) = @$moarg;
my $zn = znorder($a, $n);
is( $zn, $exp, "znorder($a, $n) = " . ((defined $exp) ? $exp : "<undef>") );
###### znprimroot
while (my($n, $root) = each (%primroots)) {
is( znprimroot($n), $root, "znprimroot($n) == " . ((defined $root) ? $root : "<undef>") );
is( znprimroot("-100000898"), 31, "znprimroot(\"-100000898\") == 31" );
# I don't think we should rely on this parsing correctly.
#is( znprimroot("+100000898"), 31, "znprimroot(\"+100000898\") == 31" );
###### znlog
foreach my $arg (@znlogs) {
my($aref, $exp) = @$arg;
my ($a, $g, $p) = @$aref;
my $k = znlog($a,$g,$p);
is( $k, $exp, "znlog($a,$g,$p) = " . ((defined $exp) ? $exp : "<undef>") );
###### liouville
foreach my $i (@liouville_pos) {
is( liouville($i), 1, "liouville($i) = 1" );
foreach my $i (@liouville_neg) {
is( liouville($i), -1, "liouville($i) = -1" );
###### Legendre phi
foreach my $r (@legendre_sums) {
my($x, $a, $exp) = @$r;
is( legendre_phi($x, $a), $exp, "legendre_phi($x,$a) = $exp" );
###### is_power
while (my($e, $vals) = each (%powers)) {
my @fail;
foreach my $val (@$vals) {
push @fail, $val unless is_power($val) == $e;
ok( @fail == 0, "is_power returns $e for " . join(",",@fail) );
###### valuation
foreach my $r (@valuations) {
my($n, $k, $exp) = @$r;
is( valuation($n, $k), $exp, "valuation($n,$k) = $exp" );
###### invmod
ok(!eval { invmod(undef,11); }, "invmod(undef,11)");
ok(!eval { invmod(11,undef); }, "invmod(11,undef)");
ok(!eval { invmod('nan',11); }, "invmod('nan',11)");
foreach my $r (@invmods) {
my($a, $n, $exp) = @$r;
is( invmod($a,$n), $exp, "invmod($a,$n) = ".((defined $exp)?$exp:"<undef>") );
###### vecsum
foreach my $r (@vecsums) {
my($exp, @vals) = @$r;
is( vecsum(@vals), $exp, "vecsum(@vals) = $exp" );
###### vecprod
foreach my $r (@vecprods) {
my($exp, @vals) = @$r;
is( vecprod(@vals), $exp, "vecprod(@vals) = $exp" );
for my $f (0 .. 50) {
push @fact, factorial($f);
push @prod, vecprod(1 .. $f);
is_deeply(\@prod, \@fact, "vecprod matches factorial for 0 .. 50");
###### vecmin
foreach my $r (@vecmins) {
if (@$r == 0) {
is(vecmin(), undef, "vecmin() = undef");
} else {
my($exp, @vals) = @$r;
is( vecmin(@vals), $exp, "vecmin(@vals) = $exp" );
###### vecmax
foreach my $r (@vecmaxs) {
if (@$r == 0) {
is(vecmax(), undef, "vecmax() = undef");
} else {
my($exp, @vals) = @$r;
is( vecmax(@vals), $exp, "vecmax(@vals) = $exp" );
###### binomial
foreach my $r (@binomials) {
my($n, $k, $exp) = @$r;
is( binomial($n,$k), $exp, "binomial($n,$k)) = $exp" );
is_deeply( [map { binomial(10, $_) } -15 .. 15],
[qw/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10 1 0 0 0 0 0/],
"binomial(10,n) for n in -15 .. 15" );
is_deeply( [map { binomial(-10, $_) } -15 .. 15],
[qw/-2002 715 -220 55 -10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -10 55 -220 715 -2002 5005 -11440 24310 -48620 92378 -167960 293930 -497420 817190 -1307504/],
"binomial(-10,n) for n in -15 .. 15" );
sub cmp_closeto {
my $got = shift;
my $expect = shift;
my $tolerance = shift;
my $message = shift;
cmp_ok( abs($got - $expect), '<=', $tolerance, $message );